Dream Act: Obama passes amnesty by executive order


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Nevermind, appears to be an internet hoax, got it from a friend and thought it was real. oops.
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Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
Technically the federal government has already "passed" amnesty by inaction and refusal to properly enforce the border.

They only thing they are not currently getting is the votes (well, maybe), but the two-party system still gets all the votes it wants anyway so why rush to legalize the serfs.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
California version of this traitorous crap...

Brown signs California Dream Act

New law covers private funding; governor signals he may also favor expanding public Cal Grants eligibility.

By Maeve Reston, Los Angeles Times July 26, 2011

Following through on a campaign promise, Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law Monday easing access to privately funded financial aid for undocumented college students. He also signaled that he was likely to back a more controversial measure allowing those students to seek state-funded tuition aid in the future.

Assemblyman Gil Cedillo (D-Los Angeles), author of the private financial aid measure, described it as an important but incremental step toward expanding opportunities for deserving students who were brought to the U.S. illegally through no choice of their own. Cedillo is pressing ahead with a more expansive measure that would make certain undocumented students eligible for the state's Cal Grants and other forms of state tuition aid.

Brown said he was "positively inclined" to back that bill but would not make a decision until it crosses his desk.

"I'm committed to expanding opportunity wherever I can find it, and certainly these kinds of bills promote a goal of a more inclusive California and a more educated California," Brown told reporters after the bill-signing ceremony Monday.

For Brown, signing Cedillo's bill was a gesture of goodwill toward Latino voters, who helped elect him in large numbers last fall. Legislation providing education funding to undocumented students has been a top priority for many Latino groups, which have found many of their efforts thwarted so far at the federal level. Last year proponents failed to marshal enough votes in the U.S. Senate to ensure passage of the federal DREAM Act, which would have created a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. before age 16 if they attended a college or served in the military.

Brown's position on the California Dream Act was being closely monitored after he angered some prominent Latino leaders by vetoing a bill last month that would have made it easier for farmworkers to organize. Though Brown noted in his veto message that he signed legislation helping farm workers unionize during his first stint as governor in the mid-1970s, his veto was sharply criticized by the United Farm Workers, which counted the bill among their top priorities.

But several analysts who study Latino politics said the California Dream Act was far more important symbolically to many in the Latino community. Fernando Guerra, director of the Center for the Study of Los Angeles at Loyola Marymount University, said the bill was viewed by many as a measure of social acceptance of Latinos because it would increase opportunity for the best and brightest among the undocumented.

The California Dream Act has drawn strong support across the Latino community, said Jaime A. Regalado, director of the Pat Brown Institute of Public Affairs.

"If [Brown] was looking at the balance sheet, understanding politically that he needed to sign one of these measures, it was not going to be competitive," Regalado said. "It's seen as a civil rights issue in the Latino community, especially for youth. The farmworkers' struggle is not necessarily seen as what it once was. This is an issue of the now, an issue of the moment, part of the Latino agenda and part of the future."

But opponents of the legislation say it will diminish opportunities for U.S. students.

"Obviously it falls into a different realm when the money is coming out of private pockets than it does when it's coming out of taxpayers' pockets," said Ira Mehlman, a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a group that advocates halting illegal immigration, "but nevertheless, foundations and other institutions that get tax exemptions should not be promoting policies that encourage people to remain illegally in the United States."

During a signing ceremony at Los Angeles City College, Brown largely brushed over the thorny politics of illegal immigration and sought to frame the legislation as part of the struggle to maintain education funding during California's budget crisis.

"The debate is very clear: shrivel public service, shrink back, retrench, retreat from higher education, from schools, from the investment in people; or make the investment," Brown said. "This is one piece of a very important mosaic, which is a California that works for everyone."

Brown used the issue last year against his Republican opponent, Meg Whitman, during a Fresno debate.

After an undocumented student had asked the candidates to explain their position on such legislation, Brown said that he backed the proposal and that Whitman wanted to kick undocumented students out of college, adding "that is wrong morally and humanly."



Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Last night I got into a heated discussion with a high school friend of mine. She is a great person, hard working and a RN. Unfortuneatly she is a drone for BO and the democratic party.

I explained to her what this dispecitable act affects her teenage children. He could not give me a coherent response, on how it is fair for illegal children of illegal aliens to recieve "in state" tution while her children if they lived in another state, other than CA would have to pay higher tution!!! She could not answer me and hung up on me.

This friend of mine is 1/4 black, but obviously looks white and works hard. But nevertheless a drone for the democratic party. Hispanics I believe for the most part value hard work and getting a higher education. This concept has become foreign to negros. Funny, the black drones who support these nonsensical policies of the democratic party will suffer because of them in the end. But at the same time hispanics are becoming more and more like negros, blame whitey and expect something for nothing.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007