Devastating Effects of the Invasion


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
As the planned, intentional (*See NAU/SPP, Amero, NAFTA, etc.) disintegration of our Constitutional Republic continues we see the increasingly devastating effects of the illegal invasion...

U.S. Hispanic population to triple by 2050


How components of the U.S. population are projected to change by 2050:

Racial/ethnic groups 2005 2050

Foreign-born 12% 19%

White* 67% 47%

Hispanic 14% 29%

Black* 13% 13%

Asian* 5% 9%

Note: *=Non-Hispanic
American Indian/Alaska Native not included

Source: Pew Research Center; Julie Snider, USA TODAY

By Haya El Nasser, USA TODAY

The U.S. population will soar to 438 million by 2050 and the Hispanic population will triple, according to projections released Monday by the Pew Research Center.
The latest projections by the non-partisan research group are higher than government estimates to date and paint a portrait of an America dramatically different from today's.

The projected growth in the U.S. population â€â€￾ 303 million today â€â€￾ will be driven primarily by immigration among all groups except the elderly.

"We're assuming that the rate of immigration will stay roughly constant," says Jeffrey Passel, co-author of the report.

Even if immigration is limited, Hispanics' share of the population will increase because they have higher birth rates than the overall population. That's largely because Hispanic immigrants are younger than the nation's aging baby boom population. By 2030, all 79 million boomers will be at least 65 and the elderly will grow faster than any other age group.

FIND MORE STORIES IN: Hispanic | Mark Krikorian
The projections show that by 2050:

-Nearly one in five Americans will have been born outside the USA vs. one in eight in 2005. Sometime between 2020 and 2025, the percentage of foreign-born will surpass the historic peak reached a century ago during the last big immigration wave. New immigrants and their children and grandchildren born in the USA will account for 82% of the population increase from 2005 to 2050.

-Whites who are not Hispanic, now two-thirds of the population, will become a minority when their share drops to 47%. They made up 85% of the population in 1960.

-Hispanics, already the largest minority group, will more than double their share of the population to 29%.

-Blacks will remain 13% of the population. Asians will go to 9% from 5%.

-The gap between the number of working-age people and the children and seniors who depend on them will widen as boomers age. There will be 72 young and elderly for every 100 people of working age by 2050 compared with 59 in 2005. The gap would widen more if immigration slows because immigrants tend to be of working-age, the report said.

The projections are based on detailed assumptions about births, deaths and immigration levels based on recent trends. Those trends can change. For example, a new immigration policy could substantially limit the growth.

"Immigration has long-term consequences on the make-up of the country and the size of the population and we need to take those results in account when we make immigration policy," says Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, a group that promotes limits on immigration. "Growing our population by 100 million more than we would otherwise is a choice. Immigration is a choice. ... It's all up to us."

The ethnic and racial profile of the nation could change because of inter-marriage. It's not clear how the children and grandchildren of multiracial and multi-ethnic unions will identify themselves in the future.

"We've assumed that the definitions and categories that are being used today will continue to be used in the next 50 years," Passel says. "Fifty years ago, we didn't have the definition for the Hispanic population."

Adds Krikorian: "Will that category of who's white be redefined? What is a non-Hispanic white?"

***Reference article...

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Nov 8, 2006
It's a little silly to talk about the U.S. population in 2050, as if this country is still going to exist then. We can't bear the weight of this brown invasion and fight zionist wars at the same time. I give us maybe another decade if present trends continue. We should all be getting ready for the coming economic collapse and the anarchy that will follow.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Run Stuffing LB said:
It's a little silly to talk about the U.S. population in 2050, as if this country is still going to exist then. We can't bear the weight of this brown invasion and fight zionist wars at the same time. I give us maybe another decade if present trends continue. We should all be getting ready for the coming economic collapse and the anarchy that will follow.

Outstanding points RSLB. The writing is most definitely on the wall. I'd imagine we'll see a full scale economic depression within the next 3-9 months (further U.S. dollar collapse & skyrocketing jobless rates, oil prices, interest rates, etc.). For 2008 onwards, I look for major layoffs of American workers and continued mass outsourcing and traitorous insourcing (via the predatory H-1B visa program) of American jobs. IF McAmnesty ends up as new "puppet & chief" OR Dubya leverages another major false-flag attack to establish himself as a (paper) dictator, then I'd say we'll see 100% implementation & completion of the North American Union and the replacement of our Constitution (by a NAU or UN global charter) somewhere between 2010-2012. At this rate, with the alarming number of bought-n-paid4 sellouts on "Crapitol sHill" & the Globalist's control of the "mainstream" media, the Corporate World & "Sheepletainment" industry, I just don't see how our beloved Constitutional Republic will survive more than another 2-3 more years or so. I'd imagine it will be totally gone (into the NAU/UN OneWorld order) by 2012.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
I get a kick out of the TV "programs" that talk about the world population going up infinitely... 8 billion, 9, 10, 11, 12 billion!

Boy, how DUMB and foolish can they be?!

How many more pieces can be broken-off from a slice of bread in order to feed billions more mouths??

There aren't enough resources. Why do THEY want us to "think" that Earth can handle infinite amounts of people with little repercussions? I can only conclude that it's a calculated diversionary tactic. Just keeping the sheeple docile.

Strife will be rampant the world over very soon; it will be survival of the fittest.


Aug 6, 2006

Your posts are again right on the money,and very well stated!So sad to know that the majority of our population do not understand any of the astute comments that you,and many others,who post here bring to us.

Also,this site,and the fine ANU site,show how much Mr. Don Wassall cares about bringing the truth to the American public.