discrimination in the nfl and division 1


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
Hello, I am not sure where to post this, but I am in an English class in and to pass the class the teacher has forced us to write an essay/mini research paper on discrimination. While everyone else is doing papers on some sort of discrimination against blacks I couldn't seem to come up with a topic for that being that I think there is definitely less discrimination against them (a sblack president being elected). I asked her if it could be about discrimination against anybody and she said yes. So I decided that I was going to write about the discrimination against white players at certain positions in American football. Although she said discrimination against anybody i highly doubt she thought whites,(my teacher seems very liberal and I don't want to fail) so I will include the discrimination against black players at qb in the past, so the essay will be about the discrimination against certain races at certain positions. I have no idea where to start i was wondering if someone could help me and point me in the right direction. I know there are probably some articles on this site that could help, but I will have to cite sources of where some of the original information came from. I am worried I will not be able to find any sources she considers legitimate. I would appreciate any help.
Finding what she calls "legit sources" will likely be a problem, dwid, as some liberal profs I've had discount any scholarshipapproaching sanity and realism. First you need to find out whether you are allowed to use some internet sources when writing this paper. If you can use mainly online sources, you don't have a lot to worry about. I would suspect your prof doesn't want you to use all online sources, but I could be wrong. There are quite a few newspaper and sports website articles that Tough J Riggins has posted about in the past, and there are other people online who write on race and sports, but they wouldmainly be useful in describing past bias against black QBs, as these writers are against the idea of anti-white discrimination as we see it.
well i would have to wait until tuesday to ask, she doesn't respond too quickly by email, but i will try that first. I am going through my notes trying to see what she said and it is confusing, for this she simply said we will need to use sources, she wasn't specific. Well ill give you a run down of how this assignment came about:
first we read an essay by malcom x in our books and had to discuss it in class, and we were supposed to write the essay based on that and sources. She said the sources should be 1. primary text, 2. internet article that is not wikipedia, 3. database or print article

BUT, before that we had to do a timed hand written essay to do and we got to pick from 5 topics. Then the class turned in their hand written timed essays and everything changed. I got a B on the hand written essay. She didn't name names but she simply said more than half the class will fail the early exit exam (just a minimum 5 paragraphs, 5 sentences each basic essay, yeah im not going to make any further comments on this) , so she said don't worry about the malcolm x article until after the early exit exam.
fast foward, i pass the early exit exam so i dont have to go to certain classes that only meet to prep certain students who failed the early exit exam to pass the second one. Then the assignment changes to picking from 5 different topics all having to do with Obama, THEN she changes it to just having to do with discrimination in which she said we simply needed to have some "sources"
So you could see why I am confused. Im guessing by sources she meant just the 2. internet articles that are not wikipedia, 3. database or print articlesEdited by: dwid

My advice is to not get involved with this at this time. Just write up some malarkey about how blacks, women, hispanics, midgets, goats, etc. have been discriminated against from time immemorial and how hurt you are about it all, etc.

We should be careful to pick our fights when we have a reasonable chance of winning them.

Don't cast pearls before swine.

Tom Iron...
Tom Iron said:

My advice is to not get involved with this at this time. Just write up some malarkey about how blacks, women, hispanics, midgets, goats, etc. have been discriminated against from time immemorial and how hurt you are about it all, etc.

We should be careful to pick our fights when we have a reasonable chance of winning them.

Don't cast pearls before swine.

Tom Iron...

I disagree. write the report you mentioned you wanted to. It doesn't sound too outlandish to me. Throw in the stuff about predjudice against black QB's and it will seem balanced. As for sources I willlist some for you. I also think you can use JB Cash articles as they are on the internet, but there are plenty others. Best is to check the thread that TJR put together a while back that has excellent information from mainstream media sources. BTW that thread is a great read for anti-white caste evidence.

