Chocolate City


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Good ol' Nawlins, returning to pre- Katrina norms.

[url] /0701050267.php[/url]

NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- With at least eight slayings in the city in the first week of the new year, officials are considering a curfew to help stem the violence, the police superintendent said Saturday.

"It's something we're just sort of talking about, to see if that will make a difference," police Superintendent Warren Riley said.

Mayor Ray Nagin, meanwhile, urged residents not to leave the city, still rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina, because of the recent killings. He said the slayings could be a tipping point that "galvanizes our community" to find solutions.

Some residents have called for a march on City Hall on Thursday to demand action to curb the violence.


Oct 20, 2006
I wouldn't be surprised if people in the march start shooting one another.
We know the only solution Nagin will pursue is asking the government for
more money.

If you read the article Bart linked, you can see that the police Super blamed
the school system (!) for the slayings, saying that the schools didn't educate
the uneducatable well enough, and he also blamed the city for not creating
enough jobs for these high school dropouts--as if its the city's job to create

If these guys keep getting money for their failures, I'd be tempted to go
down there and open up the levies again myself to finish the job.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Not surprised at all. It was only a matter of time before everything would return to "business as usual" in that gallow-of-a-city. What separates N.O. from other high-crime, black-infested, big cities, is N.O. posseses a criminal element like no other. Don't get me wrong, thugs in places like Detroit and the Bronx are bad, but the underclass in N.O. take it to a whole new level. The city encompasses "the worst of the worst."

There is a public housing project in that city called Magnolia Projects, and it has always been known as one of the poorest and most violent public housing units in the country. Its home to every kind of crime under the sun, as well as God knows how many unsolved murders every year. Rumor has it, that it is so bad, that city maintenence workers refuse to go there. In addition to this, it is also well known that when police come to retrieve a murder victim, they won't even conduct an investigation, they'll just take the body and leave, as it is dangerous for them to stick around.Edited by: Ground Fighter