Dreaming Caste Football.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
I think I'm becoming a Caste Football lifer. I am even dreaming about Caste Football! I thought fellow posters would love hearing about this very interesting dream that has many Caste Football connotations to it. I admit, I did add some of my own ideas to parts of the dream I did not remember, but the basic outline is from my dream. Lastly, is this situation simply a dream or could this exact situation happen?

My dream last night started when I became head coach of the Boston College mens basketball team. I was offered 1.5 million to be the coach despite only having assistant coaching experience at Gonzaga.

My first season as head coach I started a "white friendly" recruiting policy. Just over 60% of the players I pursued in recruiting were white. I immediately started taking heat from the liberal Boston Globe and overall Boston media as being "a pro-white" coach coming from a very white Gonzaga program. I defended myself, making statements to the media, by saying that blacks are only roughly 13% of the population. However, almost 40% of my recruitments are black. I stated that my goal was to make the program better and that I was taking the best athletes.

I had inherited the Boston College basketball program in a pathetic state. We weren't even expected by most of the sports media to even make the March Madness tournament in my first year. However, not only did we make the March Madness tournament in my first year as head coach we got an unexpected victory and advanced to the second round where our run unfortunately did end.

All the sudden the liberal "black power" media were off my back. However, as my second year as head coach started after I brought in my recruitments around half the basketball team was now white. However, only two of the starters were white; that being the PG and the center. Yet, the media started cynically commenting again how it seemed I was turning the Boston College basketball program into another "Duke." We finished with a good regular season record and advanced to the March Madness tournament as a 4th seed. In my second year as head coach we advanced to the sweet 16 where we lost to a better team. The program was absolutely getting better and the media seemed to be getting off my back again!

My third year as coach I had recruited a white "Chase Budinger clone" to be my starting SG. He was immediately, due to his elite talent, inserted into the starting lineup. The team had returned the "fundamentally sound" white starting PG who was now a sophomore and the starting white center who was now a junior and the black starting PF who was now a junior as well. My overall team was around 60% white.

The other top recruit that year was a black SF who was nearly as good as my "Chase Budinger clone" SG. So, the team had two freshman starters, one sophomore, and two juniors, yet it was my freshman players who were the true stars. With these two great wing player freshman, our team started playing well. Our style of play was somewhat like Arizona's was this year. Our program was clearly becoming one of the best in the nation. We advanced to the March Madness tournament as a third seed. We looked dominant early in the tournament.

Then we were on the doorstep of the final four. We had reached the elite eight. Our team looked good most of the elite eight game, but we collapsed at the end as the other team went on an end of game scoring run. The media was mostly off my back as most annalists thought the team was clearly going to make a challenge for the championship next year. The sports writers had commented that the tournament loss was probably due to the two star players being freshman. The white Chase Budinger clone star SG immediately stated his intention to return to Boston College. Then surprising many, at the last minute the black SF decided to come back as well.

The next season started with dominant play in the first 3 games by my BC team. Some reporters were already jumping the gun picking BC to be national champs. Then there was an unfortunate event right before the 4th game that was to be against Florida and it greatly rattled team chemistry. It was very bad timing as this game was being hyped as an exhibition championship preview. Florida was the other team annalists were picking to win the title.

The tragic event had been a vicious locker room altercation between our "seventh man" white sophomore SF with the black star starting sophomore SF. This was quite a disturbance as the black SF was clearly our second best player. He was the "Pippen" to the white star SG "Jordan." The black SF had had his nose broken by the backup seventh man white SF. No one but the two of the players knew who started the altercation, but it had ended with the black player badly hurt with a broken nose. ie. Tyler Hansborough.

There was a catch though. The starting black PF had been showering and had been an earshot witness hearing the white player yell "*****r" at the black star SF. When I attempted to be a mediator between the two players both claimed the other started the altercation. The black player had informed me of being called "n**ger" by the white player and his story was backed up by the black PF. I had met with both players separately and together and tried to work out their differences. The white player did finally admit to using the N word and I came to the conclusion that the best resolution was to temporarily suspend the backup white SF because he had used the forbidden N word and since the black player had been the one who came out with the serious injury in the fight.

