David Duke’s Moscow Speech


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Here is the text and a link to his speech on The Future of the White Race.

The Future of the White Race

An international conference is being held in Moscow. Hear David Duke's dynamic, heartfelt speech delivered at the conference. He is pictured along with the famous author, Gulliame Faye of France, were two of the leading speakers at the conference.

You can hear David Duke's speech in its entirety with this link. It is certainly one of the most important addresses he has ever made and it has important meaning for all European and American activists everywhere.

Text: Dr. David Duke, "From the Edge of the Abyss to the Farthest Star"

To listen, click this link:

David Duke

An Overview of the State of Western Man: From the Edge of the Abyss to the Farthest Star

First let me thank the esteemed organizer of this conference, Pavel Tulaev, for being such a gracious host to all of us from around the world, and we must thank the Russian people for producing such a man as he and for the warm hospitality given us in this city. Few people are aware of the fact that the city of Moscow has the largest number of White people in it, than any other city in the entire world.

I have many German friends and I could never dismiss the crucial battles fought by the Teutonic knights in protecting Western Europe from historical invasions of the Mongol hordes. But with all due respect and reverence to the Germans, it not Germany who has most earned the moniker, Bulwark to the East, for the Russians fought a hundred battles in defense of European mankind over the centuries for every one fought by the Teutons.

And now, in some ways they take the lead in this fight for the freedom and heritage of our European Genotype all over the world. All of us must feel quite humbled to be here. We must also send our hopes that your President and his successors will resist the non-Russian powers of nihilism and deracination and that of the traditional anti-Russian, alien power that has always threatened mother Russia. May he lead this great nation to its vital role as a prime defender of not only the Russian ethnicity but defender of European and American interests wherever we may dwell.

Our prayers are sincere that he will act as a true son of his people who honors his mothers and fathers. We send him our respect and many of our hopes. Finally, we here are not only to honor the Russian people but we must also honor each other, for all the speakers and delegates from around the globe are true patriots not only for their own nations but for our genetic treasure and cultural heritage from which has sprung our individual national expressions. It is a great honor for me to be in the company of each of you ladies and gentlemen and I appreciate the opportunity to share my perspectives with you.

Our people are at the edge of the abyss.

Our people have scaled the highest mountains, plumbed the depths of the oceans, and crossed great voids of space. We have unlocked the secrets of the Genome. Our medicine has saved hundreds of millions of people from innumerable perils of nature and disease. We have carved sculpture and brushed paintings as beautiful as any scene found in the natural world, written words that evoke the deepest of emotions, the greatest inspiration. Our technology has created a new world. We have even left our footprints on that silver orb at which man has gazed up at for millennia with awe and wonder.

Yet, simultaneous of the fountain of achievements of our people, we have seen our people driven to the brink of nonexistence. We have seen them driven to fratricide since 1914 and are we are now only 8 years shy of 100 years of intermittent war, warfare that has now turned into terrifying proportions by technology now manipulated by non-European minorities in our midst, ancient foes who historically were occasional thorns in our feet, but who now plant and nurture malignant tumors in the innermost chambers of the Western heart and brain.

There is a shadow lengthening across the European and American continents. It represents the destruction of all that we love, the eradication from the earth of a people that represent the epitome of beauty to each of us, a folk whose magnificent history, and works and art, culture, science that stirs wonder in our hearts and inspiration in our souls. That specter represents degeneration, decay, and destruction of our freedom and ultimately even extinction of our genes. It is aptly called genocide and represents just that: the killing of our genes. For our people, the people of Athenia, and Rome, of Russia, and Italy, Spain and Norway, Germany and Greece, France and England, and of North America, Australia and New Zealand, we now are hurtling toward the precipice of genocide, a precipice that leads to the abyss below.

Today, every nation of people of European descent faces a crisis not only of identity but even existence.

Our birthrates are averaging about 1.2. Translated it means that we are liquidating more than 40 percent of our population each generation. It is the greatest world wide genocide in our history, even exceeding the plagues and invasions of the Middle Ages. Even the Black Plague worked its way through each nation for one generation and then subsided. For in the face of the ancient pathogen of Black Plague, our people worked up immunity to this threat.