[url]http://www.castefootball.us/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=7064&a mp;a mp;a[/url] mp;KW=need+help+convincing&TPN=1

Edited by: jaxvid

i urge you, if you feel capable of handling the questions that your report is bound to produce from your teacher and classmates, to use the thread jaxvid provided and follow the Colonel's suggestions. he is, after all, a college professor.
i think he knows what he's talking about.

furthermore, i have experience doing this exact sort of thing in class myself, only it was a discussion-type sociology class. i was the only real white man in the class (there were only two other white men. one was queer and one dude whose girlfriend made him take it with her
). anyway, after i spoke up a few times opposing the militant lesbians and other man-hating feminists in the class, the teacher actually kept me after class one day and encouraged me to participate more. she was an excellent teacher who actually got a kick (i think) out of my rational refutations of the militant left's emotional tirades.

just make sure you have your facts in order, and maintain calm. you don't want to come across as an emotional, crazy dude in your argument.

best of luck!
Damn it, this thread came about a week too late for me.

I had to do a research paper on any topic I wanted, and wanted to do this. Except I couldn't locate any sources that my professor considered legitimate.

I only advised caution because the instructor has the power over dwid to pass or fail him. Now if he's in HS, it doesn't mean too much. but if he's in college, he might suffer monetary loss. If it's the latter, then it's not worth taking the chance the instructor is open minded. If she's not, she may just lash out and fail him. Too much of a chance to take just to make your point. There will be many other opportunities. Sometimes it's better to wait for the right time. Keep your powder dry dwid.

Tom Iron...
I agree with Tom Iron, dwid does not sound like he knows enough about the subject to be able to defend himself when the sh*t hits the fan in class. Dwid, I would suggest running your idea by a friend. If you can sound convincing to him, maybe you should take a shot.
I really appreciate all of the help everybody. I know I could get a failing grade for the essay but I am already passing for the semester and passed the early exit exam so i don't think it could fail me. I think I will go ahead and write it, BUT like someone said if i convince a friend then maybe i should take a shot. I am going to give it to my parents and see what they think, the worst case scenario is that i have a paper written that i am passionate about even if it doesn't get turned in. I was thinking about writing a backup essay anyway in case the teacher didn't like the first one. I can throw up some pc garbage about discrimination for a paper in a few hours if wanted to but she said did state to "have fun with this". My gf thinks its a good idea and she is a very anti racist person , but i have been talking about discrimination in football to her alot before this so that's why i thought to see what my parents think. She seems to think its a good idea to start out with the black qb, I am no expert on it but i think i know enough heh, i think i can spin it in a way that almost sounds racists to blacks more so than whites. Coaches think they are good enough to where all of them are occupying rb and db positions but only a handful of coaches seem to think they are good enough to play qb. Its almost as coaches seem to think they are some primitive beasts compared to whites, able to "run faster and jump higher" but some reason they dont think they are competent enough to handle snaps under center, and blah blah both stereotypes have been proven wrong, blacks succeeding at qb when given the chance and whites succeeding at rb, db and wr WHEN given the chance, and about how they should start basing things on merit then we wouldn't turn on the tv and see most games with the standard formula white qb, black rb, white o linemen, black receivers, and usually black defenses (I know blacks have been getting alot more opportunity to play qb than whites with rb and there are tons of black linemen even though they tend to be not that good, but i will just leave those parts out except maybe for about the part where coaches are afraid to take chances on a white rb) but if you look at it, the college's that give white receivers a chance seem to give black qbs a chance as well, like with kstate and jordy nelson and iowa st with todd blythe and now ohio st with pryror with hartline and sanzebacher, i know hartline was there with a white qb before but it just shows the coach is willing to mix it up. Sorry im ranting. Again thanks for the help everyone, it is greatly appreciated.
Even if she disagrees with the paper, I don't think she will fail you over it. Most people are not that petty. At worst, she will probably reduce the grade.
Solomon Kane said:
Even if she disagrees with the paper, I don't think she will fail you over it. Most people are not that petty. At worst, she will probably reduce the grade.

