Former JCoS Chief - Iraq War "Based on Lies"


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs: Iraq War "Based On a Series of Lies"Â￾

Washington's Blog
October 26, 2010

In his recently published memoir, "Without Hesitation: The Odyssey of an American Warrior,"Â￾ General Hugh Shelton, who served as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1997 to 2001, called the Iraq war "unnecessary"Â￾ and said that the Bush team went to war "based on a series of lies."Â￾

Shelton also said that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Deputy Secretary of State Paul Wolfowitz and other Pentagon officials pushed for war in Iraq "almost to the point of insubordination."Â￾

This is not some voice from the peanut gallery.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is â€" by law â€" the highest ranking military officer in the United States armed forces, and the principal military adviser to the President of the United States. The Chairman outranks all respective heads of each service branch, including the heads of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.

Thank you, General Shelton, for confirming what Seymour Hersh and many others have been saying since 2003.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Good morning DixieDestroyer,

Good points, but the fact of the matter is we've quietly gone beyond such things as "War." We're now in a phase of development of "PostWar"
I'll call it. We don't fight for anything but the bottom line anymore. There is no winning or losing with us. It's all about the bottom line/ contracts and inventory. I'm very sure our multi national corporations are funding and equipping our adversaries as well (just like they did in Vietmen/ in WW@ as well - Ford never severed links with IG Farbin during the war in the development of synthetic rubber). What good would it be if the people we're supposedly fighting couldn't put up a decent fight? After all, we have to have casualties to show Congress we need new gear to continue fighting.

Try Maj. General Smedley Butler's "War is a Racket" pamphlet. General Butler received two Medals of Honor, so he was no armchair Marine.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
"Thank you, General Shelton...."?

What is there to thank? If the Iraq war was based solely on lies and Bush and his inner circle new they were bold face lies, fabrications and misdirections and the sort, this "General" should have sounded the alarm and told the press. If he did he would have saved thousands of American White men(the majority of the combat arms in the armed services) and prevented the maiming of thousands more!

What would have been his consequence? Nothing. He had hit his terminal rank of a four star general and his retirement at that rank with his deserved pension and retirement package assured. He would be viewed as a man of integrity instead of someone trying to sell another in a series of countless books at the expense of the Bush Administration. Yawn.....times a thousand.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
Westside said:
"Thank you, General Shelton...."?

What is there to thank? If the Iraq war was based solely on lies and Bush and his inner circle new they were bold face lies, fabrications and misdirections and the sort, this "General" should have sounded the alarm and told the press. If he did he would have saved thousands of American White men(the majority of the combat arms in the armed services) and prevented the maiming of thousands more!

What would have been his consequence? Nothing. He had hit his terminal rank of a four star general and his retirement at that rank with his deserved pension and retirement package assured. He would be viewed as a man of integrity instead of someone trying to sell another in a series of countless books at the expense of the Bush Administration. Yawn.....times a thousand.
Excellent point. A true patriot would have been bold to tell the truth no matter how unpopular it would have been at the time.


Apr 6, 2007
Freethinker said:
Westside said:
"Thank you, General Shelton...."?

What is there to thank? If the Iraq war was based solely on lies and Bush and his inner circle new they were bold face lies, fabrications and misdirections and the sort, this "General" should have sounded the alarm and told the press. If he did he would have saved thousands of American White men(the majority of the combat arms in the armed services) and prevented the maiming of thousands more!

What would have been his consequence? Nothing. He had hit his terminal rank of a four star general and his retirement at that rank with his deserved pension and retirement package assured. He would be viewed as a man of integrity instead of someone trying to sell another in a series of countless books at the expense of the Bush Administration. Yawn.....times a thousand.
Excellent point. A true patriot would have been bold to tell the truth no matter how unpopular it would have been at the time.

All good points but with the exception of the site owner, Mr. Don, all of us on here are anonymous aren't we? How many of us actually SPEAK OUT in public about the items we discus here?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Menelik said:
Freethinker said:
Westside said:
"Thank you, General Shelton...."?

What is there to thank? If the Iraq war was based solely on lies and Bush and his inner circle new they were bold face lies, fabrications and misdirections and the sort, this "General" should have sounded the alarm and told the press. If he did he would have saved thousands of American White men(the majority of the combat arms in the armed services) and prevented the maiming of thousands more!

What would have been his consequence? Nothing. He had hit his terminal rank of a four star general and his retirement at that rank with his deserved pension and retirement package assured. He would be viewed as a man of integrity instead of someone trying to sell another in a series of countless books at the expense of the Bush Administration. Yawn.....times a thousand.
Excellent point. A true patriot would have been bold to tell the truth no matter how unpopular it would have been at the time.
<div>All good points but with the exception of the site owner, Mr. Don, all of us on here are anonymous aren't we? How many of us actually SPEAK OUT in public about the items we discus here?</div>

Good point Menelik. I would just add that just because we use anonymous screen names doesn't mean we don't speak out about these issues in public. I've brought up points made here in public places and settings countless times. I talk to people (some of whom I've just met or hardly know) about various aspects of the Caste System and anti-white discrimination on a regular basis. Even though I use the screen name Colonel_Reb here, there are a lot of people outside this site who know I'm connected to CF and that I support pro-White causes. I use the forums (not speaking of online forums here) that I have available to me to spread truth, which is about all I can do at this point. I suspect the same can be said of quite a number of posters here. I have met Jimmy Chitwood and know that he speaks out very regularly and articulately about these issues to people in public settings. I have met Dixie Destroyer and know he speaks out as well.


Apr 6, 2007
You're a good man Col. Reb.
What I'm mostly referring to is the suggestion that Shelton should have sacrificed his career. Regardless of how close he was to retirement you can't ask someone to sacrifice their livelihood unless you are leading the way for the cause.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I agree with you on that 100% Menelik. If you aren't willing to lead yourself, you have no business telling someone else what to do.

It sort of reminds me of these New Miss Conformist fans I've been trying to get to walk away from "their team." They say they will fight the administration for getting rid of Colonel Reb while still supporting the team. I tell them that if you hate what they are doing and want it to stop, the only way they *might* change their minds is if the money stops coming in and the stadium is empty every week. I told them that the team isn't "theirs," but really belongs to the administration. The team cares nothing about them as fans and the team has nothing in common with them. They are shooting their own feet in trying to support the football team and still oppose the administration for getting rid of their beloved traditions. In one way they are also appearing to be hypocrites in doing that. It makes no sense to keep feeding the hand that constantly slaps you in the face.

Now if I were to tell them all that and still support the school myself, I'd be a big time hypocrite. So I make sure people know that I haven't supported the school/team since 2003 when they got rid of the on-field Colonel Reb mascot and I woke completely up about what was going on there and around the country in regards to anti-white discrimination in sports. I enjoy talking to people about these issues in the hope that it wakes them up, but at the same time, I want people to know that I'm personally serious about it and not a hypocrite.

Edited by: Colonel_Reb