Crumbling Infrastructure

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
On top of all the other crises this country turned empire faces, crumbling infrastructure is yet another, especially in the East where the buildings, roads, bridges, utility lines, etc., are old and in need of beingreplaced. It seems like every time there's a storm or very hot temperatures the electricity goes out where I live, which is reputedly a white middle class suburb. It's been off today since just after 5 p.m. EST. The utility company's automated answering system blames a tree somehow downing a power line on thiswindless day, however it was also 93 degrees with tropical humidity, which tells me the electrical system may have been overtaxed.

This region is one of the whitest metro areas in the country, but the road system is abysmal and the pipes carrying water are 150 years old and fast corroding. There are hundreds and hundreds of bridges because of the terrain and the many creeks and rivers and many are old and decrepit. The state government wants to toll I-80, which would mean no one can cross Pennsylvania from east to west or vice versa without paying for the honor as the only other east-west route is the rickety Pennsy Turnpike, and even that won't come close to raising the money needed to deal with the problem.

I'm on-line right now thanks to a laptop computer, but am fast running out of time as I need electricity to recharge it. Duquesne Light said the problem would be fixed by 11:00. It's now 11.30. Over and out.
Jun 21, 2007
Outside North America
The "leaders" of the empire would rather spend money trying to bring "democracy" to Ahmad than fixing essentials at home. I always enjoyed studying ancient history. I always enjoyed reading the different theories that academics had in regards to the collapse of the ancient Greeks, and Romans. From what I have witnessed over the last 15 years of my life take place in western countries I believe my theory is the most accurate.Edited by: aussieaussie31

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I'm back, the power was only off for 18 hours. . . I called the power companytwice trying to getthe location ofthe mysterious fallen tree, but it was treated as top secret information. Probably had something to do with "homeland security" and all dat.


Oct 20, 2006
Don, that tree could have been knocked over by a car or truck.

From what I've seen, its been an intentional policy to steal money from state
road and infrastructure funds for the last 40 years to transfer to this or that
welfare case. Is it me, or does anybody see a sonnection between this policy
and the move by internationalists to sell off American infrastructure who
want to toll us to death? Look at Texas and the Trans-Texas Corridor. I
would fight the tolling of I-80 at all costs. I bet its on the NAFTA
superhighways map if you look.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I know it could have been knocked over by a car, if it was indeed a downed line, but it's amusing that no details could be revealed as ifit wasa state secret. It's not too often in this area that someone plows over a tree or a telephone pole; given the weather the past few days I tend to think it was something else. 18 hours to fix a downed line caused by a crash?

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
White America built infrastructure that "diverse" "America" cannot even maintain! It definitely does not get better as our population goes more and more Third World.

HBO is lately featuring a 4 hour documentary on New Orleans during and after Hurricane Katrina. It is amazing how many "Americans" believe government exists to tend to their personal needs. What David Duke 18 years ago called the "parasitic and intractible welfare underclass" is not shrinking (tho' Kartina did cull a few from the group). The underclass and its advocates demand resources that could be directed toward necessary infrastructure.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Well, what do you know -- Ron Paul's latest has almost the same name as this thread:
Aging Infrastructure
by Ron Paul

The recent and tragic bridge collapse in Minnesota raises many questions in Americans' minds about our aging infrastructure, and what is being done to maintain it. Questions such as: "Was I-35 an isolated accident or are we approaching days when crumbling bridges and bursting pipes will be regular features on the evening news?"

The poor ratings on the inspection report of that bridge, and similar deficiency findings on as many as 25% of our bridges suggests the latter. Estimates on what it will cost to bring deficiencies in our infrastructure back up to par range from massive to astronomical.

Billions of tax dollars at all levels of government are devoted to infrastructure, but one problem is that politicians love to cut ribbons. Political capital is gained not from maintaining or repairing our systems, but from building new bridges, new stadiums, and new roads, often of questionable real utility. Seldom is there a ceremony or photo opportunity for repairing or maintaining something already in place.

As the so-called Highway Trust Fund is set to go bankrupt as early as 2009, private investment firms are gearing up for partnerships, which could be a positive step, if handled sensibly. What we need to avoid are items such as the Trans Texas Corridor (TTC), which is phase 1 of the NAFTA Super Highway. The Spanish firm Cintra is set to take over toll collections after the TTC's completion; however it is unclear that they'll have any obligations for maintenance. The cost is being socialized, while the profit is privatized, effectively making the American people pay for it twice.

Infrastructure, in a capitalist model, is an asset worthy of maintaining to ensure continuity of revenue. In a government-controlled model infrastructure is nothing but a cumbersome liability. This should be taken into consideration when developing plans to keep our current infrastructure safe. Privatization should be used to encourage maintenance and safety, and where private companies truly invest and bear the upfront costs in return for ability to collect tolls or usage fees in some form. But public/private partnerships that look more like corporate welfare must be avoided.

We should re-examine how we handle the taxes we collect for infrastructure and how we allocate that money. At the very least reins need to be put on the Highway Trust Fund. Funds collected from the gas tax should go into the Trust Fund - period.

