Diversity in White Countries only??


Nov 23, 2008
Fellows, I like to dropped the bomb on this issue once and for all: If people (dumb liberals) are calling for racial and religious diversity, why only in WHITE MAJORITY countries (USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand)?????

This is NOT an issue though in countries like Mexico, CHINA, INDIA, the Middle East, rest of Asia, AFRICA, and Latin America (including Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica, Uruguay, and Puerto Rico).

Why only in White Majority countries? Is it BAD to have a White-dominated population? Why?

China will always be Chinese, India will always be Indian, so is Japan, Korea, the Middle East and especially AFRICA. It's seems okay for people (dumb liberals) to have an Asian-dominated population, a Black-dominated population, or even a Muslim-dominated population.

But NOT a White and Christian-dominated population????? JESUS CHRIST!!!!!

I believe in diversity also, but please, White people deserve to have a Majority population in this world, it's not racist, it's the right LIVE and EXIST.

Edited by: j41181
Oct 24, 2005
Welcome. Now you understand the issues.
Until then I will work tirelessly to have a blackman elected ruler of China and an hispanic woman to be the leader of India, and a transvite to be the leader of an african nation- I haven't decided which one.
Diversity, not just for white people anymore.


Feb 15, 2008
Greed and false guilt are the two main culprits which I don't see going away anytime soon so until then the survival of the white race depends on two factors which is all out race war or scorching this planet.
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
The scum that dictate how Western nations operate think that importing third-world, non-majority peoples into their respective countries somehow "enriches" the landscape. Oh yes; the riots in Paris by the non-White minority really enriched that city with a lot of crime and unrest. Ah; the rapes that are taking place in Sweden by Middle Eastern and other non-White groups really characterizes the strength of diversity. The attacks on Whites in England by Asians, Blacks and other non-White groups definitely keeps the spirit of "Rule Brittania" alive! To these scumbags, visual quotas mean more to them than anything else. You can have a generally White country under siege with daily murders, assaults and looting by non-Whites, but all one has to do is look at the people doing these things. Non-White; get a free pass and it's "white racism" that is the reason behind these things. In America, any chance that a South African or Rhodesian family can get for asylum or immigrant status is rejected. The reason? They're of the wrong race. In America's eyes, White does not "enrich" a nation. Only non-Whites can do such a thing. For a country that seems so hell-bent on fulfilling Phony #1 Michael King, Jr.'s idea that people should be judged on their merit and not their skin color , they are definitely not living up to his "dream". Of course not; race trumps everything. Think the White feminazis are going to come around after the demise of Hillary and Caroline? Of course not; non-White males are harmless to them, so even though they may get ticked off that a sister didn't get the prize, they'll forgive the buck in a matter of a few days.

Non-White and non-Western nations know that our homelands are gold to them, and why not? We have a government that bends over backwards at the snap of a finger to cater to them. Do you see why we would never even dream of moving to a Third-World dump? Save for a couple of leftist college-age people, preferably female, we know that nations like that are worthless. I'll never forget around the time of the O.J. Simpson trial in the mid '90s when there was some subtle racial unrest going on when I saw a black woman on TV saying something like, "Black people are interested in what White people have, but White people aren't interested in what Black people have." Yeah, like duh! Why would we want to lower ourselves to ghetto mentality, regardless of whatever class they belong to?

Not too long ago, there was some news story about a Jewish man living in Japan married to a Japanese woman complaining about being treated like an untermensch and pressed for a little diversity in Japan. That story certainly fell down the memory hole.

You know that a formerly-Western nation such as ours has become a slave to the other side when we have to learn Spanish to accomodate the third-world peoples that come here for free medical care, free housing and free heaven-knows-what. Think we'd be learning Spanish because of the influx of Spaniards settling here for a better opportunity? Did Canada become a bilingual country because of all the Haitians that came over by cardboard boxes?

In the eyes of the Western scum, White countries cannot exist. As long as you have Marxist Jews in any Western nation, this will never be allowed. Any kind of preservation of the various European nationalities that are represented in America is looked at as "exclusivist" (which is ranked about third or fourth on the evil list of -isms) and should have a quota of one mulatto or non-White in their ranks.

