DNC’s "Gay" Debates


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The DNC once again shows the depths of their immorality and depravity by pandering to the (Globalist funded) Pink/Velvet Mafia...

Presidential Candidates In First Ever Gay Debate

by 365Gay.com Newscenter Staff

Posted: July 10, 2007 - 1:00 pm ET

(Los Angeles, California) For the first time the leading candidates for the presidency will hold a televised debate devoted solely to LGBT issues.

The one-hour event will be held on August 9 and broadcast on gay network LOGO at 9:00 pm ET (6:00 pm ET) and through live streaming video at LOGOonline.com.

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards have confirmed they will participate. Several other Democratic candidates also may join the debate.

The debate will be conducted with a live audience in Los Angeles. On the panel questioning the two Democrats will be Human Rights Campaign president Joe Solmonese and singer Melissa Etheridge.

The debate was put together by LOGO and HRC.

"In the 2008 presidential election, issues of concern to the LGBT community have already been at the forefront of the national conversation," said Solmonese.

"From the repeal of "Don't ask, Don't Tell" to the recent signing of a civil unions bill in New Hampshire, there is no doubt that voters will demand answers to important questions affecting our community."

The panelists in a statement said they plan to cover a range of issues including relationship recognition, marriage equality, workplace fairness, the military, hate crimes, HIV/AIDS and other important issues.

The LGBT vote is considered a decisive electoral force and according to exit poll data make up approximately 4 percent of the voting population.

Los Angeles was chosen as the site for the event because of the state's early primary election, on February 5th, 2008.

"We're honored to give the presidential candidates an historic opportunity to share their views directly with the LGBT audience," Brian Graden, President, Entertainment, MTV Networks Music Group, and President, LOGO said in a statement.

"This forum continues MTV Networks' tradition of engaging vital niche audiences with voting and the electoral process."

In addition to questioning by Solmonese and Etheridge people will be able to pose their own questions through LOGOonline.com and HRC.org.

LOGO is the owner of 365Gay.com.

***Reference article...



Nov 26, 2004
Funny how Dems chase small constituencies; male homosexuals (2% of total male population), female homosexuals (1% of total female population), Hispanics (5% of total possible votes, but only 3 to 4% of total votes cast), and Jews (3% of total population), and this is not taking into account overlap between the four groups.

If Ken Mehlman was still RNC head the Repubs might have had THEIR LGBT debate before the Dems. Maybe the next prez election cycle. We can only hope.

Born again/Evangelical Christians are now 47% of the electorate. This is different from being nominally Christian, which is even higher. You could win a lot of elections starting out with a 'mere' 47%. And that percentage increases at a faster rate than the growth of the precious Hispanic vote.

Using exit poll data to estimate the LGBT vote at 4% is suspect. 'Hello', says the stranger with a clipboard, 'Are you a homosexual or some sort of trannie? Did you just vote? Who did you vote for?'

Exit polling is the same method which 'proved' GWB received 44% of the Hispanic vote in the last prez election. The actual percentage, later established by matching census tract data to election results by precinct, was 34%.

Question for all the candidates: Why do so many African-American males go on the down low and as a result infect their wives and girlfriends with the HIV virus to such an extent African-American women are now the largest AIDS population? Would you support a joint CDC and WHO campaign to encourage responsible sexual behavior among African-American males and African-Americans in general? Or do you believe moral suasion has no discernible effect upon African-Americans?


Dec 15, 2005
LGBT sounds like a sandwich. How moronic will these labels and political groups for bizarre behavior get?