I had decided that this was clearly the right decision and was going to stick to my guns. I was not going to ex-spell the white player without knowing who started the altercation. Word quickly got to the media about the "racist" white backup player who had broken the star players nose and called him a "n**ger." The media was outraged that this player was not immediately kicked off the team and most of the Boston media even called for him to be completely thrown out of Boston College and charged with a hate crime. The media was adding fuel to the fire.

Then the situation got worse, the star black SF stated that he would refuse to play for me as coach unless the white player was kicked off the team. Even stating that I was "a pro-white coach." The university quickly got behind the star black SF with the urging of the media. I met with the athletic program director and University President and defended my position. I told them that new information led me to believe it was the black SF who had started the fight. I also stated that throwing the white SF off the team or out of college was clearly showing black favoritism. Especially I said "since the white player had a 3.9 GPA and I believed the black player started the fight and that the white player had just gone "overboard" defending himself." I told the university president that I believed temporarily suspending the white player was the right move and that they should allow me some flexibility to govern my own team affairs. I informed the university that I would not coach unless they allowed me to try to resolve the issue between the two players.

I went to the media stating that "as a catholic institution Boston College is supposed to teach turning the other cheek and forgiveness and that it was my belief that the two players should be pushed toward forgiving each other." The black player was angry and went to the media again in response to my statements saying "he would not play for my team with the racist white player on the team." He also stated that I as coach "was favouring the white player" and " he only doubts my story because I am black" and that it was the "norm" for me to give special treatment to the whites on the team, which was flat out untrue.

The situation got worse when we were hammered by Florida with our team in a state of morale disarray with the star black SF sitting out injured. The next morning there was a troublesome article in the Boston Globe that stated: "The attack by the Boston College white player that broke the black stars nose, seems to be most definitely racially motivated. The N word was spewed from the culprits mouth. Now Boston College gets pounded by Florida. Boston College is now in a state of racial and morale disarray. All this evidence would indicate that coach Kenny has completely lost control and the faith of his team.

What made the situation even worse was that many in the black Boston community were calling for my firing for a "pro-white" agenda. Even after this, I still believed the situation was salvageable and after a second loss in a row, this time to a mediocre team I convinced the black player to go out to a restaurant for dinner with me "my treat" to discuss resolving the issue.

At dinner I told the black player that we would make sure he got a good mask to protect his broken nose and that he could still play at an elite level with the injury. I also told the black star that I believed suspending the white player was enough and that he should forgive him. I told him if he told me the truth about the fight he would not be suspended if "he would forgive and take back his distracting statements he made to the media." Finally, the black player admitted he had been mocking the white players athletic skills because "he didn't like him." He said when the white player shot back at him with his own strong insult, that it was him who was the one who threw the first punch. The white player hadn't used the N word until the situation had turned physical.

I was very relieved that the situation was finally resolved. The black player and me had decided to call the media in the next morning where he was going to admit to starting the fight. Both players were going to be available to the media and apologize for their respective offenses. I was also going to try to convince the Boston Globe to show a picture in the sports page of the two players involved in the altercation giving each other a forgiving hug. This was going to be a great omen to a hopeful National Championship season. I realized I was lucky to have resolved the situation that evening because with the media stirring up trouble and criticizing my handling of the situation and calling me a
"white favouritist coach" that I was on the hot seat.