Hope this sheds some light on a very important question.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Good commentary OSB75! The Globalist Elite & their enabled cultural marxist henchmen have long had the great White race (especially of "Nordish"/"Aryan" decent) in their collective crosshairs. An all-out assault via the Marxist slight of hand...namely the fraudulant "Diversity", multiculturalism & political correctness (all avenues to spread the anti-White, socialist agenda). Although the Globalist Elite's primary goal is a One World dystopia, they know they must first neutralize their agenda's greatest threat...the great White man!Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Oct 26, 2008
I read somewhere, I think on vdare, that someone called the South Korean gov't office and asked if the could immigrate to South Korea and they said they didn't take immigrants. I don't have a problem with them wanting to preserve their country, but why can't we do the same.

I read that some Japanese hotels don't even want foreigners in them. I guess they don't even want foreign tourist, while we want to give our country away to Mexico, India etc..


This thread is basically Robert Whitaker's "Mantra", which boils it down that anti-racism means only anti-white. So when you are confronted by an "anti-racist" you should know that the person is anti-white, and to not fall into debating trivia with them but to go straight for them.
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
wile said:
This thread is basically Robert Whitaker's "Mantra", which boils it down that anti-racism means only anti-white. So when you are confronted by an "anti-racist" you should know that the person is anti-white, and to not fall into debating trivia with them but to go straight for them.

Exactly. "Anti-white" is a term the Media refuses to use, because it contradicts their notion that the only prejudice that exists in this country is when it's directed towards non-Whites. People also need to learn that "diversity" and its derivants are euphenisms for "anti-White". Whites are perhaps the most diverse race in mankind yet we are not considered as such. We are slammed as "Anglo", "pasty-faced", "lily-white", "Gringo", "vanilla" and others while non-Whites are orgasmed over at the drop of a hat.


Hatred and envy is all they have, we whites are Evolution personified. Yes we fail watching daytime television is evidence of that, mindless political liberalism is another poor choice, but we change and soon Poltical Correctness and its backwardness will be jettisoned as so much garbage.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Slayer's cover of the Minor Threat song says it all...

"Guilty of Being White"

I'm sorry
For something I didn't do
Lynched somebody
But I didn't know who

You blame me
For slavery
A hundred years before I was born

Guilty of being white (4x)

(repeat intro)

Guilty of being white (4x)

I'm convicted
Of a racist crime
I've only served
19 years of my time!

(repeat intro)

Guilty of being white (3x)
Guilty of being RIGHT!!!

Guilty of Being White! Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Aug 27, 2008
OK Dixie, I gotta get that Slayer...I don't remember what they did at the end!

Edit: Saw it on your lyrics...right on man.Edited by: DWFan

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
apparently, some discrimination is good... if it's anti-white discrimination, that is.

Schools seek Teachers of Color (meaning anyone NOT WHITE
"In terms of total faculty, our students would like to see more of a representation of minorities, particularly African-Americans."

and just down the road here in my native Arkansas, Black Caucus Rejects Membership of White
Carroll represents District 39 in southern and eastern North Little Rock. The historically Democratic district has a black population of 65 percent, according to 2000 census data used to draw the districts in 2001 ...

Carroll, 52, said he wanted to be a caucus member to better represent and understand the views of his constituents. He said he could ask his wife, who is black, for her thoughts, but that she would only be one person ...

Another caucus member, Sen. Joyce Elliott, D-Little Rock, said Carroll's interest in the caucus is "commendable" but "since it's called the 'black caucus' he can't be a member. It is a caucus defined as being black. All discrimination is not bad ... Elliott said excluding whites is a legitimate form of discrimination because black legislators need to join with others of "common cause."

i want to make it clear i'm not supporting this negro-loving filth. i just wanted to point out yet another double standard of the all-black good but all-white bad variety.


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
j41181 wrote:

"China will always be Chinese, India will always be Indian, so is Japan, Korea, the Middle East and especially AFRICA."

I definitely know from first-hand experience about the situation in Japan. When the Japanese talk about certain buzzwords like globalization and diversity, they use them in the sense of how they can benefit from such things without losing their identity as Japanese- from the DNA of the population to acceptable cultural norms.

They have their economic and political problems that haven't really improved since the end of the '80s, and the situation is getting worse because of such things as an aging population and a low birthrate, but, all in all, when they look to the future, they look to one where the country of Japan for all intents and purposes will be made up of ethnic Japanese, and they will go through the good and bad together.

What I've seen the past few months in the U.S. makes me fear for the future of our once-great nation.Edited by: Van_Slyke_CF