Disgrace to Race List


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
I found the headline "Disgrace to the Race List" highly inappropriate and offensive. The fact that it was posted on this website makes it that much worse.

White people are not perfect and should be expected to make mistakes like everyone else. None of what was written about in that article was a Crime, Anti-Social behavior or Buffoonery. Even on this website it is getting to be a crime to just live your life.

I know we take our shots at whites on this site(mostly on the message board) when we feel they deserve it. But do we really need to invent so-called Buffoonery and attack whites on our front page when just about every other media outlet is already doing it.

I say, "Don, tear down that article!"
Jan 13, 2006
The artical says Stanford is half asian. Its actually only 22% asisan. UCLA
has the hightest Asian percentage of 44 percent.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Although I thought the article was funny at times and well written, I didn't like the subject matter or the authors attacks on Joey Harrington and Trent Green. Harrington has actually played fairly well this season, until last week, and that kind of criticism is undeserved. Romo played the worst game ever and nobody is thinking about benching him. People always complained that Atlanta never had any good receivers when Vick was throwing the ball, well what happened? Did they suddenly learn how to catch a pass now that Harrington is throwing the ball? And one of his INT was the receiver's fault anyway.

Trent Green was at least trying to throw a block. I don't think he was trying to take the guy out with an illegal block, he just doesn't know how to throw a block that well. That idiot buffoon standing over Green while he lay on the ground, possibly paralyzed, pictured perfectly the difference between blacks and whites.

It's okay to point out the flaws of white athletes when they are deserved, but I agree with GW. If this article had been posted on the forums we'd be blasting the author as a troll. There is enough white bashing to go around in the regular media, I don't think we need front page articles on CF that do the same thing.


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
how is Joey Harrington a disgrace? giving him sh*t seems to be a national past time, and while he's not perfect, he's doing well enough for Falcons. on top of that, what other alternatives does Petrino have? Leftwich who came in and posted 1.2 QB rating and turned the ball over twice? give me a break!

some other stuff in the article might be funny, but damn, if i wanna read stuff like that, all i need to do is to go to ESPN.com and read some Simmons...


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I didn't much like the digs on Green or Harrington either. Most of the rest is funny, but I really don't understand why some of it was written.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
Colonel_Reb said:
I didn't much like the digs on Green or Harrington either. Most of the rest is funny, but I really don't understand why some of it was written.
Possibly to have the article seem unbiased?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
C Darwin said:
Colonel_Reb said:
I didn't much like the digs on Green or Harrington either. Most of the rest is funny, but I really don't understand why some of it was written.
Possibly to have the article seem unbiased?

Maybe, but even is that is so, it still doesn't make sense.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
I don't give a fookk what team Kevin Garnett plays for. It's like he was promoting KG as a superman.

How many titles EXACTLY did the Timberwolves' win with him?

No way is Kevin McHale worse than Nick Saban, Mack Brown, Bob Stoops, Ron Zook and Phillip Fulmer, etc.

We may have a subversive in our midst. I'm surprised you didn't praise Ian Johnson and his piece of meat like the cuckholded ESPN "announcer's" do 55 times when they show a Boise State game.

Next time, perhaps?

The language used when speaking of the USC QB was very telling. That kind of "fascination" can only come from a few types of people, some of whom have declared total war on us paltry cattle. I've seen this brand of "comedy" before and I just won't laugh at the prospect of White extinction.

The "technique" involves getting people to shut down the rational and logical parts of their brain, and getting them "conditioned" and "comfortable" enough to laugh at things that truly mean DEATH to them. It's a classic DISARMING MECHANISM in the mind-control handbook! Think fun and games while the mack-truck is coming full-force right into one's path... Weapons come in many forms.

I'll certainly be watching closely. Don't reveal all the beans at once, OK.

I hope this post can help someone wake up from their constant diet of marxist indoctrination. Bigger brains propel us forward and will never hold us back in this fight.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I almost forgot about the Booty bashing, I had a rough one last night. Anyway, I know the Booty family and they are good people and have several great athletes among them. John David has a younger brother who is a QB in Shreveport at Calvary Baptist. John David is a great QB and he doesn't deserve that kind of treatment. He gets enough of it from the rest of the press, as the author pointed out.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
The guys a phony, some kids just having fun with us.

Get ready for a Yakubian counterattack children of Hamm!


