Even New Hampshire

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
If this doesn't alert white Americans to the fact thatwe are deliberately and rapidly being phased out of "our" country, I don't know what will.
N.H. population will change dramatically by mid-century Whites will no longer be the majority
By Margo Sullivan
Staff writer

It may be difficult to believe today, but by the middle of the 21st century, Hispanics and other minority groups will become the majority in the Granite State, according to U.S. Census Bureau projections.
Farzana Alamgir, principal planner with the New Hampshire Office of Energy and Planning, said in a telephone interview yesterday that the change is part of a national trend.
Even though the state's population today is overwhelmingly made up of non-Hispanic whites, who outnumber other racial and ethnic groups by ratios ranging from 40-to-1 to 300-to-1, New Hampshire will mirror the national trend, and the demographic changes will happen.
"Yes, New Hampshire is very white today," Alamgir said.
But, she said, white birth rates are not keeping up with minority birth rates.
Whites are having two or fewer children, while other ethnic and racial groups are having four children on average, she said. Moreover, the numerical strength whites show today does not reflect the impending death rates.
Alamgir said the existing white population in New Hampshire is growing older. Based on the median age, which is now in the early 40s, planners can estimate these people have either already had children or are not going to have children, she said.
Alamgir said Southern New Hampshire, where more first- and second-generation immigrants are settling and raising families, will reflect the demographic changes more than other parts of the state.
The U.S. Census Bureau Thursday released its latest population projections, saying Americans will be older, more diverse and more populous by 2042.
According to the estimates, the U.S. population will rocket past the 400 million milestone in 2039. Three years later, minorities, which account for 35 percent of today's U.S. population, will become the majority.
By 2050, Hispanics, blacks, Asians and other groups will comprise 54 percent of the population. About 60 percent of the new majority will be children.
Nationwide, the Hispanic population is expected to triple by the middle of the century, Alamgir said, and this is the ethnic group which will grow most in New Hampshire as well.
One in every three Americans will be Hispanic by 2050, the Census Bureau is projecting. By comparison, the white population will grow only slightly, and its share of the nation's population will decline. Blacks will account for 15 percent of the nation's population, compared with 14 percent today. Asians and Pacific Islanders will increase from about 5 percent to 9 percent of the population.
According to state population charts, the white population in Rockingham County grew by more than 53 percent between 1980 and 2005, climbing by more than 100,000 people.
The black population increased by more than 100 percent over the same time period, but blacks were still grossly outnumbered by whites â€â€￾ 3,038 to 297,902.
Asian and Pacific Islanders also increased their presence in Rockingham County â€â€￾ growing from 772 to 5,168. Hispanics, who are not a race and are therefore already counted in with the white and other groups, are broken out separately for comparison, she said. Over the 25-year period, the Rockingham County Hispanic population increased from 1,226 to 5,377.
http://www.eagletribune.com/punewsnh/local_story_228204657.h tml?keyword=topstoryEdited by: Don Wassall


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Yep, Don and not only in the US but this is happening all over the world. Tons of blacks have flooded into France. Tons of Muslims into the UK. European births are not even keeping the white population of Europe steady. Whites are actually declining in numbers. Horrible.

Solomon Kane

Jul 3, 2006
I have a new hampshire friend, heavily involved in republican politics, who in '92 used to dismiss buchananite concern over massive hispanic immigration, as a "southwest problem." I told him it wouldn't be long before it reached his home state--which it has. This state was once the very symbol of white yankee conservatism. No more.


On a related note, I continue to be impressed by the total success of the language war against european peoples. Note in this article the generally accepted terms of a race discussion as used in modern american english.

1) "white" is lowercase. Always. European peoples have no identity nor are they important. whites do not deserve the capitalization that African-American warrants. Now Asian is capitalized as well.

2) "white" instead of "European-American". Done for several reasons.

A) The word is old and established, from a time when it was clear to everybody that "United States" and "white people" were synonyms. European-American would be redundant. But it won't be much longer. Soon, European-American will probably be necessary.

B) It reduces identity and importance. Euro Americans must be continuously reminded that they have no ethnic interests. They must be continously instructed to not realize that not only are they a minority globally, but they will soon be a minority in their own nation.

C) Allows the federal government and it's various agencies to pretend that mestizos as well as people from the middle east are white, too.

3) The new, artificial, and very stupid "Hispanic" category. The federal government admits that it has nothing to do with race, then continues to operate as if it did.

There really are very few Hispanics in the US. Probably less than 5 million. The modern american english definition of "Hispanic" has almost nothing to do with anything. A German who immigrates in from Germany goes into the "white" category, the same guy who comes in from Argentina is magically "Hispanic". A similar magical transformation occurs when the person in question is Nigerian. In from Nigeria? African. In from Venezuela? Hispanic!

