Doug Adler suing ESPN after being fired for using the word "guerrilla"

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Tennis commentator Doug Adler to sue ESPN after being sacked over Venus Williams 'guerrilla' comments

Former player Doug Adler was suspended and later sacked by ESPN when he appeared to call five-time Grand Slam winner Williams a “gorilla”. Adler rejects the claim, and says that he was liking the American to playing “like a guerrilla”.

Adler was suspended by the broadcasters after facing allegations of racism from viewers, but ESPN later decided to sack him. The American commentator apologised to Williams, but insisted that he said "Venus moved in and put the guerrilla effect on."

Adler’s lawyer claims that the term “guerrilla tennis” is commonly used in the sport, and cited the advert that featured both Andre Agassi and Pete Sampras which coined the term.
I was unaware of this story but one has to travel outside reality to suggest that Adler used the word Gorilla when describing Venus Williams. He in fact was saying "guerilla effect" which of course is not offensive. ESPN caved into twitter trolls and since the firing and being wrongfully branded as a racist Adler suffered a heart attack. This is a sad and ugly story.
There is more. If someone can link up Chris Beck's article found on splice today much appreciated. Shockingly the Adler comment went viral when a New York Times tennis writer Ben Rothenberg claimed Adler was being racist by saying "gorilla". Then after the internet hanging mob grew momentum ESPN forced Adler to apologize for something he did not say. In his apology he reiterated he used the term guerilla not gorilla but that didn't matter to ESPN as they summarily canned him. Extra shocking is a New York Tennis writer would be so reckless in his false accusations. I don't think any American newspaper covers tennis as well or in such depth as The New York Times so this story is bewildering. Rothenberg is the one who should be fired not Adler. Adler should go after Rothenberg for slander and I am not a lawyer but I think ESPN is going to lose this case. Shameful. And where is Venus in all this? It seems up to this point she is going along with this lie and showing no back bone.
Update on the Doug Adler case. It is headed to a California court. And New York Times tennis writer Ben Rothenberg is noted as starting the twitter hate parade after his nasty and careless accusations against Adler. ESPN knows damn well what Adler was saying but caved in to public pressure and fired him over false pretenses. This new idea of prosecuting people with the "perceived racism " tag is a crime against humanity and the surrounding controversy caused this poor soul Adler to have a heart attack. I think ESPN realizes they will lose so they are low balling the settlement. I say Adler should clean their filthy clocks. Martina Navratilova that miserable witch piled on against Adler. To me one of the worst crimes in humanity is to falsely accuse someone of a wrongdoing. The New York Times, ESPN and that bull dyke should all be ashamed of themselves.
It is nice to know that an innocent hero has emerged victorious in this day and age of rage and ruin. Doug Adler rightfully won his court case against ESPN. Very nice write up by a longtime sports columnist for the New York Post is below. It will put a smile on your face.

The author, Phil Mushnik, correctly points out how ESPN silently had to admit their wrongdoing. They weren't so damn silent when they wrongfully ruined a good man's life were they?

And the other thing is unfortunately if white tennis players stood up to ESPN at the time they would have been labeled as having racist tendencies too. In this day and age I can appreciate their reluctance. But what is Venus Williams' excuse? Portrayed by the media as a goody two shoes she had the humane responsibility of defending innocent Adler yet she just let the poor man boil to death.

How sweet is Venus anyway? A while back she crashed into a car which resulted in a death of elderly man.

Add it all up and what we have is the lack of personal responsibility and a sort of immoral couldn't care less attitude.

And that pecker tennis writer from the New York Times Rothenberg is still gainfully employed. He should never be allowed to work for a newspaper again after spreading such a filthy lie. And the rest of the pile on race baiting sniveling characters like Navratilova, one of my least favorite athletes of all time.
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Great for Adler, but I would have demanded a public apology from BSPN as part of the settlement. What they did to him was outrageous and his win needs to be spread far and wide, emboldening others as we are seeing now with some competent plaintiffs suing the SPLC and its longstanding racket.

Adler was treated the same way as happens with so many "hate crime" hoaxes -- much initial uproar followed by silence or near-silence when the hoax is exposed. If we had an honest press in this country instead of it being the propaganda arm of the anti-White, cultural communist establishment, every alleged hate crime would be treated with great skepticism until conclusively proven to have happened the way the victim claims.
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