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
jaxvid said:
The guys a phony, some kids just having fun with us.

Get ready for a Yakubian counterattack children of Hamm!

You're very right. To me it was kind of funny but I think something is up now.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The article is torn down! He had Matt Jones included too originally but I edited that out. He portrayed himself as a college student and aspiring journalist so I figured I give him a shot. I sent him this thread earlier today to see if he'd react to the negative comments, but jaxvid investigated and he's a wigger hoaxer. So no more Bradley Rockwell.


Jul 30, 2005
When I first saw the article I was like, "all right, a list of caste system lackeys!"

Uh, no.

Trent Green? He has been a very good QB in this league for years and although he is old now he is certainly not a disgrace. The block he threw, while not overly bright, was perfectly legal and for the good of the team. If there was any disgrace involved in the play it was (as White Shogun pointed out) on the part of that barbaric lineman standing over him berating his unconscious body. Truly savage.

John David Booty? He has had to fill the shoes of Matt Lineart and Carson Palmer. No easy task. So he lost to an underrated Stanford team. It happens. Upsets in college football happen with more regularity these days.

I'm not going to go over the others but the tone of the article and the people who were chosen as a "disgrace" seemed out of line for this site.

I'm all for chastising our own when necessary but c'mon.

Were the other articles by this writer simply an attempt to gain our confidence?

Article gone now...my post seems superfluous.

Should we have a forum exclusively to discuss the front page article? Edited by: Poacher


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
Thank You Don,

I guess giving everyone an oppurtunity to write for CasteFootball doesn't come without some risk.

For me, it's gratifying to know that other valued posters on this site agreed with my sentiment.


I assure you, I'm no hoax. I'm sorry the article backfired... I think it's time
people realize that in order for white athletes to succeed in these hard
times, and to overcome the problems that the media has bestowed upon
them, there is a HIGHER LEVEL at which they must perform. It's unfair,
certainly, but it's the truth. And if you don't or can't see that, then God
help you all.

Joey isn't perfect, of course. But he has to play LIGHTS OUT, cuz there is a
very short fuse until the media backlashes on him, saying "I knew it." As
caste system observers, when a potential hurdle is jumped, we have to
hope it stays that way. When an imperfect white athlete crashes, then it
sets us back to square one.

The bottom line is, white athletes have to perform at a higher level in
order for the media to give notice. Unfair? Definitely. But it's the God's
honest truth. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, but I'm telling it like it is.



Aug 30, 2007
The only thing in that article I found even remotely amusing was the off-hand remark about Fred Durst being lame.

The whole article reeked of some insecure guy's attempt to be witty, clever, and funny.

Sort of like the annoying wannabe intellectual guy at a party trying so desperately hard to be the life of the thing, before some jock knocks him the f*3& out.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
You're not sorry you offended anyone, nor are you telling it like it is. You don't have the faintest glimmer of understanding of how capable white athletes are weeded out beginning at the Pop Warner level and continuing through high school, depending on the demographics of the particular school But it's after high school when the racial slotting trends become rigid -- star black RBs, WRs, CBs, safeties, as well as all other positions are eagerly recruited and fiercely fought over by the major I-A college programs.

There are roughly as many white high school football stars as black ones, probably a lot more actually -- and white or mostly white high school teams usually beat black or mostly black teams quite handily-- but the white running backs, wide receivers, cornerbacks and most others playing defensive positions who put the whuppins on the brothers are not recruited by the big programs, much less fought over. This in a nutshell is how and where institutionalized affirmative action in football (and basketball) begins, assuring that the available pool for the NFL of white runners, receivers and defensive playerswill always be tiny. The media plays its role by never questioning the system or even acknowledging its existence while always engaging in stock descriptions that almost always enforce the idea that whites are not athletic, while blacks are athletic supermen. The end result is that just like the Indians before them, whites now wallow in their own perceived inferiority,constantly making jokes about white stupidity and athletic feebleness while spending inordinate amounts of time cheering on their black heroes on the sports teams they follow.

Thediscrimination against whites is afact, a fact proven every day by the skewed rankings of Rivals.com and the other major recruiting services, by the college coaches and recruiters who follow the party line and know better than to recruit a white running back because to do so will subject himself and his program to ridicule, not to mention upset the "team chemistry" of those players who feel a sense of entitlement to a total and perpetual monopoly over various positions.