It appears to be some kind of magical property applied to humans from Latin America. In an interesting twist, "Hispanic-ness" can be imbued both culturally - any human who moves to a nation south of Texas magically becomes "Hispanic" - and it can also be transferred genetically - a short fat brown american indian from central america is not only "Hispanic", but his great grandchildren, who are integrated third generation americans who long ago had any trace of Spanish culture forcibly destroyed from their lives, are still somehow magically "Hispanic", and any kids they have will be "Hispanic" as well.

The twist of course, is that "Anglo-Saxon-ness" can NEVER, EVER be transmitted culturally. In fact, no other "ethnic-groupy-ness" can be transmitted the way "Hispanic-ness" can be under the US federal government's completely silly rules. This is why, for instance, a black guy named Nigel Smith who only speaks English is NEVER white to the US government, but change his name to Juan Rodriguez and his language to Spanish, and not only does he become "Hispanic", but the kids he may have with any race of woman also magically become "Hispanic".

Due to this very confusing, stupid, and just plain incorrect use of the word "Hispanic", we can expect some very annoying disagreements in the future about who is who and who gets what when it comes to identity politics rules and handouts.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Good post, nevada. You've really been on target with your past few posts.


Perhaps the most important point here is to never use the words "hispanic" or "latino" unless you are talking about actual hispanics or latinos.

The language war has been a success if you think short fat brown guys are hispanic. There is no "latino invasion" happening right now. The US is being invaded by mestizos and american indians.

Again, it is exactly the same as if the media had convinced you that black guys named James Washington who speak English are, in fact, Anglo-Saxons. Or perhaps even more accurately, that the Cherokee and Navajo became Anglo-Saxons after getting conquered.


Aug 10, 2005
Exactly Nevada, I tried to teach that to my world history and government classes this past year. It took quite a while to sink in.Edited by: KG2422

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
KG2422 said:
Exactly Nevada, I tried to teach that to my world history and government classes this past year. It took quite a while to sink in.

You're gonna get fired, KG. You can't be teaching the truth. What's wrong with you?


Aug 10, 2005
White Shogun said:
KG2422 said:
Exactly Nevada, I tried to teach that to my world history and government classes this past year. It took quite a while to sink in.

You're gonna get fired, KG. You can't be teaching the truth. What's wrong with you?

At any other school I would have. The athletic director and I get along well and he stuck up for me a few times.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
The demographic shift has front paged the New York Times. Why do you think the powers that be permit this? Is it possible that even they are afraid of the rapidly changing populace?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Alpha Male said:
The demographic shift has front paged the New York Times. Why do you think the powers that be permit this? Is it possible that even they are afraid of the rapidly changing populace?

The people that are ruining New Hampshire are the upper middle class and upper class whites who fled from Massachusetts after putting the finishing touches on that state's Peoples Republic. New Hampshire until very recently not only had a negligble non-white population, it was the only state that had no state sales or income tax.

These are the same people who ruined California and are now migrating to Nevada, Utah, Oregon, Washington, Montana and Idaho. Even though it is massive white flight, they have learned nothing and will admit to no errors in their ways of thinking. Instead they will continue to destroy one state after another in the exact same way they destroyed the places they ended up leaving.

Their anti-white, anti-Christian and anti-heterosexual animus is too deeply engrained to ever change. It is their essence. If/when whites in America are forced by circumstances to regain their lost instincts and their common sense, the featured battle in the war for the soul of America will be white vs. white, not white vs. non-white.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
I wonder why -if the powers that be will admit no responsibility for demographic change - that they allowed the MSM to write about it? It isn't as if our politicians are esp. worried. They aren't enacting or mobilizing any effort to counter the racial change in America. Is it possible that by simply acknowledging the change, white America will yield? The thinking being that our leaders do care; their acknowledgement of it, even if they haven't stated any concern or countermeasures, is proof enough.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Most New York Times readers are like Bill Clinton -- they welcome whites becoming a minority in the U.S. When whites officially become a minority they will be thrilled, seeingit asan historic landmarkof progress.These are deracinated whites;many hate everything aboutwhites, they don't believe whites have the right to exist as a race.

As long as it doesn't affect them personally, as long as they can live in overwhelmingly white neighborhoods, often gated communities, and go to and from work and travel knowing there's only a tiny chance of being a crime victim, they're fine with it.

It may seem like a paradox but it's just the way they're wired. It's like Reese explaining to Sarah Connor just what she was up against in "Terminator" -- "there's no reasoning with it." Same thing with this large segment of whites (and many of them are not Jews although most Jewsare in agreement when it comes towhite non-Jews and are often in the forefront of the policies leading to white extinction). It seemsinexplicable but it is what it is.


Aug 10, 2005
There hasn't always been such a large segment of the white population that was deracinated. It has taken a systematic and gradual media campaign to accomplish this. Who has been behind this and what have their motivations been are the questions to ask.