In regard to this new threat the government and media of the so-called West have worked overtime to suppress our natural immune system, our love of our heritage and nations, and to imprison, kill, suppress in everyway possible (excuse the coarse analogy) the White blood cells who have struggled heroically against the invaders. The current pathogens that decimate us have now worked their destructiveness through one generation and they only gain momentum with time.

Make no mistake. It is genocide.

The Birthrate of our people is now only 1.20 world wide. What does this mean in real terms?

It means that every 100 European American men and women will only give birth to fewer than 60 children. The next generation will bequeath fewer than 36 children, and the next generation less than 22, the next fewer than 13, and in only the fifth generation, that original hundred will be less than 8!

In other words, in the long existence of our people, stretching back for tens of thousands of years and thousands of generations, it will take only 5 short generations, an historical blink of the eye, to wipe over 90 percent of our population off the face of the earth.

There are many reasons for the low birthrate, probably the most dynamic factor is the alien media emanating primarily from Hollywood and New York that promotes soulless materialistic consumerism and solipsism, that attack our deepest perceptions of morality and decency which leads to rates of disease that in turn lead to infection and sterility, even homosexual self destruction and non-reproduction.

Hollywood's Brokeback Mountain for instance was not only an attack on the icon of my country's most heroic and masculine image, the American cowboy, it's message attacked all of our values and standards wherever it played to audiences of European descent. Every homosexual couple whether male or female is another couple of Europeans whose genes are extinguished forever.

Radical Feminism, also driven to prominence by its non-European progenitors such as Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem, as well as the non-European media that I have mentioned earlier, has driven far too many beautiful and brilliant women from giving those wonderfully expressed genes new life and new beauty. We must not forget the political sources of this low birthrate, the fact that so many of our people cannot afford to have children while they are forced to subsidize a high non-European birthrate among minorities at home and massive aid to the growing non-White human sea that wraps around the earth.


As our population implodes, that of the Third World explodes, and that mass is surging, pressing at our borders and pouring over them like the endless ocean that pours over the rails of a floundering ship. As our ships of state sink lower the rush of the sea comes faster and faster. And my friends there is another facter critical factor: an ancient supremacist group that proudly boasts its non European origin that has infiltrated the halls of power in our White kingdoms. Through their economic, political and media influence they have been the primary force behind dynamiting our dikes and seawalls in the face of the immigration tsunami.

More on the nefarious effects of immigration in a moment, but as we discuss the immediate disasters wrought by mass immigration, we must never forget that there is no immigration problem in the West without the deep subversion that has taken place within our societies. Today we have with us representatives of Spain and Greece, two nations painfully aware of the role of this non-European minority opening the gates to the invaders in Spain and Constantinople. And now they have for the last 60 years, since the end of the Second World War, led both the both the political mechanisms and the media propaganda for the current invasion.

When we were healthy at home there was no prescient immigration threat. Routing out this alien force within our societies must be our first task. For just one of these subverters bending the ears of kings, presidents and counselors, or broadcasting to our folk  is more dangerous to us than a million of the ragged barbarians pounding and tearing at our gates.

This non-European supremacist group have through a hypocritical team effort deceitfully gained control over our major communication media and mesmerized many of our people into believing that the extinction of our people will not be the greatest human catastrophe of all time, but somehow will be a blessing to the earth, and that it is somehow noble for us to commit a racial suicide.

Ironically, the same people who tell us extinction of European mankind is good, are the same ones who tell us that the greatest crime of all time was the alleged attempt in World War II of the Germans to drive the Jews to extinction. Yet, somehow our impending demise is not only not considered a crime of immense proportions, but this greatest of all human catastrophes is hardly even mentioned by press or politicians. For instance, what a scandal it is that this is one of only a tiny number of conferences held anywhere in the world that simply addresses the imminent disaster facing our folk.

It is not just a reduction of numbers we endure, for in every European nation, great waves of non-European immigration conquer our mores, our faiths, our politics, even our serenity and security. In Europe, the east now has penetrated with its agents in every capitol, making once serene and secure streets, neighborhoods and subways places of pregnant fear and aborted freedom.

