Chinese Ambassador Claims Western Leaders Are Pursuing a Genocide Policy Against WhitePeople

Democracy = Death. For the first time ever Whites under the age of 16 are a minority in this country that was founded 100% by European White men. Even if Trump can somehow win this he will be the last White man ever elected president in what was once the USA.

Il Duce tried to warn them almost one hundred years ago...

"Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day."
--- Benito Mussolini to Edwin L. James of the New York Times (1928)
Of course it's true. White Genocide is a fact.

At first the liberals will deny it. Then, if you prove it, they'll say "It's a good thing."
Of course it's true. White Genocide is a fact.

At first the liberals will deny it. Then, if you prove it, they'll say "It's a good thing."
Yes, I known some white men who have said to me it's good that white people will be gone.

There have always been a few traitors and cowards, but (((the media))) has brainwashed a lot of people into hating themselves.
Of course it's true. White Genocide is a fact.

At first the liberals will deny it. Then, if you prove it, they'll say "It's a good thing."

I remember when Slick Willy Clinton was prez and he was speaking before an all White college in the northwest US. He said that in 50 years White people will be a minority here in our own country. They -gave him a standing ovation. That would have been around 1995, 25 years ago. The same thing was going on in western Europe and Oceania and South Africa. First they softened them up with "anti-racism" propaganda. Then came the invasions.

I remember meeting a pretty Irish girl who was here on a temp. visa working as a nanny, a holiday really. We got along real good until she told me her heroine was Rosa Parks, the communist negress whose assignment was to sit in the front of the bus. That was in the late 80's. Look at Ireland now. Find a video of downtown Dublin. It looks like NYC. First they softened them up in the schools and colleges and then came the invasions.
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American Freedom News