Drug war terror spreads


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Just imagine how many of these people have crossed our border? Big sections of the Southwest are really nothing more than exxpanded colonies of Mexico. What will we resemble ten to twenty years from now, let alone fifty? Our leaders: We don't need no stinkin borfers or fences!

[url]http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/ article4636533.ece[/url]
<H1 =ing>Drug war terror spreads in Mexico as bodies are dumped in tourist areas</H1>

Eleven decapitated bodies have been found outside the city of Merida on the Yucatan peninsula, heightening fears that Mexico's recent descent into violence has reached even heavily protected tourist areas.

All the bodies showed signs of torture and were tattooed with star signs and the letter "Z", suggesting that they had fallen victim to the country's growing drug war, which has left more than 2,700 dead so far this year

Merida is a popular stop-off point for tourists on their way to visit the Mayan pyramids at Chichen Itza. On the other side of the Yucatan peninsula is Cancun, a Las Vegas-style holiday destination popular with US tourists; an hour or so farther south of Cancun is the resort town of Playa del Carmen, where many US hotel chains have built five-star properties. (snip)

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
This may sound like a doomsday scenario. But Narco terrorism could become as bad a Colombia. If the US DEA forces the Mexican government to confront these drug cartels the violence that has started could become the tip of the iceberg. The days of Mexico being a safe haven for the hippy pot smoker who wants to drift on a few thousand dollars are probably long over...

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The drug cartels are spreading into Arizona and Nevada. Here in Las Vegas, white people are upset about the immigration issue but they don't have a clue about the bigger picture. They are also scared to be forthright about the racial implications involved.

At least in Arizona the state government is going after the illegals and starting to put some fear into them. The state and local governments are the only hope we have and a lot more aware folks need to get involved in state and local politics because the fedgov wants this invasion and will do nothing of substance to stop it.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I know if you visit Vegas, many of the illegals also peddle narcotics. The guys handing out the handbills for strip clubs,massage parlors and escorts are also distributing narcotics. It's similar to termites if you see a few you have an infestation.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
white is right said:
The days of Mexico being a safe haven for the hippy pot smoker who wants to drift on a few thousand dollars are probably long over...

Those days have been loooong over, bro. Have you been to Tijuana lately? The streets are FILLED with hookers, pickpockets, murderers, thugs and scam-artists. You take your life in your hands in that country now-a-days just to risk partying for a few measly days. Not worth it.