Debate championship


Oct 19, 2004
I saw some of a show about this on CSTV last night. I've never been on a debate team before, and was curious about it. I thought at worst they would be nerdy and liberal, and of course they were, but it was worse than that. The first thing that surprised me was their attire. I guess I expected them to dress like they were doing something important, but all the students were wearing t-shirts, some of those silly hats (like "beanies", I guess they're called,) cursing (during the actual debate), seemed very immature, and at least a couple were whiggers. They showed a very brief snippet of the whiggers and one said something like "and we're not just talking regular crackers here, but KKK" blah blah blah, and the other guy was babbling about "the ethnocentrism, the racism that justifies the violence" blah blah blah.

Also much of the time they were talking like auctioneers. Literally. They were talking so fast I couldn't understand what they were saying. I assume there's a time limit and they have to squeeze it all in, but come on. Isn't a debate supposed to be articulate, mature, thoughtful, etc.? These students didn't have a clue.

Now they aren't the best and brightest of their schools, right? (One of the schools was Harvard, by the way. Yech.) I hope not, because if they are, we are really in for it. I would like to believe that the younger generation could fix some of the mistakes that the Baby Boomers made, being so far removed from the brainwashing of the 60's. Maybe we won't be such f*cking lap dogs. But it may very well be that we are even more steeped in the lies of the Multicult. Like it's second nature to us, and we will never question the basic premises (all races are the same, white people are evil, men are bad, etc.) If these young people- and/ or people like them- are our future leaders, we're finished. Edited by: JD074
My eldest son is in debate in high school and, from what he tells me, there are some pretty sharp characters in there. Surprised to hear that the debaters you saw were dressed down. One of the hallmarks of debate is presentation and you're supposed to look good.Edited by: Bronk
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