I returned to my home from the restaurant happily ready to tell my wife about how good can come from a bad situation. However, first thing upon opening the front door my wife approached me sobbing her eyes out. I asked
"What's wrong?"
"You've been fired as Boston College head coach."
"What already? This is ridiculous."
I listened to the message on the answering machine. The director of the athletic program didn't even have the courtesy to fire me in person. The message stated.
"Coach Kenny; Boston College has decided to hire coach Norm Katz to be the new coach of the basketball team. Regrettably this decision is final. The locker room troubles and state of disarray of your team as well as your inability to properly discipline and handle the racist white player on your team was a major factor in the decision. Also a major factor is the fact that coach Katz has a longer tenure of head coaching experience with other universities. Boston College as an institution can not continue to be portrayed in the media in a negative light as it has been. We have decided to go in "a different direction" We wish you the best of luck. There is no need to meet in person."

I was irate. I was so mad I ranted to my wife for over two hours. I told her how the situation was going to come to an end tomorrow. She told me to get a hold of the black player involved in the altercation to explain the conversation we had had at dinner together to the Boston College athletic board and President.

I did get a hold of the black player a couple days latter in the afternoon and he told me he had actually just gotten his chance to explain the situation the way we had talked about it to the athletic director that very morning. He told me that the athletic director said this:

"Well, it's over and done with now, we have already hired coach Katz. We are strongly urging you to keep silent about your conversations with coach Kenny or there will be serious disciplinary action warranted, since everyone will now know that you were the instigator. The university wants to be continued to be held in high regard by the black community and your silence will help that."

I pleaded with him to go to the media and he said:
"with an NBA career almost a sure thing next year, I can not risk that dream going down the tube do to scandal. I have a family to feed and it isn't like the college will hire you back anyway for exposing them."

I pleaded with him and finally got him to promise that he would go to the media about it after he was given his "sure to be lucrative NBA contract." At least I could find a little solace in the situation.

Well, I watched Boston College underachieve under coach Katz and only earn a 5th seed in the March madness tournament. I felt like an ******* because secretly I was greatly enjoying it each time Boston College lost. I was that angry with the university. Then surprisingly they were upset by the 12th seed that then went on to become the Cinderella story of the tournament and I was loving it!

When the black SF made it to the NBA, he did not renig on his promise to go to the media with the truth. So at least I was left with a little respect for him. However, the Boston Globe buried the story in the back of the sports section. It was apparently "Old News."

I brought legal action against the university and the Boston Globe for their treatment and slander of me respectively, but unfortunately lost the case with a very "diverse" jury deliberating. I'm not sure if it had anything to do with the "diverse" jury, maybe it had more to do with how powerful Boston College and the Boston Globe are, or how much "proof" of discrimination you need to receive "reparations" from any powerful companies. Especially when you are a white man, let alone a coach, which is a job where you are always on thin ice. Or maybe it had to do with my limited funds to get a good lawyer having not received any offers to this date for a new coaching job.

Still, I see things different now, especially race relation issues. I moved to Utah, b/c I am a bitter man and wanted to live in a more homogeneous society. Well, at least I have the cutout from the back of the Boston Globe sports section of the "true story" hanging at the foot of me and my wife's master bedroom bed! Every morning, the first thing I do after pulling myself out of bed is look at it and take a deep breath. This gives me a little optimism to start a new day. What do I do now? you may ask. I am the basketball scout for BYU, and the team is 70% white and 20% black. Ironically, I was accused by one Mormon reverend from the school for being a "Pro black scout."
Wow, is Utah different!

Please be advised, "that this was a dream and that all details of this story are fictional and are not necessarily the views of the dreamer."
"Please also be advised that Boston College was randomly selected by the dreamer, in his subconscious state, and in no way should be viewed as an unfair "black supremacist" university.

