Christian Laettner

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
Christian Laettner was one of the greatest college basketball players of all time. No one can deny this.

Yet, even from the days following his team's second straight NCAA championship, Laettner came under heavy criticism as an NBA prospect. He was also criticized for "taking" what some people called "Shaq's place" on that 1992 Olympic "Dream Team."

As an NBA player, Laettner did not stay on any one team for very long, though he always managed to contribute 20-something points per game. So, while he did not dominate the NBA as he did the college game, he certainly was not a bust.

Nonetheless, it seems he never got any respect from the NBA know-it-alls. I read that he rarely got along with teammates. Was Laettner just a huge prick? Or, did his mostly-black teammates resent him on racial grounds?

Was Christian Laettner a victim of caste-based discrimination?
His best friend in college was a black player. As a joke they once kissed on the court during a game.

He may have been a victim of caste in the sense whites aren't supposed to be jokers (even when highly effective players). Instead they must be all business, giving a 110% at all times to make up for lack of natural ability. Very, very earnest because the game is just so very difficult.

This may have larger implications in terms of explaining why American white men are little interested in participating in basketball.
Laettner's mother was quoted in a Sports Illustrated article as saying "Christian wishes he was black." Maybe she exaggerated somewhat, but given a society in which everyone is taught from birth that black is cool and white is evil it would hardly be surprising if he felt that way.

Laettner was tagged as having a "bad attitude" early in his NBA career. I would imagine that came from being the humble white teammate only 98% of the time rather than 100%.
Christian Laettner went to the most expensive high school in
upstate New York. While attending Nichols High School, he
gained national recognition for scoring 72 points in one game. I
have never met any close friends of Christian Laettner, but I
have had several conversations with people he came in
contact with. The common element with every story is that he
was perceived as arrogant, but this is usually true of all Nichols

I did see an interview with Laettner where he was asked "Why
do you think you are so often compared to Danny Ferry?"

Laitner replied "Because I'm white" with a pouty inflection.
Laettner may have been perceived as "arrogant," but perhaps if he were black, he would have been perceived as merely "confident?" In any case, it is not arrogance if you can back it up.....and he did. As far as his teammates were concerened, I remember reading that despite how the media perceived him, he was always well liked by his teammates in the NBA.

At Duke, he was considered to be a bit of a task master and would sometimes get on the other players if he felt they were not putting out enough effort.....again cannot argue with the results.....two national titles and two last second game winning shots in the NCAA tournament.

My post has no criticism of laettner's play. As far as I'm
concerned, he was never given the opportunity to be a focal
point of an offensive system. I also feel that the media focused
on his mistakes rather than his accomplishments. He was an
easy target for the caste enforcers at ESPN. A white, smart,
Duke alum, there is no way his embarrassing moments were
not going to be exploited.

I like to think that Laettner is racially conscious. I look forward to
the day when he allows himself to tell it like it is.

That being said, as a person, he may still be a douche bag.
I agree. He may very well be a complete ass. And I was not implying that you were critizing Laettner as a player.....just pointing out the double standard that exists....
doesn't surprise me about what Laettner's mom said. He always seemed to be like that to me, aka Jason Williams. I simply can't root for a guy like that, regardless of what he looks like. Give me a David Robinson any day of the week over the wannabes.
Laettner's mom could have said that he always wanted to be Black because he played basketball. Some morons equate that with wanting to be Black.

He certainly never acted Black, dressed Black, etc. In fact Blacks in the NBA have seemed to universally despise him with maybe the exceptions of Grant Hill and Shaquille O'neal. It doesn't seem to me that he has been doing much kissing up.
take this for what it's worth. i've never been paid as an NBA scout, but i've spent time with a few over the years and have been credited as having a good eye for talent. that being said, this is just my two cents...

Christian was a phenomenal college basketball player, an argument can be made for one of the best ever. however, his game was based more on phenomenal skills rather than physical brilliance.

as a pro, he was solid and was a good second scoring option. however, his physical abilities were not of an elite status. they were simply average. his margin for error in the NBA was smaller than in the NCAAs and to a degree resulted in his lesser success. his attitude, of course, was held to be a problem throughout his pro career. and that's where any talk of double standards for black/white players should come in.
Laettner's first five years of his career were solid, and he made the all star team in 1997. He averaged from 16 to 18 ppg with 7 or 8 rebounds each of those seasons while shooting for a high percentage and passing the ball well. I think the passing may have been his problem. In the late 90s, there wasn't much passing going on. It hurt his numbers.
Laettner was a damn good ballplayer as mentioned by JimmyChit, not every white guy has to be the second coming of Larry Bird.
Every interview I heard with Laettner, he came off as one of the more
inarticulate guys in the NBA ... which is saying something. Maybe that was
him trying to be black.
If Laettner's mom said he "wishes he was black" is one a moron then for assuming that he "wishes he were black" and then acted the part?

Maybe his mom doesn't know him that well. But I imagine there was a reason for her saying such a thing, i.e., his language, music preferences, choice of clothes etc.

Would any of our mom's say the same? I doubt it.

I agree with Greatlake. Laettner always seemed a wannabe to me, just another rich kid from the Northeast acting the part. I may well be wrong about that. But that's my impression nonetheless.
Laettner "enjoys golf, tennis, and playing the piano" in his spare time. If he wants to be a stereotypical Black he's got a long way to go.
The Pistons lost to a team with two for sure, probably four, Hall of
Famers. sh*t happens.
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