ESPN/Gay Athletes

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Just got through watching the obvious one sided display by ESPN on gay athletes coming out and how they might be fired if they came out while playing and the ignorance of people who did not accept their lifestyle and gay marriage. All the gay current athletes on the panel wereblack and of course their were no current straight athletes on. Former NFL player and coach Herman Edwards and Former NHL Hockey player turned ESPNanalystBarry Melrose. ESPN sports commentator Jemel Hill also on the panel. All accepting of course the premise that it was ok with them that their teammate was gay, while being critical of anyone who might disagree with them, that they needed to educate themselves on the acceptance of gay marriage and that's how God created them.
Former NBA player Don Amaechi saying he may be fired if he would have come out. The last time I checked only straight people get fired or critisized for disagreeing with the gay lifestyle. As usual the two straight people on the panelEdwards and Melrose were obviously uncomfortable with the subject, for fear of saying the wrong thing and thus being firedby ESPN.I hope everyone on CF will contact ESPN as I did andtell themhowdispleased they were with the one sided discussion and the intolerance they showed toward straight people displayed on outside the lines. The last thing I want to see on ESPN is the whining of gay black athletes.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Amaechi is a homo-mulatto.. a bunch of homo/lesbo mulattoes out there.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
John Amechi reminds me of the Flintstones episode where Fred Flinstone was hit over the head with a bottle and became "Fredrick". I always found him amusing to the point of being a court jester type. But his statement of being fired for being gay is false. He would be fired for being mediocre and a distraction because he is gay. If he came out of the closet as a Jazz or a Magic the media frenzy about a career backup would have been too much for an old school coach like Sloan. If Kobe or Shaq came out of the closet nothing would have happened to them. Edited by: white is right

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Your right this is Don Ameche.....
He is the one that comes out of the limousine second...