Exterminate Whites


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
C-Span covers Black Forum conference -calling for the extermination of whites. Listen to Kamau Kambon at about the 3:39.0 mark.

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Edited by: Bart
No chance. This isn't Haiti. We're not outnumbered 20 to 1 ,yet. Edited by: KG2422
I listened to that guy. He was making some sense until he said the goal of white society was to kill all blacks. When he said to exterminate all whites he lost his credibility with an all black audience. He went back to his seat as a lone psycho. His mistake is something we at Caste Football can learn from. If you come on too strong here you will end up looking worse in the end. By sticking to our basic arguments about discrimination and avoiding the racial jokes and insults we legitimize our existence and purpose to the uninitiated.
GWTJ said:
I listened to that guy. He was making some sense until he said the goal of white society was to kill all blacks. When he said to exterminate all whites he lost his credibility with an all black audience. He went back to his seat as a lone psycho.

Making sense?I unfortunately listened to the whole dang thing. What a bunchof imbeciles. I don't think he was viewed as a psycho. The tone of the program was very hostile towards whites.

Some of the statements of the speakers:

Government orchestrated Katrina to kill blacks.

New Orleans blacks sent to worse facilities than whites.

They were sent to Super Dome to die.

Electrical power and services restored to whites first, blacks sufferered for weeks without.

Whites had the REDNECK RED CROSS(actual words) help them, blacks were being shot at from helicoptors.

The Avian Flu is a trick to get blacks to take vaccines through needleswhich will inject them with micro-chips.

Blacks suffer from disease and have diabetes because of the stress living in a white world.

The government wants blacks to smoke and get cancer to profit off them in hospitals.

Doctors kill more people than diseases do.

One speaker claims to have built a log cabin home with his wife just to keep the white man from getting any money.
Some of those notions listed above are obviously false. I won't even bother to refute them, however...

One speaker claims to have built a log cabin home with his wife just to keep the white man from getting any money.

I bet he is going to be really mad when Grizzly Adams comes meandering by! Better be careful though, Grizzly Adams might sic his racist bear Ben on him! Then Ben would have a delicious meal of dark meat! LOL!!!!
GWTJ said:
By sticking to our basic arguments about discrimination and avoiding the racial jokes and insults we legitimize our existence and purpose to the uninitiated.

GWTJ: I'm sorry, but this is just too much for me to let pass. I agree that folks who seriously propose things like "Kill'em all and let God sort'em out" make us look bad, but if I can't even use some humour, humour which is rarely as mean-spirited as the kind used against us, what can I do, how free am I? If WHITES acted like minorities do in regards to racial humour, I'd tell them to lighten the hell up. I don't yearn after a panty-waisted society where the Whites get included in the kid-glove treatment, I like the opposite, rough and readieness where opinions can be expressed, ESPECIALLY if they contain a grain of truth.

Anyway, I think things ARE lightening up abit. I hate to admit it, but I love sick animated humour-like "Southpark" and "Drawn Together"-and I notice more and more EVERYBODY gets a bashing-even former "untouchables" like Blacks and Jews. This is progress in my book. Come to think of it, if a show like "Drawn Together" could have the utterly twisted humour it does on some subjects and NOT crack a tame joke about blacks and wellfare or something every once in awhile, how f'ped up would that be?
The guy WAS making sense. Most Americans believe the one and only way to do things is the American way. Well, that's not true. The speaker said his wife would not go to a hospital to give birth. Neither did my wife. Our first 2 children were born at a birthing center with midwives and our 3rd child was born at home with midwives. My wife objected to the rules of the hospital. They were very restrictive and downright arrogant in their approach to birth. There was a small movement in this country in the 80's and 90's against giving birth in a hopital. Since then hospitals have changed their policies 180 degrees. They now bend over backwards to accommadate the moms(not that they discovered a newfound love for moms, it was a business decision).

The speaker also said he and his wife were vegans and ate no dairy or meat products. An excellent idea for anyone looking to improve their health. It is also the best way to stay out of the spiders web that America calls the Medical profession/drug industry. The AMA is a scam, the American Cancer Society is a fraud and the Pharmacutical companies are criminal in their treatment of the human race. Drug companies will not rest until every man, woman and child is on medicaton.

He said they built their home in the woods away from society. Hasn't just about every filthy rich white corporate head or actor or banker done pretty much the same thing. The rich don't associate with grunts like us.

His beef is really with the Corporate structure, the banking cartels and big Government. Ironically, the white survivalists who train in compounds have the same beef as him. They worry about Marshall Law and the stripping of the 2nd amendment and other rights violations. Even more ironically, these are the same people we worry about. You know, the people who want to control the Internet and shut down a thought provoking site like this one. The mainstream media who conceal the truth and mold the minds of the population to fit their Communistic agenda.

So, while I do understand the speakers anger, it is a misguided anger and he will never get support from anyone due to the foolish position he has taken.
White_Savage said:
Anyway, I think things ARE lightening up abit. I hate to admit it, but I love sick animated humour-like "Southpark" and "Drawn Together"-and I notice more and more EVERYBODY gets a bashing-even former "untouchables" like Blacks and Jews. This is progress in my book.

I'm glad I'm not the only one! I usually feel pretty immature about my taste in television. Then again, I probably am.
South Park is one of my favorites. I love how Cartman ribs his Jewish arch enemy, Kyle. And the great part is that they're pretty much immune from the ubiquitous "anti-Semitic" accusation because one of the two creators is Jewish. But I do think they're soft on blacks. They don't really go after them quite as hard as others. I think I understand why. In their tame movie, Baseketball, Trey Parker's character idolizes Reggie Jackson (perhaps that mirrors a real life fascination with black athletes, who knows;) last season Kyle wanted to become black so that he could play basketball (apparently they didn't watch the Olympics;) and early on Chef was a Ladies Man who had sex with white women. So there's probably something there.

Conversely, they're ruthless with Asians.

Remember, the first bag of Jew-gold is a decoy, make them give you the real one...

BTW, watch "Drawn Together"? Once again, the character Foxxy Love perhaps does come out looking a shade better than the rest of the characters, but there's still plenty of jokes about wellfare, looting, abortion, and all that. And I think their parody of the-event-which-must-not-be-questioned that supposedly killed so many of those-who-must-not-be-criticized is somehow appropriate, from my POV, whatever the creators intent.
Kyle was told that Jews couldn't play basketball so he tried(well sorta did) to change his race and height. "Remember, the first bag of Jew-gold is a decoy, make them give you the real one" made me think of a recent South Park episode based on The Day After Tomorrow, the global warming film.
They should have told it like it is, and portrayed the coaches as anti-white, which encompasses white Jews in athletics. They portrayed the coaches as anti-semetic, but there is little anti-semitism in sports.Edited by: IceSpeed2
My eldest son loves South Park, which I had written off as another GenX crapfest, but after watching several episodes I have to say it is hilarious and stunningly even-handed. The global warming episode was a howler.

My son even has me watching Robot Chicken which can be pretty damn funny as well. Drawn Together, he tells me, is dull and overly sexual.Edited by: Bronk
Bronk said:
Drawn Together, he tells me, is dull and overly sexual.

"Overly sexual?" Hell, it's incredibly offensive to anything resembling good taste. But it DOES have a semi-accurate portrayal of a negro...where else will you find that?
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