I agree, the one thing about most lefty teachers is that they are soft. If they see effort from a kid they support it. Except for the hard core zealots that require complete obediance to the PC dogma most teachers are pretty tolerant. I always wrote stuff that pissed off my teachers, you should have seen my paper in favor of unrestricted gun ownership and carrying that I submitted to an anti-gun zealot (this was a while ago before kids started shooting each other in school). They would knock my grade down a bit but wouldnt outright fail me. Since I was showing some enthusiasm for the subject they were Ok with it because most kids are just going through the motions. Dude if you cant have fun with it now ya aint gonna get better chances in the future. Nobody wants to hear what I have to say on these issues now so enjoy it while you can!
teachers are notorious for going full-on panic mode whenever something un-PC comes up in class. I'd like to think most of them, honestly, are inclined to agree with you especially if they're white, but their training and position requires them to keep their trap shut. Self-fulfilling prophecy -- kids will only wake up if teachers teach them to, and the teachers can't teach what the kids need in order to wake them up.
When I was in college many years ago, you wrote what the instructor wanted to hear. Many subjects I wrote about I had no opinion, or couldn't care less. The problem was, sometimes you didn't know what the teacher wanted.
I felt that it was my job to pass classes and graduate. I had the rest of my life to express my opinion.
Here is my advice: Go to class wearing a McCain/Palin shirt and see how they react. This will be give you a better idea on how to write the paper.
well, i forgot to update you guys on this, thanks for all the help, i received a 95 on the essay and passed the class with an A

but the teacher did say something to me in the hallway, i dont know if it was meant to be mean or anything but i took it like that "hey do you want me to return your essays to you sometime in the next semester? and i said yes and she said "okay then i won't throw them all away"Edited by: dwid
Though I could never resist an opportunity to take a swing at leftist orthodoxy via a class paper or discusssion, I would caution you, dwid, that you'd better be steeped in facts and arguments before you even attempt this paper. You will have to defend it and likely you will have to do so in class in front of your fellow students. Public repremands of dissenters is a favorite tactic of lefty profs. If they can break down your thesis in front of people and make you look bad it will be a clear message to everyone (particularly those who are likely to agree with you) that this is forbidden territory. Sources are tough to find in this field as well.

Best of luck, amigo. Edited by: Bronk
In college I would write papers and essays all the time that had subject matter that didn't agree with the party line, but I would never personalize these views. If it had something to do with whites not getting the opportunity to play, I would say something like "It's possible that coaches don't want to take a chance on a white running back because they would be criticized more if the running back fails," or something like "Coaches tend to avoid breaking major trends. There is an argument that coaches do not want to play a white athlete at running back because it breaks the ingrained beliefs of many that African-American athletes should be the primary ball carrier. In this scenario, it could be better for the coach to have the talented white athlete gain muscle and play the position of full-back, while getting a talented African-American to fill the running back position. The coach might look at this a more favorable scenario than to gain attention for playing the white athlete at running back."Edited by: Electric Slide
One example of anti-white discrimination in Division 1 and the NFL is the case of Marcus Martin. Marcus Martin is the all time sacks leader for college football, all divisions, with 56. He played DE for Division 2 Slippery Rock University.

Martin came out in the 2018 NFL draft. I couldn't find a SPARQ score for him but he did fairly well in his pro day. I'd estimate his SPARQ score to be in the 60th percentile. He would have been a good fit as a 3-4 outside linebacker.

He wasn't drafted, he was signed as a free agent by the Seahawks who tried to convert him to fullback. They waived him and last I could find out the Rams signed him. I'm guessing he's out of football.

If Martin was black he would have been offered a Division 1 scholarship, he would have been drafted and would have been given a fair chance. None of these happened because of anti-white racism.

Even as things turned out he should have been given a chance on some practice squad to develop. That didn't happen either.

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