Coach’s Perspective

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Received this today:

I am a teacher and high school football coach, refreshed to find your site. I took my ballplayers on a college recruiting visit yesterday...There were several black players there, including my own.....and white players....The College Coach opened up questions for discussions...Funny thing the white players were asking questions about academic programs and such, but the black players were asking questions about money, extra money....." who is gonna pay for this and that "...etc...I'm thinking
"Isn't a full scholarship enough? "...." all you are thinking about is extras, like who is gonna pay for my cable, malt liqour, tunes, shoes "...It was somewhat disturbing.....As is the prejudice football people have against white athletes.....And black athletes know it and view white players as "soft "....I'm sick of it and am looking for a new line of work...Another thing, the school I work at is 58% white, however the only pictures up in the hallway are famous blacks, not one white person...What can I do.....I can't bitch....I'll be called racist....There is so much I am sick of it's unreal.....I try to have positive thoughts about blacks as a whole, but it is tough...I love my black players and my principal who is also black, but it is hard.....