Climate Change


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Kicking the Global Warming Dead Horse"

As airports all over the east coast and Europe are shut down by record blizzards and after the Climategate Scandal and the revelation that Global Warming "scientists"Â￾ were hiding data from the public which showed that global temperatures were declining after 1998, you'd think that everyone would wake up to the fact that (1).the earth is NOT warming and (2).mankind is NOT causing significant Global Warming due to industrial pollution. Random variations in heat output from the sun completely overpower any effect that man has on the global temperature.

The Global Warming scam however has been driven deeply into the heads of many people so apparently we need to keep spreading the truth. Global Warming was a power grab by the Left. They planned to use this mythical problem as an excuse to heavily tax corporations (so they could get more money to fund all their usual liberal causes).
Teenager Greta Thunberg has been given a lot of media coverage. She talks about "climate change."

As far as I know she never offers any solutions. The mainstream media won't ask her what her plans are. She just complains and gets publicity.
Teenager Greta Thunberg has been given a lot of media coverage. She talks about "climate change."

As far as I know she never offers any solutions. The mainstream media won't ask her what her plans are. She just complains and gets publicity.
Since she’s just a puppet of the elite, I would assume the answer would be “international socialism” or global communism as I prefer to call it. The idea would not be popular if it would be explained so that’s why they keep it at a surface level with fluffy, buzzwords that idiots can gobble up and regurgitate. Lookup “UN Agenda 2030” which if it were to be implemented would de industrialize the West and crash our countries into 3rd world poverty.
These morons only have appeal to emotion (trotting out an underaged actor to give a rehearsed and nonsensical speech) and appeal to authority (ALL scientists are in agreement on manmade "climate change," the science is settled comrade), they don't have actual data proving what effect human industry has on the climate if any. Their solution is to further erode Western industry and economy, without daring anything against the biggest polluters like China.
the only proper response to such idiocy is to mock it. as such, please enjoy:

They should put her parents in jail for child abuse for putting this climate change propaganda in her head. I don't care what her intelligence level is she cannot fully understand what causes climate change when you can't get two scientists to agree on what causes it. I think her parents are pushing their agenda through this child.
Now these climate alarmists are calling for a ban on frequent-flyer programs because they "encourage" people to fly more and increase their "carbon footprint." :rolleyes: Funny how the one group that consumes far more than their fair share of resources - the super-rich who fly on private jets all the time and never bother with commercial aviation - is the only group that will not be harmed by this proposal.

It all comes down to money. All these environmental restrictions are being put only on middle-class and working-class people, people who should feel no environmental guilt because of the small share of resources they consume, and let the super-rich off with no burdens (other than their "carbon credit") scam, which is just them passing money around to one another. And the left-wingers who claim to be for the working class, the Bernie Bro types, are too stupid to see it. They'll blindly follow any billionaire who waves a green flag.

Also...Thunberg. Sounds like a (((fellow white)))...
For anything in regards to "climate change" and factual information, just go to Anthony Watts' website. You can get any chart, trend, statistic, whatever to prove that "man made" global warming is false. Or the larger question, is climate change good or bad? Most of the warming since the little ice age has been extremely beneficial. The increase in the atmosphere of the essential trace gas CO2 has also been exceptionally good for crops and the "greening" of the planet. All of the horror stories pushed by the communist media are false. Every single one.
The media going on about "Climate Change" distracts from the real environmental problems such as pollution, plastics in the ocean and species extinction.

Just remember folks..... these animals are the same as you and me. They just have a different skin color. That's the only difference.
No, they are very different. They evolved to fit into various environments and ecological niches.

Asia is the main perpetrator of environmental degradation and species extinction. The Chinese have simply not evolved any concern for animals. Rhino horns do not help the tiny dicks of China men get hard, nor do shark fins.

Sharks were on earth 200 million years before the dinosaurs, yet all 100 or so species of shark will be extinct before the end of this century due to the Chinese demand for shark fin soup.

All influential naturalists and environmentalists have been white people: David Attenborough, Diane Fossey, Jane Goodall, John James Audobon, Roger Tory Peterson, Rachel Carson, etc.

We are different from other races. We are the only people who have evolved the capacity to care about the environment and species extinction.
All influential naturalists and environmentalists have been white people: David Attenborough, Diane Fossey, Jane Goodall, John James Audobon, Roger Tory Peterson, Rachel Carson, etc.

We are different from other races. We are the only people who have evolved the capacity to care about the environment and species extinction.

The only true environmentalists are race realists like ourselves who understand this. If the leftists get their wish and White people are replaced or diminished to a powerless, nation less minority everywhere, then you can kiss the ecosystem goodbye. Non-Whites are horrible stewards of natural resources, the oceans, the forests, natural habitats for other species, etc. If you “care about the planet” in any sincere way, then you would have to prefer a system where White people are empowered.
Yes, but White people (mainly upper class White elites) have let their countries be ruined via internal subversion. Every day the unchecked communist lunacy gets more absurd. How can you have a sound environment when dedicated levelers have been elevated to the highest positions in Western lands:

Lawyers argue Happy the elephant should have the same rights as humans
Lawyers representing an elephant say she is being detained by the Bronx Zoo ‘illegally’ due to her personhood
Yes, but White people (mainly upper class White elites) have let their countries be ruined via internal subversion. Every day the unchecked communist lunacy gets more absurd. How can you have a sound environment when dedicated levelers have been elevated to the highest positions in Western lands:

Lawyers argue Happy the elephant should have the same rights as humans
Lawyers representing an elephant say she is being detained by the Bronx Zoo ‘illegally’ due to her personhood
Correct, Don. Our edge is often negated by well-intentioned lunacy. And these "goodhearted dogooders" are often nation-wrecking reprobates whilst holding multiple University degrees. Talk about cutting your own throat. They rewrite the book daily...
Yes, but White people (mainly upper class White elites) have let their countries be ruined via internal subversion. Every day the unchecked communist lunacy gets more absurd. How can you have a sound environment when dedicated levelers have been elevated to the highest positions in Western lands:

Lawyers argue Happy the elephant should have the same rights as humans
Lawyers representing an elephant say she is being detained by the Bronx Zoo ‘illegally’ due to her personhood
Shouldn't this be in the We are living in a cartoon thread?? ;) This is certainly the definition of it.
American Freedom News