Fernando Tatis, Jr. Busted for PEDs...

Aug 26, 2011
Land of the Savages
All the hype from the media over this guy... and he's just another non-white cheater.


Padres superstar Fernando Tatis, Jr. received an 80-game suspension on Friday for violating Major League Baseball's Joint Drug Agreement. The Associated Press reports the 80-game suspension -- which is standard for a first offense -- is for the performance-enhancing drug Clostebol.
All the hype from the media over this guy... and he's just another non-white cheater.


Padres superstar Fernando Tatis, Jr. received an 80-game suspension on Friday for violating Major League Baseball's Joint Drug Agreement. The Associated Press reports the 80-game suspension -- which is standard for a first offense -- is for the performance-enhancing drug Clostebol.
Yep. And the usual suspects can’t make the excuse that these guys from the Caribbean are so poor that they’ll do whatever they have to to make a better life for their families. This guy is the son of a multimillionaire former player and likely grew up extremely pampered and privileged.
Yep. And the usual suspects can’t make the excuse that these guys from the Caribbean are so poor that they’ll do whatever they have to to make a better life for their families. This guy is the son of a multimillionaire former player and likely grew up extremely pampered and privileged.

His dad was happy to find a microphone, lol.

"This is a catastrophe what has taken place, not just for Jr., but for all of baseball. There are millions of fans who are gonna stop watching baseball now. It's a total disappointment for Dominican fans, fans throughout the world, for something so insignificant that wasn't worth it. It's a topical. What came out positive in Jr.'s body is something that doesn't give you strength, first of all, doesn't amplify your [weight-training] regimen, that's second, doesn't have any testosterone, that's third, doesn't contain absolutely anything that would give you an edge in the game. What has occurred is a catastrophe for baseball."
American Freedom News