Dungy's son found dead

ESPN The Magazine has some bad timing this week, featuring Tony Dungy on the front cover and going to press before the death of his son. But get this headline: "The Colts Are the Best Team in the NFL. Why Isn't Tony Dungy Getting the Credit?"

Yeah, that's it. Dungy doesn't get enough credit and recognition from the media. As I mentioned in an earlier post in this thread, the whole theme of media coverage when it comes to Dungy is that we're not just dealing with a wonderful head coach, we're talking about possibly the greatest human being alive, the NFL's living saint.

Tony Dungy not getting credit??? What happened to his son is a terrible tragedy for any parent to go through, but again we get Caste System media over-hype to an absurd degree. Can anyone remember ever reading or hearing anything critical about Tony Dungy from the corporate media? Anything?
Good point Don. I would expect with anymore media lathering on
Dungy his son may be entombed next to the Pope or at least Ma Teresa.
Don Wassall said:
ESPN The Magazine has some bad timing this week,

Timing! I was thinking about Dungy's son and how it was reported his death was due to natural causes, then changed to an apparent suicide. You would think with all the fame, money and celbrity status his family enjoyed, he would have been on top the world.Yet, he seemed to have an obsession with violence, gangs and drugs. Randy Moss, Ali and Malcolm X were his heroes, which explains a lot but still, something doesn't add up.

More often than not, suicidal people are depressed about their condition. They tend to be introverts, who blame themselves for the mess they've made of their lives. They feel, they are too fat, ugly, stupid, untalented, unloved, under appreciated and hopelessly mired in dreadful situations. I hate my life and myself, I will end this agony and opt out.

Now, the gang banger militant blames everyone else but himself for all his ills, believing he is super great but theman keeps him down. He is not to blame for his situation, so he he lashes out at those he feelsare resonsible for his plight. Thus we have the DC killers, Tookieand thugs who want to pop a cap in yo azz. .

I don't pretend to know what actually transpired but am merely thinking out loud. Another thing I find interesting is the timing. Dungy's Colts were undefeated until finally having the streak snapped by San Diego. It's one heck of a coincidence that Dungy's son died a couple days after.

Could the loss have anything to do with it? Was he on a high with the winning and crashed after the loss or...was the kid into gambling? I'm not claiming anything mind you, it's just that these thoughts are running through my head. Then again, maybe I've seen too many Columbo episodes.
I just heard Dungy's son will be lying in state at the Rotunda in Washington.
Look at the list of coaches who showed up. I knew Jack Del Rio was black after all these years. haha. Also I can't believe Romeo Crennel isn't there. He's the only black head coach not there I can think of.
Yeah my son runs around in Mangingo sex dance style yelling " Where da hood at" too.
Edited by: Renaissance Man
I still feel bad for Tony Dungy. But I had not heard of his son's racist web site prior to reading this web site.

If BIll Bellichek was in a similar situation with his son we would certainly hear of the "racist web site."
Just think, if the son of a seemingly very nice, mild-mannered guy like
Tony Dungy can have been in actuality an ignorant, whitey-hating,
gangster-wannabe, then what must the children of Herman Edwards or
Lovie Smith be like? I feel sorry for any parent going through a
tragedy like this, but no 18 year old would have this kind of
destructive mindset, eventually culminating in suicide, if he was
raised properly. Period. Which really makes you wonder even more about
black parenting in general. It's hard to imagine a better situation for
this child: parents together; extremely comfortable standard of living;
father apparently reasonable with decent language skills, etc. Yet, out
of this, there emerged an almost illiterate racist who was almost
indistinguishable from the pathetic residents of our worst inner
cities? Either this kid was completely ignored by his father, and not
taught anything at all by his mother, or Tony Dungy is a completely
different man behind the scenes.
Edited by: bigunreal
That website is total bullsh*t..Any bodycould have created that website to TRY and make the Dungy's look bad. I would not be surprised at all if it wasn't someone from this website..If there was a website like that by Dungy's son the media would have been all over it, no matter the race and you all know that's the truth-so let that go. Bigunreal, I would not bring up parenting of Black people. All those White kids who go into their schools with shot guns and kill erverybody, "Thrench coat mob" should we say that all white people are not parenting their children? NO, I child makes up their own mind. The parent's can do all they can but it is impossible to watch your kids 24/7. You have to pray that while not with you they uphold the standards that you have set for them.
Tank, you need to look up the percentage of black kids that grow-up fatherless and then look up crime statistics. It's incredibly biased of you to point out isolated crimes by whites and ignore the bulk-load of crime including murder committed by black youths.

