Culture Whiteout


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Great read! Pay particular attention to the quotes of
political muckety-mucks. How eager they are to hasten our demise!


So what's a (white) boy to do? There is an honorable tradition in the history of hopeless causes: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Just wait a few decades and whites will be a minority, too, and can all jump on the affirmative-action band wagon. Except it may not work out that way. Whites are already a minority in California, Hawaii, New Mexico, and Texas, and there is no sign it does them any good. Whites are really a minority in Detroit, but they are somehow not flocking to the city to enjoy the benefits.

The real solution may have to wait another generation or two after which, if some who call themselves conservatives have their way, there will have been so much miscegenation there will be no more white people left to worry about. "My great wish,"Â says conservative pundit Michael Barone, "is that 50 years from now we will be so mixed there will be no more racial categories."Â "It would be a lot easier if each of us were related to someone of another color and if, eventually, we were all one color,"Â writes Morton Kondracke in The New Republic. Douglas Besharov of the American Enterprise Institute says miscegenation may be "the best hope for the future of American race relations."Â Ben Wattenberg says that once we are all "bland and blended . . . we will fulfill our difficult destiny as the first universal nation."Â Andrew Sullivan, former editor of The New Republic writes that "miscegenation has always been the ultimate solution to America's racial divisions."Â

Europeans want the same thing. Ségolène Royale was the Socialist candidate in the French presidential elections in 2007. "Miscegenation is an opportunity for France," she said, adding that as president she would encourage immigration and would be "president of a France that is mixed-race and proud of it." Nicolas Sarkozy, the conservative who beat her, spoke fondly of "a France that understands that creation comes from mixing, from openness, and from coming togetherâ€"I'm not afraid of the wordâ€"from miscegenation." Jozef Ritzen, Dutch Minister of Education, Culture, and Science, explained that "this is the trend worldwide. The white race will in the long term become extinct. . . . Apparently we are happy with this development."Â(snip)

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
What a sad world we live in when some people think like this. The good thing is, it is a load of crap. Most people still prefer to stay within their own race when they date or marry.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Michael Barone's quote should awaken a few whites to what the neo-cons are all about. They are against the white race as much as anyone else. The problem is that few whites will read what he and the others said.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
This is said only partly in jest, but do you ever notice how those who push most vehemently for the "let's all intermarry and be one race" agenda are invariably unattractive and incredibly undesirable?

It's like they're the dateless losers in any high school, who think they can finally get laid if they date one of the Mexican girls or try to hook up with that Korean foreign exchange boy.



Mar 23, 2009
If we were all the same then we would all be gray, boring, and miserable. Why does the white culture have to be the only thing not worth saving?

I'm not sure whether these people realize it or not but their one world, one race belief is just one step away from communism.
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
Michael Barone is a charlatan--always was and always will be.

As for the ever-so-enlightened folk who think that all White people are born out of the same background and culture, they are more close-minded and prejudiced than the ones they always complain about.

Whites are, without a doubt, a very diverse race. We speak different languages, look different, eat different foods, have different customs. What really irritates me is that the naysayers see Whites ONLY through an upper-class, Protestant world view. This justifies what I wrote earlier about them being as bigoted as everybody else.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Here's what H. Millard says about the white race. I agree.

"Too many Whites seem to be saying: "Let's stop our evolution; let's stamp out our mutations that make us a different and unique people, and become African once more. Let's all do what Barack Obama's White mother--his incubator--did. Let's not produce White children in our own wombs--let's stop our family line and have non-White children.

Remember, humans have 46 chromosomes that carry our genes which are made up of DNA. Sperm carry 23 chromosomes from the father to the mother's egg which also has 23. When the 23 and 23 combine, a new life is started. If the mother and father are both White, the child will be in their image.

If the mother and father are not both white, the child will not be White. That's because White genes are a later mutation--a budding off from the old trunk of humanity--a step toward becoming a separate species. Because White genes are new genes, there is a pull to bring them back to the middle of the bell curve of humanity. It takes effort and struggle to remain White on a planet where Whites are the later mutation and are in a small minority.

This is just science, folks. You may not often hear it in these words or terms, but that's the way it works "


Mar 23, 2009
Nice quote. I can hear the liberals and Hollywood types screaming racism.

It is obvious we are taking a step back by ceasing to be white. I don't mean we are superior but we are newer and we are just going back in time to when we were tribes hunting on the Sahara. I know I don't want that. It is interesting that white people seem to hate their own culture. They don't even seem to realize it.