Even the most ardent liberal and passionate conservative can agree that when they pay gasoline taxes, the least they expect is a road and bridge system that won't crumble beneath their feet. Before any subsidies or welfare payments are paid out, before social security is handed out to illegal immigrants, or health care is given to everyone, before bridges to nowhere are built at home, or entire countries bombed and rebuilt abroad, before any other myriad of exotic government projects are even considered, infrastructure should be attended to and taken seriously.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Another milestone in our path toward destruction."

It's not just the cost of replacing the repeatedly stolen copper wires; crime will soar whenever the street lights go out in the bad neighborhoods of DC. When the power is cut to alarm systems, massive looting could take place.

America is beginning to cannibalize itself now. There is barely any maintenance of infrastructure. A major bridge collapsed in Minneapolis in 2007 killing 13 people and injuring 145. That bridge was ranked better than 10 percent of the bridges in the US by the way. It should be remembered that prior to fall 2007, the US economy was in fairly good shape. If politicians were neglecting infrastructure prior to 2007, imagine how much infrastructure is being neglected now that tax revenue has taken an enormous hit.

The rot is appearing first in the large stretches of urban areas which are controlled by blacks and Hispanics, such as Detroit, Los Angeles, Atlanta, New Jersey, Philadelphia and other big cities. New Orleans still has not been able to rebuild completely after Hurricane Katrina because the black city establishment lacks the competency to do so and seems to have stolen or wasted most of the tax money allocated for that purpose.

This story about copper thieves may sound like something that happens in the Third World, but America has 100 million Third World people within its borders. One day you'll be driving through a big city as the street lamps and traffic lights suddenly lose power â€"hopefully you'll be able to get back to the good part of town before any rioting or before someone tries to carjack you. This is what comes from a multi-racial society and we can expect things to get a lot worse as the number of minorities continues to increase.

An entity can delay maintenance on infrastructure often for 20 to 30 years but in time without proper maintenance and repair it will fail. It will also cost more the longer it is delayed. That the U.S. infrastructure has last as long as it has is a tribute to the skills of the Whites who deigned and built it so long ago.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
The city of Detroit regularly loses power. There have been several articles about it in the local papers. The state wants to transfer the control of the power grid in the city to the state utility but the state utility doesn't want it because everything is so old and broken down. There is no money for repairs, the city workers are incompetent, and it is only going to get worse. Third world? This will be even worse, a once thriving modern city is decaying into apocalyptic demise. It will be Blade Runner without all of the good looking white people.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I first saw crumbling infrastructure in my native Mississippi Delta in the 1990s. The causes were several, but one of the chief causes was negroes taking over political power and the subsequent mass exodus of White residents and businesses and the tax money that went with them. Several local paved roads in dire need of repair and/or repaving have been turned back into gravel roads. Some remaining paved local roads aren't drivable unless you wish to constantly re-align the front end of your vehicle. Counties have quit maintaining other roads because of funding problems and declining population. Even state highways are in bad shape around there. Road conditions are just one aspect of the infrastructure, but I can't imagine what it would be like in a big city when everything goes.


Apr 13, 2005
Though I don't doubt there are infrastructure problems around the country, many statists want to ride the issue to a New Deal-style patronage boondogle. Problem is, infrastructure repair is capital intensive and we all know the condition of capital these days. I would dare say that such programs would tend to benefit the illegal alien population whose coolie labor would be sought to both supress costs and feed political votes.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Third World USA: Power Black Out Hits Arizona and Southern California"

Maybe the outage wasn’t contained because the US is gradually turning into a Third World country, and all the usual back ups and safety features that would be expected in a First World nation no longer exist here. Seriously, how do you knock out the electric service for five million people while working on some electrical equipment in the relatively small town of Yuma?

Several schools have announced that they will not be open on Friday as the power outage lingers on. Our society is so dependent on electricity that grocery stores had to close and gas stations could not sell customers gas. (You may want to store plenty of canned food and some five gallon cans of gas in case your neighborhood gets hit by a prolonged power outage.) It was fortunate that this power outage did not include Los Angeles, otherwise massive looting and chaos would have ensued.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Obama: The Failed “Infrastructure Presidentâ€"

It’s been sheer luck that California has not suffered a major brown out or black out (aside from San Diego getting caught up with the Southwest power outage). If Los Angeles were hit by a week-long heat wave with temperatures climbing over 100 degrees, it’s fairly certain we would add a major California black out to the list. We’ve still got August, September and October; a big California black out could still happen under Obama. The government of California has been running ads telling people to set their air conditioner thermostats to 78 degrees or higher in the event of a “Flex Alert“. The truth is that California has been swamped with millions of illegal alien invaders, who have overloaded the power grid. A good heat wave will still collapse the grid even with people raising their thermostats to 78 degrees.

The bottom line is that there is no excuse, none, for this state of affairs. There is no excuse for a super power like the U.S.A. not to be able to maintain basic services. It’s just that Democrat politicians have been allowing millions of Third World people to invade the US both legally and illegally and the government has been squandering all our taxes on wasteful things like endless Middle East wars that go nowhere, aid to Israel, bailing out banks and Wall Street and soon ObamaCare will impose the largest effective tax increase in the history of the world. The federal government already devours our wealth and time and energy like a cosmic leech.

And so every year it gets worse. I wonder when the whole house of cards will come crashing down.