The Dungy website has been mentioned in all the major news outlets. Most of the news outlets hid the anti-white racists theme of his website. Is it out of the question that a black youth would be racists against whites?? Hardly. Why do you find this so hard to believe?
" All those White kids who go into their schools with shot guns and
kill erverbody" What does this have to do white athletes
being discriminated againts? There may be other sites on the net
where you can foment hatred for other races but please try to stay on
track when visiting Caste FOOTBALL.
tank962 said:
That website is total bullsh*t..Any body could have created that website to TRY and make the Dungy's look bad.  I would not be surprised at all if it wasn't someone from this website..If there was a website like that by Dungy's son the media would have been all over it, no matter the race and you all know that's the truth-so let that go. 

Go here Dungy My space page

and see if anyone could fake all that and include pictures of him too. Face it, the kid was a anti-white bigot who supported the murder of white people merely because of their skin color. He was a loathesome piece of scum who is now rotting in hell and we are all the better for it!
1) Who is this Tank guy, and why is he on Castefootball?

2) The Dungy site on MySpace DID have all manner of gangster images and anti-white images throughout. Its a fact. His friends posted messages there, to him, lamenting his suicide, before it was taken down by MySpace admin.

3) I don't care how well parents raise their children, absentee or present 24/7, you CANNOT control what kind of person that child will become, nor what kind of activities in which they will participate. There are any number of examples all around you, if you pay attention, that shows this to be true. Kids in two parent, church-going families, with stay at home moms kill themselves and commit crimes, too. I'll grant you percentages are higher in homes with absentee parents, but it is NO guarantee. There are plenty of other coaches and athletes in professional sports with families who's children do NOT become involved in the gangster lifestyle and / or commit suicide. It is not axiomatic that poor parenting is the cause of criminal behavior.

I suspect that those of you who believe that poor parenting is the cause of all society's ills either do not yet have children of your own, or they are not of age to bring about their own ruin.
bigunreal said:
Just think, if the son of a seemingly very nice, mild-mannered guy like
Tony Dungy can have been in actuality an ignorant, whitey-hating,
gangster-wannabe, then what must the children of Herman Edwards or
Lovie Smith be like?

Lovie Smith has a white wife...
Bear-Arms said:
Lovie Smith has a white wife...

Which is all the more reason to suspect that he probably loathes white
people. After all, "Sir" Charles Barkely, one of the all-time greatest
racists in the athletic world, is also married to a white woman.
Since I brought up the subject of bad parenting, let me respond to
those who say that since we can't be with our children 24/7, we really
can't control what kind of adults they become. First of all, I have two
children, and my life completely revolves around them. I make mistakes,
but I'm always there for my children, and they know they are loved.
While there are rare exceptions, I firmly believe that if you give your
children the attention they crave and need, teach them right from
wrong, and let them know you love them on a consistent basis, then at
the very least, they will not harm themselves or others when they grow
up. Certainly, there are lots of kids from wealthy and middle-class
white families who turn out bad. However, if you look at those
families, you will find that the kids did not get a lot of attention,
and their behavior was not monitored properly nor corrected when
it needed to be. I feel deep sympathy for Tony Dungy, or any parent,
who experiences the kind of loss he has. However, I just don't think
that any kid who was raised properly would have that kind of intense
hatred, resulting in a suicide at age 18. I suspect Dungy's job kept
him from being as close to his son as he should have been, and that the
mother didn't exactly do a bang-up job of parenting herself. Of course,
all that any of us can do at this point is speculate.
All those White kids who go into their schools with shot guns and kill erverybody, "Thrench coat mob" should we say that all white people are not parenting their children?