In America, illegal and legal immigration, differential birthrates and European American sterility have transformed a overwhelming 90% European American majority with an almost 100 percent Western mindset into a nation where the 200 year overwhelming European American majority will be a minority in but a generation. Such demographic change is so terrifyingly fast, it is but a blink of an eye of historical time, only a single second in our historical hour, but a second that can end a race as surely as a second of time can still the heart of a living man.

It is not just our aging population that is dying. It is us. Our history is dying, our present, our future, our dreams, our hopes, and that of all that came before us, all those that sacrificed to give us material well being, freedom. And now, the most elemental of all, our very Life of our people itself, is seriously in question.

For are we are a unique form of life on this planet no less distinct than the breeds fish, or dolphins or Whales? Should we not be allowed to live? Our expression of life in our very existence is being eradicated, erased from the earth. We can see many examples of this disregard for our own European life.

Let me quote from the Associated Press of November 4, 2005

Paris Rioters Set Woman Afire as Violence Spreads
Friday, November 04, 2005
Associated press

AUBERVILLIERS, France  Marauding bands of Muslim youth set fire to cars and warehouses and pelted rescuers with rocks early Saturday, as the worst rioting in a decade spread from Paris to other French cities. The United States warned Americans against taking trains to the airport via strife-torn areas.

A savage assault on a bus passenger highlighted the dangers of travel in Paris' Muslim-filled and impoverished outlying neighborhoods, where the violence has entered its second week.

The African immigrant attackers doused the woman, in her 50s and on crutches, with an inflammable liquid and set her afire as she tried to get off a bus in the suburb of Sevran Wednesday, judicial officials said. The bus had been forced to stop because of burning objects in its path. She was rescued by the driver and hospitalized with severe burns.

All over the world the mainstream media describes the rioters as quote "youths." At every opportunity, the TV news well only show the scattered and rare White Trotskyite throwing a firebomb while ignoring the overwhelmingly clear fact that these riots are driven by racial hatred for all things European.

But, once in while a little truth ekes out in the controlled media. The Associated Press article quoted makes clear who the rioters are and it shows the brutality of the savages who are turning centers of European refinement, culture and civilization into examples of the darkest horrors of Africa.

Listen once more to the words of the following paragraph from the Associated Press:

The African immigrant attackers doused the woman, in her 50s and on crutches, with an inflammable liquid and set her afire as she tried to get off a bus in the suburb of Sevran Wednesday, judicial officials said. The bus had been forced to stop because of burning objects in its path. She was rescued by the driver and hospitalized with severe burns.

"African immigrant attackers" throw gasoline on a handicapped White woman and set her on fire!

Now, you tell me, how the mainstream press would treat this if White attackers doused a crippled, middle-aged Black woman with gasoline and set her on fire? Tell me please, would not every newspaper from Paris to Vladivostok, to Sydney be screaming about this horrible racist hate crime as proof of the evil and racism of European mankind?

Would not there be universal condemnation by the politicians against the racial dynamics of this vicious racist attack against a defenseless African woman? But, there has been only deafening silence.

There has been world wide news that I may face hate crime charges in Sweden simply for telling the truth about the downside of immigration and about the crimes of the Jewish supremacist Israeli State.

My moderate exercise of free speech gets world wide publicity as a "hate crime." but not one major media in the world has condemned as racist the racially-motivated of burning alive a crippled White woman!

No hate charges have been filed against those who burned this handicapped French woman.

What happened in France is a similar story that happened in my once lovely, home city of New Orleans in the African mayhem unleashed by Hurricane Katrina. And by the way, I see some here who contacted me with concern over the Katrina damages to my home and office, thank you all so much for your heartfelt support.

The world heard of roving gangs of looters, but they weren't told that these gangs racially abused and targeted White people resulting in our people suffering hundreds of victims of rape, robbery and murder.

In New Orleans not only did the African savage gangs shoot at rescue helicopters and boats, they actually went into and terrorized children's hospitals and nursing homes for the old and infirmed. Mobs of Africans hurled racial abuse and attacked White men, women and children.

