Conservatives Skeptical of "Rudy McRomney


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I'm glad to see more Conservative voters are skeptical of the 2008 GOP "Frontrunners" like "RINO" Rudy, "Manchurian Candidate" McCain, "Massatwocents" Mitt & even CFR member "NeoCON Newt". Hopefully, this will lead to more folks backing true Conservative candidates like Ron Paul & Tom Tancredo!

[url] &promo_code=2EA0-1[/url]

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Romney flip flops too much. He's a died in the wool politician, is what he is.

McCain, too. He and Feingold are responsible for dismantling the first amendment, and Bush signed that frickin' bill into law.

Don't forget Newt Gingrich is the guy who said that any American who disagrees with Bush on the war should be considered an insurgent!!

I've read through Giuliani's site as well, and of those four he's the least worst, IMO. Does that make any sense?

I'm still looking for information on Ron Paul's views regarding immigration, tax reform, social security privatization, etc. I know where he stands on foreign policy and the Iraq war, but not much else.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
WS, "RINO" Rudy has been pro-gun control, supports benefits for homosexual civil unions, etc., pro-U.N.,& pro-amnesty (aka - pathway to citizenship), etc. He filed a lawsuit against the firearm industry when he was mayor of NYC in June of 2000. I would personally NEVER think about voting for him as he is the quintessential "RINO", and I'd never consider wasting a vote for that fraud(IMO). Here's some further details on his political views/positions...

[url] i[/url]

Regarding, Ron Paul...he's the paleo-Conservative/Constitutionalist "dream candidate" IMO. Checkout more detail on Congressman Paul...


Oct 19, 2004
The two most important issues right now are immigration and the war. None of the frontrunners are both anti-immigration and anti-war, so there's not much hope for a decent President in '08. We would all love Tancredo and Paul in the White House, but I don't believe in miracles. McCain and Gingrich are the scariest candidates because they're total warmongers. And McCain is just as pro-immigration as he is pro-war (probably more so,) so he's by far the worst candidate, IMO. Obama and Edwards seem to be genuinely opposed to the war, whereas Clinton just seems like an opportunist who will say whatever she needs to say to appeal to whatever group she's speaking to. Still, if I had to pick between Clinton and McCain, sad to say, I'd probably prefer Clinton. We're getting a pro-immigration President either way, might as well go with the one who's less likely to nuke Iran.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
By the way the numbers are running now, it looks like it'll be the Hildabeast vs. "RINO" Rudy. The NWO will never allow any true patriots like Paul or Tancredo near the Oval Office. I'll definitely vote Libertarian or Independent if the choices are any combo of ObamaYaMama/Hitlery Rotten ClinTAX from the DNC vs. McCain't/"RINO" Rudy from the fraudulent GOP. My days of buying into the phony "Left/Right Paradigm", Good Cop-Bad Cop routine of the GOP & DNC are long gone.I've had that "better of two evils" mentality before, but I cannot (in clear conscious) do it from here forth.


Apr 16, 2005
DixieDestroyer said:
By the way the numbers are running now, it looks like it'll be the Hildabeast vs. "RINO" Rudy. The NWO will never allow any true patriots like Paul or Tancredo near the Oval Office. I'll definitely vote Libertarian or Independent if the choices are any combo of ObamaYaMama/Hitlery Rotten ClinTAX from the DNC vs. McCain't/"RINO" Rudy from the fraudulent GOP. My days of buying into the phony "Left/Right Paradigm", Good Cop-Bad Cop routine of the GOP & DNC are long gone.I've had that "better of two evils" mentality before, but I cannot (in clear conscious) do it from here forth.

One year ago I would have thought you were a kook. I bought the "Left/Right paradigm" hook line and sinker. I listened to all the talk radio shows and faithfully watched fox news, thinking I was being a "good patriot".