P.S: Please be advised though, that the dreamer in no way will take back his statements even now being in a conscious state that
1) The Boston Globe is "a biased liberal paper." And
2) That since the state of Massachusetts continues to elect a drunk driving "manslaugterist" named Ted Kennedy who is somewhere left of Castro, that it should be called "The Peoples Repuplic of Massachusetts!"
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Thats some dream there Tough! I have had a couple of caste related dreams before, but nothing like that. I liked the part where you moved out here and were viewed as pro-black. Your BYU teams would have 3 blacks on it, instead of 1 as they have now. Actually, depending on BYUs recruiting this year, they may not have a black player next year, but I bet they get a token from somewhere.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
But if BYU can't get a black player, I'm sure they can get at least one Polynesian. But as Jerry Seinfeld says "not that there's anything wrong with that!"
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Strangely enough, as much as they recruit Polynesians for football, they don't for basketball. They do recruit in South America and Europe though. They havetwo players fromBrazil on the team right now, and one Serbian.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Interesting, I like their basketball program. I've been disappointed in their football of late though (they seem to show an overt favouritism toward any dark complexion RB, if they can't get blacks then they go for Samoans etc., we need their football team to recruit another Luke Staley at RB.)

And Colonel, I changed the third from last paragraph b/c I didn't want to seem anti-Utah by any stretch. If I were to move to the U.S, Utah would be my top choice of a state. I like the conservative ways of the Mormons, not to mention the great powder skiing! You can forget Jersey, I tell my cousins they are nuts not to leave that state. Jersey is the Pits! One thing about Mormons though, how do they live w/o alcohol? Maybe I have an alcohol problem? Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
A lot of people live without alcohol, including this Southern Baptist.
By the way, I like their overall conservatism too. Not that it is truly Conservative though. Utah's motto has been "the greatest snow on earth." It is really cool to go up into the mountains in the winter and spring.


One thing I would like would be that we wouldn't even have to decide a "Natural balance" of recruiting, where we don't even have to notice skin color to decide who is the better player. Sadly, that is not the case, hence the reason we have this site. But I really like seeing teams with actual diversity, with a 4-1 or 3-2 starting white style. I definatly do not like an all-white or all-black starting line-up (go on, call me anti-white, but I do not like it), but hopefully one day we can have the actual best 10 on the court, instead of the best 10 that we think are the best because of their skin color


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Well, in the rare case that you see an all white lineup at a major college these days, I guarantee you that it is because they are the best 5, not because they are white.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
And even at Brigham Young the 5 whites would have to be a noticeable amount better and be continuously consistent or any Diversity gurus would be screaming to have at least one minority crack the starting lineup.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Spotle1, I agree that we need different ethnicities in college ball and the NBA. I am very excited about the new Chinese NBA prospect Yi Jianlian at PF. Having many different nationalities in the NBA increases it's global appeal and fan base.

I just have a problem how they opened All Star voting in China, but not in Europe. When whites are too fair we get screwed. Nowitzki should have absolutely been an all-star starter this year and obviously Nash, but virtually no blacks voted for them because of their cohesiveness. I too want colorblindness and the best to play. Having Polynesians on the BYU football team is fine, I just have a problem with them having exclusivity at RB despite being greatly outnumbered by the pool of whites to choose from.


Aug 16, 2006
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Interesting, I like their basketball program. I've been disappointed in their football of late though (they seem to show an overt favouritism toward any dark complexion RB, if they can't get blacks then they go for Samoans etc., we need their football team to recruit another Luke Staley at RB.)
Ask and you shall receive: JJ Di Luigi, the only RB that BYU has recruited thus far this year.
http://rivals100.rivals.com/viewprospect.asp?Sport=1&pr_key= 54621
If you go to www.vootage.com (accounts are quick and free to setup), choose "Canyon" from the School/Event drop down menu and you can watch Di Luigi play in four different archived games. The site lists all the drive summaries and if you click on a line in the summary, the video jumps to that spot in the game, it's pretty neat.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
I guess I forgot Di Luigi is white b/c he is a dark Sicilian.
I was looking at pictures recently on scout.com and saw his, but forgot about him. We don't need to over nitpick though. Nonetheless J.J is a RB to cheer for.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
ToughJ.Riggins said:
You can forget Jersey, I tell my cousins they are nuts not to leave that state. Jersey is the Pits!

Hey. Watch your mouth with all that smack-talk about my "home 'hood". loll/jk. I know, it sucks here.