But again, no major media or politicians condemned these racially-motivated physical, violent attacks. And most of you never even heard of the plight of those who share your genotype in the forlorn, ravaged city of New Orleans.

Do these events of savagery sound like America or France? Hell no. It sounds like Mogadishu not like New Orleans and not Paris, at least not the New Orleans and Paris of our fathers and mothers! And indeed, New Orleans and Paris and London and host of other European cities are rushing headline toward becoming Mogadishu. And, unless things change, even the largest concentration of White people on the planet, the city of Moscow, is heading toward the same.

Only the brain dead in Europe and America cannot help but realize that opening our borders to millions of non-Europeans is the most insane, traitorous action in perhaps all of European history, yet it continues in all of its manifest evil.

Millions of Europeans have sacrificed their lives over the centuries to protect the freedom, culture and very life our European people. The politicians and media have literally given over our nations to the invaders at the gates and now our people pay the price. The price will first be our freedom, and then be our very existence. We will be driven to extinction under the attack of this ruthless hatred.

Europe and America are under the lie of Democracy when in truth it is an oligarchy of money, privilege and alien loyalties that rule us. Every poll in every European nation has consistently shown that the great majority of our people have consistently opposed the immigration policy that now leads us to this apocalypse.

But, still governments do far too little to stem the rising dark tsunami of immigration and differential birthrates that threatens to wipe out our people. The media tells us that multiracialism only gives us blessings. Rising crime, gang rape, teeming ghettos of hatred and barbaric riots are the real blessings of immigration, blessings that really are only curses to every decent impulse of our civilization.

Only brain can fail to see the bloody and bleak horizon for Europe and America in the ethnic cleansing going on right before our eyes. We are being wiped away in our own homelands. Most Europeans and Americans already see this through the fog of media disinformation and political dissimulation  they rightfully oppose immigration and want the interlopers sent home as fast we can find the boats and planes to do so.

But now, Europeans and Americans must come to realize that simply wanting the protection our nations, our children, our future - is not enough! Our cheers, our agreement, our hurrays mean but precious little.

We must become active in the Movements all over the world that will give our governments back to our people, that will establish a true democracy of the people's will rather the alien oligarchy of media and money that rule us. Those of you who here are scholars, you must continue your research, but the time comes rapidly when you must put down your pencil and man the picket line, the campaign parade, the barricades if need be. You must also stand in the political arena and raise your voice for the survival of your people.

Those of you who are businessmen, must make your ultimate business the survival and freedom of your people.

Those of you who are priests and clergy must save not only souls of your flocks, but the holy genes that God and his design of Nature has sculpted.


I will address for a moment the frame of our approach to our own masses and to the people of the world. For we are in battle for the heart and mind of our folk. Here are some realizations I have come to that I will share with each of you.

1. Our problem is ultimately internal not external.

A free and wholly White Russia and Europe and North America, face no insurmountable security issues from abroad. It is not the clash of civilizations between Europe and Asia and Africa that threatens us, it is the clash of racial and ethnic realities within our nations. It is the dynamics of non-European influence over media and government that compose our true Trojan Horse.

Our enemies want us to focus on external threats, In America and Europe they want us concerned about Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Iran and various groups that pose a supposed threat to America and Europe outside our borders. All this while millions of non-Europeans who constitute in large numbers serious threats to our folk and civilization continue to sweep over our borders in a dark tsunami that will drown our respective nations.

At the same time we must resist immigration with all our might and ability and intellect and courage, it makes sense for Europeans to be consistent, fair and just. Arabia for Arabs, India for Indians, China for Chinese, and our European, American, and Russian Homelands for ourselves and our expression of life.

It is only an evil man, one who seeks the destruction of a whole people who would oppose such sensibility and justice, who would oppose the rights of European mankind to live. Make it clear that it is our enemies who are the supremacists, the oppressors, the genocidal forces of history. And it is not just us over whom they seek supremacy but over the Mideast and indeed, over all the people of the earth.