After housing began sky-rocketing and became unaffordable for 90% of the population (unless you opted for a suicide loan) I started doing some research on the internet, hoping to find an answer. I began reading blogs on housing and they were very educational and would often point to books or links to more information. That is when I began to understand fractional reserve banking and the federal reserve, how it operates and the crooks who control it. Now my problem is how I convince my friends of what is really going on without coming off as a kook. I emailed some links to Russo's movie "Freedom to Facism" free of charge on google. Anyone have any other suggestions? Most of my associates are republican types.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
KJV1, I also bought into the "2 card monte game" of the DNC vs. GOP from the time I was 18 until about 1.5/2 years ago (I'm mid 30s). For years, I was an avid GOP supporter & campaigned hard for Bush in 2000 & 04. I cut my teeth listening to Rush in college. I was a big FOX fan too (Pawn Vanity, O'Reilly, etc.).However, I too was disillusioned with the open borders, why it seemed our troops weren't allowed to "win" in Iraq, and out of control GOP spending. Soon after, I read a hugely awakening book called "Brotherhood of Darkness" by Dr.Stan Monteith (who'd researched the NWO for 40 years+).

This book opened my eyes to the true-masters that are the Globalist Elite (CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, etc.). From there on, I read other great books like "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G.Edward Griffin, "The Marketing of Evil" by David Kupelian, etc. I begin listening to Truth/Patriot Movement radio like Alex Jones, Dr.Monteith, Pastor Chuck Baldwin & Pastor David J. Smith. Nowadays, I consider myself a paleo-Conservative, Nationalist, Constitutionalist Independent.

BTW, sending links to "America:Freedom to Fascism" is a great start! Also, send your friends likes to the "official" Govt NAU site ( & then sites that fully expose the NAU ( Also, you should burn hardcopy DVDs of "America:Freedom to Fascism" and hand out to all your friends & family. Register for e-mail alerts from JBS, TVC, etc. Also, stay on top of key national & state legislation contact your Congressmen, Senators regarding potential, pending or needed legislation (I usually send 5-15 e-mails/letters a week to on-line petitions, etc.). Keep becoming more educated, informed & proactive!!!

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
DixieDestroyer said:
KJV1, I also bought into the "2 card monte game" of the DNC vs. GOP from the time I was 18 until about 1.5/2 years ago (I'm mid 30s). For years, I was an avid GOP supporter & campaigned hard for Bush in 2000 & 04. I cut my teeth listening to Rush in college. I was a big FOX fan too (Pawn Vanity, O'Reilly, etc.).However, I too was disillusioned with the open borders, why it seemed our troops weren't allowed to "win" in Iraq, and out of control GOP spending. Soon after, I read a hugely awakening book called "Brotherhood of Darkness" by Dr.Stan Monteith (who'd researched the NWO for 40 years+).

This book opened my eyes to the true-masters that are the Globalist Elite (CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, etc.). From there on, I read other great books like "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G.Edward Griffin, "The Marketing of Evil" by David Kupelian, etc. I begin listening to Truth/Patriot Movement radio like Alex Jones, Dr.Monteith, Pastor Chuck Baldwin & Pastor David J. Smith. Nowadays, I consider myself a paleo-Conservative, Nationalist, Constitutionalist Independent.

BTW, sending links to "America:Freedom to Fascism" is a great start! Also, send your friends likes to the "official" Govt NAU site ( & then sites that fully expose the NAU ( Also, you should burn hardcopy DVDs of "America:Freedom to Fascism" and hand out to all your friends & family. Register for e-mail alerts from JBS, TVC, etc. Also, stay on top of key national & state legislation contact your Congressmen, Senators regarding potential, pending or needed legislation (I usually send 5-15 e-mails/letters a week to on-line petitions, etc.). Keep becoming more educated, informed & proactive!!!

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Dix, you are one standup dude!


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Thank you Jaxvid. As a proud American, father & Christian, I feel it's my duty to fight for our great Republic (against the tyranny of the Globalist Elite & their evil, dystopic agenda).Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Oct 19, 2004
JD074 said:
Obama and Edwards seem to be genuinely opposed to the war, whereas Clinton just seems like an opportunist who will say whatever she needs to say to appeal to whatever group she's speaking to. Still, if I had to pick between Clinton and McCain, sad to say, I'd probably prefer Clinton.

Apparently some liberals are also wary of Clinton:

Hillary Clinton's Hawkish Record

I still think McCain is the worst candidate.