

Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
The Political Cesspool tells it like it is. Great article!

No, not the KKK kind; the patronizing, "black peoples' problems are all white peoples' fault"Â kind. He's also someone who would rather make a complete fool of himself than face reality, because he's afraid liberals might call him a racist.

If you want to know why the Republican Party is dying, and will soon be extinct, just watch Crowder's latest video, (at the bottom of this post) which is all about how the once great city of Detroit became a wasteland. Crowder says he had to make the video because all Americans need to see what happened to Detroit, and more importantly, to understand why it happened, before it happens to all America.

So far, so good. Certainly, Detroit should be a warning to all of us. But, as you might've guessed with a PC neocon like Crowder on the job, things quickly went downhill from there. He makes a complete jackass of himself by by blaming everything he can think of, tossing out every "conservative"Â platitude he's ever heard, to explain the nightmare Detroit has become.

Except, of course, the people of Detroit. Oh, Lord no. Black people are never responsible for how they live. They don't create their own situations; life is just something that's done to them by other people, usually white liberals, in Crowder's worldview. (If he were a liberal, what happened to Detroit would be white conservatives' fault.) Blacks are just helpless pawns of forces beyond their control. Because Crowder's not a racist or anything. He believes we're all equal, except that blacks have no responsibility or accountability for their own lives.

He starts off by blaming "leftists"Â, because "every mayor since 1961 has been a liberal."Â Hey Steve, here's a little tip for ya. There are a whole bunch of places in America that are run by "leftists"Â, and have been for a long, long time. Places like Boston, New York City, Berkeley, San Francisco, Chicago, the states of Minnesota, Oregon, Washington, etc. But none of these places look like Detroit. So blaming "leftists"Â and "liberal mayors"Â doesn't quite cut it. Granted, there are pockets in all of these places that look like Detroit, and guess what else these pockets have in common with Detroit, Steve? That's right; they're populated by by almost nothing but blacks, that's what. Yeah, "leftists"Â destroyed Detroit the same way "leftists"Â rioted after the Rodney King verdict. Uh-huh, "liberals"Â are to blame, and Louis Farrakhan heads up the "Liberal"Â Muslims.

Then he goes on to say that the problem started with the white mayor in 1965, and the white president, LBJ, and the Model Cities program, because it poured hundreds of millions of dollars into Detroit. Normally, pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into an area doesn't cause it to become a wasteland, but Steven Crowder has an explanation for that, too. See, government money leads to government regulations, and that destroyed Detroit. (This is the same genius who just a few weeks back made a video calling for vouchers for private schools!) Yes, apparently when DC gave hundreds of millions of dollars to Detroit, there were some pretty onerous strings attached. Black people didn't want to abandon their buildings, turn them into dope dens and whore houses, and burn them down. They were just following the regulations from DC, and you know how crazy those white liberals are.

He then says that even though Detroit schools get more money per pupil than the average American public school, only 28% of them graduate, and "a Detroit student has a higher chance of ending up in prison than graduating high school."Â Because, as any good PC neocon will tell you, a life of crime is something that just sorta happens when it comes to black people. They just "end up"Â in prison, somehow, by "chance."Â

Next up is one of his favorite targets -- the "oh so powerful teacher's unions"Â who have "failed the students."Â Yes, the teacher's unions, and rules about student teacher ratios and opposition to "merit based pay"Â have turned Detroit into an urban jungle. And, one more time, like some sort of idiot savant, Crowder again blames the lack of vouchers for the nightmare that Detroit has become. Just two minutes ago he told us that government money and all the strings that are attached to it are bad for cities, but somehow government funding is just terrific for private schools. He'll say anything, no matter how idiotic or contradictory, rather than face the fact that Detroit is the way it is because that's how blacks live when left to their own devices.

The next part is a real doozy. In a thirteen minute video on the ruins of Detroit, Crowder spends over four minutes blaming the United Auto Workers union. It was their greed and the Obama bailouts that that played a huge role in the destruction of Detroit, according to him. This whole video is incredibly ignorant, but this part really takes the cake. Evidently Crowder thinks that all these abandoned and rotted out buildings that make Detroit look like a war zone just fell apart in the last couple years, after the automakers started talking about bankruptcy, and then got bailouts from DC. (Well, most of the buildings, that is. He'll grant that a few collapsed in 1965-1970 under the white mayor, and the teacher's unions have been going around torching some, too.)

As anyone with half a brain knows, these ruins have been around for a long, long time. Detroit was a hell hole even when the automakers were raking in money hand over fist selling SUVs in the 1990s, and for decades before that. And Steve, why don't you head out to Camden, NJ or East St. Louis, IL, and do a report about those cities? Because they look a lot like Detroit, only smaller, and they've never been part of the auto industry. What's up with that, Steve? And you know something else? Very few places in the world have vouchers or "school choice"Â, and yet students in those places still manage to thrive. Many of them are in Europe, others in Asia. How do these nations rank so well in education if it's all about "school choice"Â, Steve? Come to think of it, aren't you always going on about the massive socialism in Europe, and what a huge tax burden Europeans face? Well if government spending and onerous taxes destroyed Detroit, why doesn't Sweden look like that? Or Norway? Or France? At the end of the video, you blame "government bureaucrats"Â for destroying what used to be considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Aren't European nations famous for their massive bureaucracy? So tell us again why Europe doesn't look like Detroit -- they've been "leftist"Â and "liberal"Â from way before 1965.

Crowder is not only ignorant; he's flat out dishonest. Unbelievably, outrageously dishonest. He babbles on about government bureaucrats and teacher's unions turning Detroit into a wasteland, and spends an incredible third of his video trying to blame the UAW. And the entire time, he never even mentions the black riots of 1943 which led to the first great wave of whites fleeing the city, nor the black riots of 1967, which finally pushed the remaining whites over the edge, and were the final nail in the coffin of Detroit. Nor does he mention the Great Migration, which was the beginning of the end for Detroit. He can't talk about these things, because he's a good little PC neoconservative, who believes there are no real differences between whites and blacks. So he can't even mention the elephant in the burned out living room -- when Detroit was the richest city in America, and one of the grandest in the world, it was a white city, and when it became a black city, it turned into hell on earth. Just like East St. Louis. And Camden, NJ. And South Central Los Angeles. And Haiti, etc., etc.

Watch the video, and see for yourself just how spineless, brainless and irrelevant contemporary conservatism has become. The Republican Party and its mindless cheerleaders like Steven Crowder don't have much of a future at all. Pretty much everything in America is coming down to race, and these cowards not only won't talk about it, they make fools of themselves lying about it.

Good riddance.
Edited by: Bart


Apr 22, 2006
WOW, that was an amazing article. This would be a great article to print and hand out at "liberal" universities and neighborhoods. That guy tells it like it is.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Good stuff as always from the Political Cesspool and James Edwards. His blog is some of the best reading on the net, it's too bad he doesn't do more. All true, and obvious, about Detroit.

Deep down I think everyone realizes why Detroit sucks but since they don't want to admit it there is a whole class of well paid people to make up fairy tales and avoid telling the truth.

One item I would like to add, the extremely poor performance of Detroit schools extends to the charter schools also. It makes sense to us because we here realize that the same low IQ kids that can't score well on tests make up the student body of the charter schools as well as the public schools.

However for the race denying head in the sand idiots like the guy mentioned above the charter school movement is all about "fixing" the problem by taking the public schools/teacher unions out of the equation so that kids can perform better. I think this works for white kids stuck in crappy public school districts but it will do very little for all black school districts. I can see poor performing black districts being used by those that oppose charter schools to try and kill the concept.