Every one of the USA's wars were deliberately started by lies ...WW2

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
I agree the US shouldn't have gone to war in Europe in 1917, Iraq in 2003 and Libya in 2011. And I agree Roosevelt was a liar and a pawn of the Chosen Ones.

But in WW II the US had no choice after being attacked at Pearl Harbour in December 1941. To honor his treaty with Japan, Hitler declared war on the USA. This was a bad mistake - after all, in June 1941, the Japanese hadn't honored their agreement with Germany and declared war on the USSR.

Although he had some highly intelligent men around him, Hitler himself made some stupid, impulsive decisions. In 1939, Goring, who was a good man and innocent of the charges brought against him at Nuremberg, advised Hitler to not send troops into Poland because it would cause a war with France and Britain. But Adolf chose to not listen, and the rest is history.
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011

In short. FDR and his handlers and collaborators lined up all the "obsolete" battleships at Pearl Harbor, loaded up with sailors, while sending the "more important" aircraft carriers out to sea, and Admiral Kimmel, the commander of the Pearl Harbor fleet, whose code-breaking equipment and specialists had been removed from him, was kept in the dark as to the interesting fact that the Japanese fleet had disappeared from view but their code had been broken (these intercepted transmissions are still held in top secret by Washington) and their imminent attack on Pearl Harbor was being discussed between Roosevelt and Churchill (conversations intercepted by the Germans), and also the USA had secret frozen the Japanese assets and initiated a total embargo (cutting off oil from Japan - and Japan needed to import all its oil) plus secret ultimatums - all ensuring war - and all this was kept from the public and from Adm. Kiimmel in Hawaii, and Roosevelt had finished writing his famous Pearl Harbor speech the day before the attack, and Red Cross disaster relief emergency supplies were secretly sent to Hawaii in the days before the attack. Admiral Kimmel was deliberately given false information that the Japanese fleet was situated in the South China Sea.

FDR's main goal was war with Germany so he could save the Bolsheviks in the USSR. All his attempts to directly start a war with Germany had so far failed despite his best efforts, and despite his campaign promise to keep the USA out of any more European wars. He knew that Germany was sworn to declare war if their ally Japan did so.

Note: In July 1940 the British made a sneak attack on the French fleet which had left occupied France and was now neutral and which was lying peacefully at anchor in Algeria in North Africa. More French sailors were killed there than American sailors at Pearl Harbor.

The Washington DC regime again showed how much it cared about the lives of American sailors when the Israelis sneak attacked the USS Liberty.

"War is a racket - a money making racket." - General Smedley Butler, the most decorated Marine in US history.


Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
WW2 was the worst thing for America since Lincons war against freedom. Good stuff Warewolf!


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
WW2 was the worst thing for America since Lincons war against freedom. Good stuff Warewolf!

Thanks. The fratricidal wars and revolutions of the 18th, 19th, and especially the 20th, centuries gutted the white race of its best blood, and every single one of them was totally unecessary and cynically manufactured and manipulated by satanic wizards behind the screen. The white race was the unquestioned masters of the earth - and now we are in danger of extinction.



Nov 25, 2004
I agree the US shouldn't have gone to war in Europe in 1917, Iraq in 2003 and Libya in 2011. And I agree Roosevelt was a liar and a pawn of the Chosen Ones.

But in WW II the US had no choice after being attacked at Pearl Harbour in December 1941. To honor his treaty with Japan, Hitler declared war on the USA. This was a bad mistake - after all, in June 1941, the Japanese hadn't honored their agreement with Germany and declared war on the USSR.

Although he had some highly intelligent men around him, Hitler himself made some stupid, impulsive decisions. In 1939, Goring, who was a good man and innocent of the charges brought against him at Nuremberg, advised Hitler to not send troops into Poland because it would cause a war with France and Britain. But Adolf chose to not listen, and the rest is history.

Lets say Adolf never attacked anybody. Do you think World Jewry would have allowed a the white nationalist country of Germany to exist in peace? Our current wars of aggression prove that you don't have to provoke a country into attacking another country in order to justify attacking them. Adolf's mistake was probably not being aggressive enough soon enough.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011

March 1933 - World Jewry Declares War on Germany



May 18, 2012
In my world
Also let's not forget that USA is responsible and the one to blame (something most Americans in here don't even consider or know) for all the Arabic, North African and general Muslim illegal immigration in Greece, Italy, France, Spain and so on.
USA starts wars against Afghanistan, Iraq, soon Iran, only because this what the "chosen" ones command them to do and result of this is that all these political refugees and traitors of their local political system ending up coming in here......... Greece did not have more than 1,500 immigrants from Iraq and Afghanistan until 1999 and from 2002 to this day we have had 335,000 of these low creatures thanks to America and its "chosen" wars. Truth needs to be said. When I say that the governments of USA and England are the source of the bad, I am not just saying this because I have any beef or problem with Americans or English people, some people think I just speak to speak, but trust me I know my facts really GOOD.