Caste Football Website Ranking

Looks like our ranking peaked around May 1 and dropped off last month. I think sports are on fewer people's minds during the summer. We are rebounding somewhat over the last week or so though. Keep the new people coming.
I have never got a pop up from this site either.With
football season coming,this site will be on fire.I
can't wait.We will get this site out there to millions
of people and help to educate them.
The Alexa ratings are a scam. They will only count a site's traffic semi-accurately if you have their software downloaded on your computer. I deleted it 6-8 weeks ago and all of a sudden according to Alexa, traffic for Caste Football went from the 40,000 range to over 1 million. I just reinstalled it the other day so we'll see if this site's ratings go back to where they were.

I access the official traffic statistics to the site from the ISP on a daily basis, which is a lot more accurate than Alexa. We have leveled off the past two months after growing at a fast rate for half a year, but that probably has to do with the time of year -- a lot of people on vacation, not much going in sports other than the middle of a long baseball season, etc.

I think your correct about the summer being slow. I imagine it will pick up once the middle of August gets here.
American Freedom News