Kneejerkopponents of Caste Football proudly call themselves "anti-racist" even though they are incapable of any empathyfor whites or of admitting to any positive traits possessed bywhites."Anti-racists" don't see whites as a race at all, only as a collective evil that must be broken down psychologically and demographically, thus in their eyesit is impossible for whites to be discriminated against because they live in a country where all whites somehow have a "white privilege" that magically explains away any and all problems and dysfunctions faced by non-whites, individually and collectively. A white "anti-racist" cannot under any circumstances admit that he is proud to be white, only that he is ashamed of his race and despises it. White "anti-racists" have no interest in racialequality nor forgiveness, only in exacting revenge and punishment against whites and by degrading them morally, physically and in every other way.

This is way over the tiny underdeveloped brains of "Bradley Rockwell" and his wigger punk friends at OKPlayer, but maybe someday a few ofthem will wise up and free their minds of the hate, liesand racism that motivates their "anti-racism." Growing a little older often means maturing in how one sees the world, though there is still a huge amount of Americans stuck in kindergarten when it comes to understandingthe real racial dynamics swirlingaround them.


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
Don Wassall said:
You're not sorry you offended anyone, nor are you telling it like it is.  You don't have the faintest glimmer of understanding of how capable white athletes are weeded out beginning at the Pop Warner level and continuing through high school, depending on the demographics of the particular school  But it's after high school when the racial slotting trends become rigid -- star black RBs, WRs, CBs, safeties, as well as all other positions are eagerly recruited and fiercely fought over by the major I-A college programs. 

There are roughly as many white high school football stars as black ones, probably a lot more actually -- and white or mostly white high school teams usually beat black or mostly black teams quite handily -- but the white running backs, wide receivers, cornerbacks and most others playing defensive positions who put the whuppins on the brothers are not recruited by the big programs, much less fought over.  This in a nutshell is how and where institutionalized affirmative action in football (and basketball) begins, assuring that the available pool for the NFL of white runners, receivers and defensive players will always be tiny.  The media plays its role by never questioning the system or even acknowledging its existence while always engaging in stock descriptions that almost always enforce the idea that whites are not athletic, while blacks are athletic supermen.  The end result is that just like the Indians before them, whites now wallow in their own perceived inferiority, constantly making jokes about white stupidity and athletic feebleness while spending inordinate amounts of time cheering on their black heroes on the sports teams they follow.

The discrimination against whites is a fact, a fact proven every day by the skewed rankings of Rivals.com and the other major recruiting services, by the college coaches and recruiters who follow the party line and know better than to recruit a white running back because to do so will subject himself and his program to ridicule, not to mention upset the "team chemistry" of those players who feel a sense of entitlement to a total and perpetual monopoly over various positions. 

Kneejerk opponents of Caste Football proudly call themselves "anti-racist" even though they are incapable of any empathy for whites or of admitting to any positive traits possessed by whites.  "Anti-racists" don't see whites as a race at all, only as a collective evil that must be broken down psychologically and demographically, thus in their eyes it is impossible for whites to be discriminated against because they live in a country where all whites somehow have a "white privilege" that magically explains away any and all problems and dysfunctions faced by non-whites, individually and collectively. A white "anti-racist" cannot under any circumstances admit that he is proud to be white, only that he is ashamed of his race and despises it.  White "anti-racists" have no interest in racial equality nor forgiveness, only in exacting revenge and punishment against whites and by degrading them morally, physically and in every other way. 

This is way over the tiny underdeveloped brains of "Bradley Rockwell" and his wigger punk friends at OKPlayer, but maybe someday a few of them will wise up and free their minds of the hate, lies and racism that motivates their "anti-racism." Growing a little older often means maturing in how one sees the world, though there is still a huge amount of Americans stuck in kindergarten when it comes to understanding the real racial dynamics swirling around them.

Game. Set. Match.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Thanks gentlemen. "Rockwell," just remember, I have a long memory.


May 3, 2006
Don Wassall truly blogga numba one!

Bradley Rockwell, he numba ten.
Edited by: Hockaday


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Don, he hasn't been blocked? Your comments are very well said. I can remember only one article from the media about the caste system. It was in my local paper about Ray Van Peenan and why he didnt get many scholarship offers after being the best back in NJ. I was suprised at this article. Not much else has been said about it.