EU Official in Trouble for (Also) Speaking Truth


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
...and then does an about-face & bows down to his juden ma$ters...

EU Official in Trouble for Remarks on Jews

By John W. Miller

Karel De Gucht, the European trade commissioner, has a penchant for saying what he's really thinking. As Belgian foreign minister, he ruffled feathers across the globe. He was notoriously tough on Belgium's former colony, the Congo, criticizing corruption and emphasizing that Belgium's aid contributions gave it "the moral authority to comment on issues affecting the country."Â￾ Congo subsequently banned Mr. De Gucht from visiting.

On Thursday, with the Middle East peace process in the news, Mr. De Gucht picked yet another fight. Jews, he told Belgian radio, have a "belief"Â￾ that they are "always right."Â￾ He described his frustration at debating the Middle East because "it is not easy even with a moderate Jew to have a conversation."Â￾

He continued: "Don't underestimate the power of the Jewish lobby in the capital. That is best organized lobby in the states. And they have an influence on politicians, Republicans and Democrats."Â￾

Dr. Moshe Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress, lambasted the commissioner. "What sort of environment allows such remarks to be made openly by a senior politician?"Â￾ he said. "This is part of a dangerous trend of incitement against Jews and Israel in Europe that needs to be stamped out immediately."Â￾

European Commission spokesman Olivier Bailly, pressed repeatedly on whether the commission disavows Mr. De Gucht's remarks, said only that the commission considers them "personal comments."Â￾

We will update if Mr. De Gucht clarifies his remarks later on today.

UPDATE: Mr. De Gucht issued a statement on Friday afternoon. It said: "I gave an interview yesterday to the Flemish radio. I was also asked about the Middle East peace talks. I gave my personal point of view. I regret that the comments that I made have been interpreted in a sense that I did not intend. I did not mean in any possible way to cause offense or stigmatize the Jewish Community. I want to make clear that anti-Semitism has no place in today's world and is fundamentally against our European values."Â￾


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Once again, truth is equated with jew bashing/cursing. It doesn't matter whether its a European government/politician or an American preacher, the truth takes a back seat to political correctness almost every time this issue is discussed. For anyone to deny the power of the jewish lobby they must be blind. The quickness with which "offenders" are "influenced" to retract or apologize for their statements is one of the best ways to tell how much power a group has. None seems more powerful than the jewish lobby.


Nov 23, 2006
Colonel_Reb said:
Once again, truth is equated with jew bashing/cursing. It doesn't matter whether its a European government/politician or an American preacher, the truth takes a back seat to political correctness almost every time this issue is discussed. For anyone to deny the power of the jewish lobby they must be blind. The quickness with which "offenders" are "influenced" to retract or apologize for their statements is one of the best ways to tell how much power a group has. None seems more powerful than the jewish lobby. 

It has been said you can tell who your true rulers are by who you are not allow to criticize!


Aug 27, 2008
Colonel_Reb said:
Once again, truth is equated with jew bashing/cursing. It doesn't matter whether its a European government/politician or an American preacher, the truth takes a back seat to political correctness almost every time this issue is discussed. For anyone to deny the power of the jewish lobby they must be blind. The quickness with which "offenders" are "influenced" to retract or apologize for their statements is one of the best ways to tell how much power a group has. None seems more powerful than the jewish lobby. 

GREAT post!!