College Conservative Activism

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
MEDFORD, Mass. -- An editor at a Tufts University conservative
journal has apologized for publishing a satirical Christmas carol that
ridiculed black students and campus affirmative action policies.

The controversial carol, entitled, "O Come All Ye Black Folk," was
published in the most recent edition of the Primary Source, which
bills itself as "the journal of conservative thought at Tufts

The parody of "O Come All Ye Faithful" calls black people
"boisterous" and proclaims, "Born into the ghetto. O Jesus! We need
you now to fill our racial quotas."

The lyrics also say, "No matter what your grades are, F's, D's or G's,
give them all privileged status."

Douglas Kingman, the journal's news editor, said the satire was
intended to call attention to affirmative action policies that he and
other magazine staffers feel are unfair.

"The Primary Source regrets that the purpose of the carol was not
clearly communicated. The carol was intended as a satirical criticism
of affirmative action and was, in fact, intended as an anti-racist
statement," Kingman said in e-mailed press release.

In a subsequent interview with The Associated Press, Kingman
acknowledged that some students may have been offended or hurt
by the lyrics.

"We're sorry," he said. "Our purpose was not to be hurtful or offend

Dinah Jean, a sophomore from Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., said she was
disturbed by the satire even though she is familiar with the journal's
penchant for controversy.

"I was bothered by it. I found it offensive. I understand what the
Primary Source does, but I think they crossed the line," said Jean,
who is black.

Christina Thomas, 18, a black freshman from Fort Worth, Texas,
said, "The reason it's being made into a big deal right now is
because you don't have many minorities here, and racial tension is a
big deal. I think there's a problem with the general consensus that
it's OK to make fun of things like affirmative action."

Jeremy Tyler, 20, a white sophomore from Bangor, Maine, said, "I
honestly don't believe that it was intended to be racist. Of course, I
could see why they (black people) would be offended."

About 8,500 students are enrolled at Tufts, with black students
composing about 7 percent of the undergraduate population. The
university, which straddles the boundary between Somerville and
Medford, is known for its liberal arts, science and engineering

The controversy prompted a campus government meeting Sunday
night at which some students called on the university to stop
providing funds to the Primary Source.

Still, there seems to be little appetite for taking any drastic action
against the journal. In Monday's edition of the daily student
newspaper, an editorial appeared with the headline, "Carol went too
far, but censorship goes further."

University administrators condemned the carol's publication as
"irresponsible," but also stopped short of advocating censorship.

"We write to express our outrage," president Lawrence Bacow wrote
in an open letter to Tufts community members and signed by eight
deans and vice presidents. "No one should have to endure a verbal
attack based on race. We fully recognize freedom of speech on
campus, and as administrators, feel compelled to exercise our own
freedom to speak out against his offensive act."

The controversy comes on the heels of a flap involving a
conservative campus publication at Dartmouth College.

The Dartmouth Review came under fire two weeks ago for publishing
a front-page picture of an American Indian brandishing a scalp with
the headline, "The Natives are Getting Restless." The publication
prompted students on the New Hampshire Ivy League campus to
protest hate speech.


Sep 9, 2005
There's nothing offensive about it. Blacks are sought to achieve racial quotas. It's a fact.Edited by: Deacon