Dylan Klebold was a jew.

Also I am tired of everytime I turn on Sports Center hearing about this black hate-Whitey kid. I actually hope the Colts don't make it to the Superbowl now because then that is all we will hear about is this black hate-Whitey kid. I hope that the Patriots make it in there again now and I applaud that they allow European-American Athletes to Score and make Big Plays like Vrabel. Edited by: Lord_Lugdreg
I think the torpedo has already hit the Colts ship, and they're sinking fast. I wouldn't be surprised now if they lose to the first team they meet in the playoffs.

I think Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, and definitely New England can all go to Indy and take them out.

It has nothing to do with the loss to the Seahawks last week, mostly played by Indy's backups.

I believe this because of the way the Chargers manhandled them the week before. Indy did not look good. Combined with James Dungy's death, the pressure of possibly facing the Patriots and Belichek in the playoffs = playoff disaster AGAIN.

You're right though. If Indy wins the Super Bowl now, everything Peyton Manning accomplished this year and last will be overshadowed by Tony Dungy and everything Tony went through, bringing the Colts to the Super Bowl. The only thing I wonder is, if the Colts do NOT make it to the Super Bowl, in the eyes of the media, will it be because Peyton Manning "choked" again or because of the distractions caused by James Dungy's apparent suicide?

Everyone is discussing how Tony Dungy's career and absenteeism may have affected or brought about James Dungy's suicide, but what about the fact that perhaps Dungy's screwed up home life has instead affected the Colts chance of winning a Super Bowl, which is a once in a life time opportunity for many athletes, something they've strived for their whole lives?

I am no longer enamored with the thought of the Colts winning the Super Bowl. I'd rather see Big Ben and the Steelers take it home.
Guests said:
That website is total bullsh*t..Any bodycould have
created that website to TRY and make the Dungy's look bad. I would not
be surprised at all if it wasn't someone from this website..If there
was a website like that by Dungy's son the media would have been all
over it, no matter the race and you all know that's the truth-so let
that go.
It was officially set up by james dungy but the media has
censored it because they don't want to give that racist a bad name.

Bigunreal, I would not bring up parenting of Black people.
All those White kids who go into their schools with shot guns and kill
erverybody, "Thrench coat mob"
The Trench Coat Mafia was made
up by a bunch of jews. ..

http://judicial-inc.biz/columbine_killers.htm Edited by: Deacon
bigunreal said:
Bear-Arms said:
Lovie Smith has a white wife...

Which is all the more reason to suspect that he probably loathes white
people. After all, "Sir" Charles Barkely, one of the all-time greatest
racists in the athletic world, is also married to a white woman.
Wasn't Lovie Smith the one who mocked his white running back by
saying he looked more like a football manager than a football player? I
forgot who it was directed to but i bet his white wife laughed her ass
On the halftime show, I saw a clip of Tony Dungy walking on the field with his son, Eric (?). First impressions weren't too good - Tony was smiling, waving to the crowd; his son? Walking behind, wearing sweats and corn rows, with slumped shoulders and a scowl on his face.

Could mean everything, or nothing.

TAMPA - James A. Dungy's girlfriend walked into his apartment Dec. 22 and found him hanging by a belt from the ceiling, a 911 tape released Wednesday revealed.

Antoinette Anderson told sheriff's deputies she returned to Dungy's Lutz apartment after a short walk and found her boyfriend apparently dead.

She cut him down and called 911, according to the tape.

Dungy, the 6-foot-7 son of former Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach Tony Dungy, apparently was found hanging from a ceiling fan, sheriff's spokeswoman Debbie Carter said Wednesday.
Dungy, the 6-foot-7 son of former Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach Tony Dungy, apparently was found hanging from a ceiling fan, sheriff's spokeswoman Debbie Carter said Wednesday.

wtf? Was that a heavy duty ceiling fan steel bolted to a rafter or something? Wouldn't a standard fan pull from the ceiling with that much weight on it?

I thought the initial reports said he was found shot.
And early reports said he died from natural causes.
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