We must in our own movements support an agreement with foreign lands whereby we pledge to stop interfering with their societies and stop supporting their enemies such as Zionism. If their leaders had that kind of commitment from the West, they would agree to the return of their nationals in Europe and America. For our military power is indeed supreme, it is only our will that is suspect.

2. We must show that we represent justice and not become caricatures of our enemy's media image of us.

Our people are a moral people, they will sacrifice everything, even their own lives to be moral. They must know that we represent what is good for our own people and indeed good for all nations and peoples on the earth. We will not preach one thing for ourselves and something quite different for others. We seek no empire, just the preservation of our homelands and the people that make our homelands truly home.

We are not the promoters or harbingers of hate, it is those who seek to destroy the very life of our people who are the true masters of hate. They are masters of war and oppression. It is they that bring on the so-called "clash of civilizations" and the bloody future they hope for in what they call "World War 4."

3. Lessen ideological dogmatism over issues not critical to our survival.

We who desire the preservation of our race, the very life of our people must keep only one ideology at the unifying foreground, that principle is simply, "What is good for our people we support, what is bad we oppose." What is good for our survival is our ultimate moral standard. It is this concrete goal that must motivate us not some abstract principle.

We have brethren here that are Socialist or Libertarian, Democrat or Monarchist, Communist or Capitalist, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant and even Atheist. We can argue with our brothers and sisters as we would a family member on the merits of his or her beliefs, but we as a group must be one family, one phalanx, one faith against the enemy arraigned against us. Abstract principle is not important here, it is our concrete survival that is our overwhelming principle.

Let me share with an example of the devastating devotion to an abstract principle.

As you scholars are keenly aware, Greece and the Balkans suffered under long periods of tyrannical rule by the Ottoman Turks. At the end of the 18th century the Ottoman regime forbid the publishing of books seeking the national and ethnic freedom of the Greek people and other people of the region repressed and controlled by the brutal Turkish regime. They suppressed the many books supporting the Christian religious beliefs of the European people of these lands. Even books of science and mathematics were forbidden publication to keep the Greek people down and at heel.

A handful of Greek patriots began a publishing operation in the neighboring Vienna, led by Rigas Velestinlis Fereos and a couple dozen leading personalities.

The Ottoman Sultan opposed this and appealed to the Hapsburg Monarch on basis of the principle of legitimacy, the watchword of the Napoleonic era. It was the idea the crown heads would support each other against democratic and national movements. It is similar today as the Neocon led globalism in their defense of so-called democratic principles around the world. Too many Whites get obsessed with ideological abstract principles sometimes follow to them in complete disregard of concrete reality.

To the eternal shame of the Hapsburgs, the Monarch who was challenged on this abstract principle of legitimacy, that sovereigns should have control over their own subjects, bowed to the Sultan and closed down the Greek press and turned over Fereos and his European, Christian compatriots.

They were taken to Ottoman occupied Belgrade and promptly tortured and murdered. The body of Rigas was thrown in the Sava on June 24, 1798.

(Read The Greek War of Independence by David Brewer, 2003 overlook press.)

Luckily, Rigas' last words were preserved and carried down and I share them with you now. He said, proudly with head held high,

"This is how brave men die, I have sewn the seeds and the time will come when my country will gather the harvest."

Abstract debate must be cast aside. What matters now is the concrete. We have a guide by the Roman example. Many democrats gratuitously quote the supposed Roman motto, Vox Populi Lex Suprema , or the voice of the people is the supreme law, but in actuality the motto that dominated the Roman psyche and government for hundreds of years was actually,

Salus Populi Lex Suprema Est all power to the health or salvation of the people. This was the original Roman maximum.

Although I as an America revere our original Constitution if our controlled congress and the states legally passed a constitutional amendment that ordered a policy of the end of the White race, I would not allow endorsement of an abstract principle, constitutional law, keep me from defending our people from a concrete threat.

My friends, there is no abstract principle worth the destruction of our people. Our peoples welfare must always be the issue, abstract ideological questions of governmental form or religion must always be second to the well being of our people. This is especially true in these times where the question of "to be or not to be" supersedes all other questions all other principles, all other considerations.

