Craig Morgan song


Oct 19, 2004
I was watching Grand Ole Opry the other night and Craig Morgan (country singer, "What I Love About Sunday") sang a song about "God, Family and Country" that I really think epitomizes what's wrong with conservatives today. How can a true conservative look at our country today and hold allegiance to it? It's almost perverse. The people who are running our country from the top down (politics, media, universities, law, corporations) don't give a damn about us and what our country used to be. Maybe he spends all his time in the country and doesn't comprehend that that demographic has become irrelevant (except to be manipulated by neocons like Bush,) and will continue to be culturally, politically, and demographically eclipsed as multiculturalism continues its rampage.

Only when "conservatives" believe that race is important, and can openly and honestly state that belief without having their careers instantly ruined, will things get better. And that may not ever happen.
That's a true and very well stated post JD, and I agree with you wholeheartedly. As a true Conservative, and a Christian, I am frustrated by that reality every day. Most people are so apathetic and lazy these days, I don't know what it would take for them to wake up!
Of course Morgan is probably a good guy, and we need more people like him. But I just think the motto needs to be changed. Maybe "God, Family and Race" or for the non-religious, "Family and Race." Something different.

The other problem with patriotism, outside of the fact that America isn't something that white people should be proud of anymore, is that it is so easy to manipulate. It's too easy for "love of country" to become "blind obedience and loyalty" to the President and/or government, as we've seen with the war in Iraq. I can't help but be repulsed by Tobe Keith-types drooling all over the military. I respect individual soldiers, but I don't respect anything that's being done in Iraq. All this gushy patriotism legitimizes the war, and the Bush Administration and that's not a good thing. All the "Nascar Dads" need to get their heads out of their asses and realize that the Republicans aren't interested in defending and preserving their culture, values, traditions, and way of life.
I agree 100% JD074. I just wonder what it will take for that to happen.
Well, the message that needs to be sent out to the "main-stream" conservative:

1. "Christian" civilization is really White civilization. No amount of religous dealings can alter our individual genetic codes. While we're on the subject, the pastor or lay teacher educating your children to love and admire the Jew or welcome the ******* and mestizo with open arms is EVERY bit a traitor to his people and a harmful influence as any public school teacher, public figure, singer, etc, you might have problems with. Deal accordingly.

2. Liberty is a White value. Deal with it. Just look around your next NRA, Libertarian party, or other pro-freedom group. 90% white males. The signifigant minorities are more concerned with the government cheese and bling-bling than freedom.

3. Just because they look like you, talk like you, and supposedly come from your "culture" (which is a laff in and of itself in regards to Yale-educated poofter politicians) doesn't mean they are your buddies.

4.. The government isn't as odious as it was when we rebelled in 1776. No, It's far, far, far MORE despicable than the administration of Mad King George.

5. Picking brushfire wars around the worlds is no more respectable than gangbangers picking fights in the hood.

6. "Racism is a word a Liberal uses to call a white man a ******R."--John "Birdman" Bryant.
That's a good quote White_Savage; and it makes perfect sense.
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