Father beaten defending daughter


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
More and more of these situations are happening.This particular story was in Minnesota, but in the Milwaukee area every festival and community activity has been marred by feral gangs of Negroes desccending upon hapless white victims. The newspapers routinely call the attackers - youths.Duplicitous snakes in the grass!


Girl's butt grabbed, Dad stomped at ValleyFair

ValleyFair is a Minnesota amusement park. The other night, as a man and his wife and 12 year old daughter were leaving the park, two diversities began groping the daughter. When the father told them to knock it off, they called for their homies, and five more diversities came running to "get these bitches.", because 7 against 1 is diversity fun. They proceeded to beat the man to the ground, and then stomped on his head repeatedly, almost killing him. No mention of the victim's race, but since the people involved were a 12 year old girl with both a mother and father, it's very unlikely that he's a diversity. Of course, there's absolutely no mention of the attackers' race, either, but that's hardly necessary. As soon as you hear about a story like that, you know it was blacks. If there's any doubt, check out the names of 6 of the "suspects":

Terry Laron Arnold, 22
Derry Darnell Evans, 19
Darris Devon Evans, 20
Anthony Cornandance Gildersleeve, 20
Devondre Evans-Lewis, 18
Andrew Demarkis Shannon, 19</BLOCKQUOTE>


Nov 25, 2004
Last time I was at this very same Valleyfair (last year) two fat black ladies were fighting it out right inside the fair. This is Minnesota damn it. Shouldn't these negroes be the ones scared to walk to their cars - not us. Were all too kind and accepting. Of course, I have not heard of this beating in Minnesota news. I had to find it on castefootball. This would be national news if the races were reversed. These ******* thugs are now walking the streets. How do they post $60,000 bail? You know they don't have a dime to their name and you'll never get a dime out of them. Our justice system sucks.
Nov 8, 2006
When it was still only 2 against one he should have dropped the nearest Obama instead of trying to reason with it. Never waste time using words on an Obama, they simply lack the higher functions to comprehend anything other than violence and "grabbing sum white ass."

The bottom line is that it's the job of every White man to learn how to use a firearm and fight unarmed. Unless you live in Wisconsin (like me
) you can get concealed carry, which I'd strongly recommend when entering "diverse" areas. For martial arts I recommend any style that teaches kicks to vital areas (Muay Thai, Kyukoshinkai Karate, TKD, etc) combined with a style that teaches ground fighting and submissions (BJJ, SAMBO).

Obamas pray on the weak and outnumbered, but they're cowards in the face of anything that resembles a fair fight. Once you put one down, expect the others to show off their amazing 40 meter dash times, or at least back down long enough for you to make a quick exit.


Nov 25, 2004
Here's a video link below. The "youths" were only charged with third degree assault. No sexual assualt for groping the 12 year-old or child abuse charges. Notice that the assualt took place on July 4 and the first media report was announced on July 14 even in local areas.

see what they look like


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Thanks for the link, Kaptain Poop. They certainly look like the savages they are. I would love to see the story someday where a white crowd at a amusement park, shoppingmall, etc..turn on these thugs en masse and give them the beating of their lives when they see them starting up something like this.


Jul 30, 2005
As soon as I read the title of the thread I knew what the story was going to be.

These kinds of stories make me have bad thoughts.


Nov 25, 2004
The article also finally appeared in our local newspaper, the Rochester Post-Bulletin. It had well over 50 comments alll angry but none in bad taste. In typical Orwellian fashion the comments were all erased and disable. Our news media is not interested in free speech - imagine that. I saw one comment that was erased immediately for simply answering a previous comment on a discription of the suspects. The comment said the suspects were all black. Truth is not allowed.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Run Stuffing LB said:
When it was still only 2 against one he should have dropped the nearest Obama instead of trying to reason with it. Never waste time using words on an Obama, they simply lack the higher functions to comprehend anything other than violence and "grabbing sum white ass."

The bottom line is that it's the job of every White man to learn how to use a firearm and fight unarmed. Unless you live in Wisconsin (like me
) you can get concealed carry, which I'd strongly recommend when entering "diverse" areas. For martial arts I recommend any style that teaches kicks to vital areas (Muay Thai, Kyukoshinkai Karate, TKD, etc) combined with a style that teaches ground fighting and submissions (BJJ, SAMBO).

Obamas pray on the weak and outnumbered, but they're cowards in the face of anything that resembles a fair fight. Once you put one down, expect the others to show off their amazing 40 meter dash times, or at least back down long enough for you to make a quick exit.

Sage advise indeed. Krav Maga (although Israeli spawned is also effective for street defense). These animals love numbers & or weapons and are COWARDS without numbers or weapons. Without their posse or "gat", they show their true yellow nature. As a a father of 4, I was PO'd to read this, but also knew what type of "direction" the story would take. No suprise at the censorship from the controlled publication hacks. They can't allow the 1st Amendment to be exercised. We might need to be utilize our 2nd Amendment rights if this kinda crap keeps up!!!

RSLB, you're on the money about time to throw when it was just two of those savages. At 6'8, 300 lbs Purple Belt BJJ & 5 years of MTKB, I like my odds against 2 dudes pretty well. Not to be an internet hard@$$ here, but I'd damn sure not have any dialog if some woodpile put his greasy mitts on any of my kids...there'd be some immediate bloodshed & LifeFlight would soon b en-route! ***BTW - Note how even the newscaster stated "where was anyone else"? Society has been so wussified by the controlled "caste media" that they'll not even help their fellow white man.Edited by: DixieDestroyer