4. Clean our Augean Stables.

As I alluded to earlier, our first task is to remove the enemies of our people who are behind our gates, those who sew defeatism, self-hate, self-doubt, weakness, and degeneracy. Not to clean our own Augean stables will condemn us to feel the hooves of our enemies' Horses on our own necks. Tell our young not to go to volunteer on the foreign fields of wars born for alien insanities. Dedicate your lives to the battle for freedom and survival right here. This is where our great battle lies not on foreign fields but right here on frontiers and in the hearts of our own homelands.

5. We must call forth the passion in our people.

In every way we must celebrate who we are. We must nurture the love of our people, stop condemning them for their failings; evoke the latent courage that is in the very spiral of DNA in their every cell of our folk. We must wash our hearts and minds with love of our people, devotion to them that makes meaningless even the threat of imprisonment or death.

We must sew the seeds as Rigas said, that is our task, wherever we live, by whatever means at our disposal. No sacrifice is too great, no threat to us too intimidating, no disappointment too daunting.

And, we who are still asleep in the nightmare for our people in the early years of the 21st Century, we must fight our way awake, claw our way to the dawn. Shake off the shroud of defeatism and despair, and know that we, European mankind, shall go from the edge of the Abyss to the farthest Star.

Let every man and woman at the conference leave here on Friday with the words of Rigas ringing in our hearts and minds:

"This is how brave men die, I have sewn the seeds and the time will come when my country will gather the harvest."


Dec 15, 2005
The people that were the basis for brokeback mountain were actually Hispanic. Whites aren't allowed to keep their masculinity.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
David Duke occupies the rarest spot in the human race. Spokesman for white interests, and he is a total pariah. He could literally win a mjor election if given the shot, but never will. I have mixed feelings about him, don't always agree with him but he is an articulate and decent looking guy. Sometimes like the speech above he really nails it.

I have a relative that lives in Metarie, Dukes hometown, and he once gave me a bunch of David Duke for president bumperstickers. I thought they were useless reminders of a bygone age but I have found a new use for them---sticking them on the bumpers of people I don't like!!! ha ha! talk about fun!

Maybe someday it will be Ok to actually use them?

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
At least David Duke tells it like it is.The white race is in trouble.We can't be against each other like what has happened in the past.As he said,we are all white brothers and white sisters.We must preserve our heritage.Russia just might be the start of something big.Look at some of the sports with these incredible athletes who are also very fine young men.They stand for what is right.Alot of white americans could learn a thing or two from the Russians.At least they are not ashamed of what they are and don't cut each other down.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Exposing THEM ALL: The Powerful Voice of David Duke


Why you shouldn't race mix?

Not only is it wrong; not only does it display utter weakness; not only does it give the enemies propaganda; it WILL seriously harm you.

And, if you survive, Civilization WON'T want you back! Not to mention, any mongrel offspring will hate you -- for who would want to be born AN abomination??

Don't be duped by the White-hating and envious International jew. Also, FUK YOU Hillary Duff.. a true DISGRACE

Nov 8, 2006
David Duke is possibly the most well-spoken and professional representative of our race. I would give the highest possible recommendation for his books "My Awakening" and "Jewish Supremacism."


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina

Among other things, I'm glad Dr. Duke mentioned thugs like Jim Brown and O.J. Simpson, and the media's deceptive glorification of them and other bums.

Dr. Duke could have literally spent hours naming names.

I'd bet that Dr. Duke is also aware of the myth of black athletic superiority; the fact that black athleticism is way-way-way overrated.

I think that harming our sports and our athletes was even more significant than the take over of Hollywood "by them." Because, there are White Nationalists' that realize that Hollywood produces mostly garbage, but, on the other hand, they think that the NFL and some other sports are mostly legit.

2-reasons for this: 1--they couldn't combat and fight off the repetitive "hype" and have taken the "racial differences" thing WAY too far; they've been conditioned to ignore White physiological advantage and can't spot glaring weaknesses in black physiology. 2-- Their guard is down because they think sport is merely a harmless form of entertainment; the propaganda has been so good that they can't begin to question things on their own (without someone first showing them the way).

Also, with sports, "they" can thrust many more negroes onto "the stage" --- compared to the obvious limits on Hollywood "stardom." Even today's Hollywood would reject most of the blacks in the NFL and NBA. Sumo-black Leonard Davis as Hollywood star? Yeah right!

The David Duke audio is worth listening to.

P.S. "Combating the Hype" would be a good article for this site. Edited by: Deadlift


Feb 15, 2008
The soviet union is a prime example of what happens when a country is not brainwashed by the media like we are.That's why they virtually dominateboxing and mixed martial arts as well as their dominance in the olympics in the past. They don't buy into the black superiority myth like we do here in the states. I have no doubt they will become a superpower again in the next five years. I love the fact that Putin is encouraging their young to breed. Let's not even forget abouttheir women who I think are just the most beautiful women on this earth. So let's celebrate the Soviet Union and their rise to superpower status for they could be the lastbastion of the survival of thewhite race.
Jun 2, 2007
Outside North America
The Soviet Union ceased to exist with Gorby. Now it's just Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, the -iStans, and a few other former Eastern Bloc and some Central Asian countries.

I kind of miss the spy movies and Cold War stuff, but it may take on version #2 after Russia restocks it repopulates (They lost millions due to communism and poor economy). Too bad the roles will be reversed, if there is a constitutional "free" country by then. Russia may be far from perfect, but it seems more bright for them than the US in 50 years.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Thanks for the link Deadlift! I am a bigger fan of Dr. Duke with each passing day.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Colonel_Reb said:
Thanks for the link Deadlift! I am a bigger fan of Dr. Duke with each passing day.

Yeah, Dr. Duke leaves no stone unturned, but I think he could be a little bit more forceful.

Even though he's trying to wake more people up before the storm, he could be more forceful. Yes, the "real" news speaks for itself to a degree, but I get the feeling he needs to add something more.


"You don't mix because you don't mix. Call me what you want, but I ain't mixing. It's weakness personified and it's wrong."

The data is definitely important. But, if there were no STD risks (if STD's didn't exist period), mixing would be just as detrimental and cruel -- for a variety of reasons.


What do you think? Do you feel that something is missing from the Dr. Duke audio? Edited by: Deadlift


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Deadlift, I definitely think there are several things he could have mentioned. I think he's trying to appeal to some people who may be outside the racialist movement with the STD talk. He could have mentioned the genetic destruction of both races as a reason, the elimination of our white culture as another (many issues in that alone), the historical reasons for not doing so (countries becoming heterogenous and falling), and the religious reasons. All of these tie into the Zionist leader's aims, in my humble opinion. From what I know, since the early days of his public life, Dr. Dukehas beenseen as a somewhat less radical racialist, even a populist. I think he wants to see the movement grow more than anything, and that is why he pulls punches like he does. I think in some ways James Edwards is like him, walking the fine line so he can become a household name and still help the movement. I don't know that I disagree with that approach when you have the ability to bring in new people as they do with their audiences. It is really easy forme to sit here and find fault, but I appreciate their dedication and work.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina

I hear you.

Dr. Duke said that the MSM want White women to be mentally disarmed and thus vulnerable (which is true), but he didn't tell White women how to conduct themselves in social situations. He didn't tell them how to be strong. He could have also given tips to young White men.

The word "racist" is most often used as a SLUR. The word is rarely used in an intellectual context. White men and White women need to do the right thing and not worry about "the word" (racist). No doubt Dr. Duke is aware of this.

Maybe in a future audio. I appreciate his work as well.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I agree with those things as well Deadlift. All very useful considering the topic.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Extremely accurate and articulate article & insight from Dr.Duke here. He has the Globalist Elite tactics & agenda pegged quite well. No doubt he spells out the plight of Whites from the growing threats from (Elite sponsored) various sources. His logic would indeed be demonized by the (Globalist Elite controlled) "mainstream" media. We need to utilize the same facts & logic to help our friends & families understand the dire situation we are in as Americans and as Whites.Edited by: DixieDestroyer