Caste Football on The Root (a black website)


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
The article was actually pretty good. Other than the fact that he mentions this site may be racist he brings up several good points. I'm guessing they found this site after Rachel Maddow's rant.


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
The Root is funded by the Washington Post and is essentially a black racialist publication.


Dec 7, 2008
Good article overall. It amazes me that the only one's that seem to want to have a fair discussion about the unfair treatment of white athletes are blacks. It just goes to show that there are more white uncle toms in the white community then the black community could ever dream of in having black uncle toms in thier communities. You would think that the least you could expect from a coach that shares your ethnicity is at least a fair opportunity to compete. The author of the article basically agreed whith just about every arguement that was made on this site about the discrimination of white athletes.

Also, one of the blogger's made a good point that probably most of us would agree with. The issue with the unfair treatment of white athletes is not with blacks, it is with white coaches, since as one of the blogger's correctly pointed out 90% of the coaches are white, so they are the one's for the most part that are treating white ahtletes unfairly.

Even Mike Alstott was given his opportunity to run the ball by a black coach.


Nov 23, 2008
Quite an interesting (and provoking) comment from The Root...

There was a time in Mid-Twentieth Century America when Jewish, Northeastern men were considered the best athletes. A few decades before that, they were the most efficient organized crime group. Well what do you know, they start going to Harvard, Yale and Cornell, they flooded the City University of New York system in droves, and subsequently the graduate schools up and down the East Coast, and now are not only the intellectual heavyweights of the United States, but either own, manage or run the sports venues for which they no longer compete in as athletes. Funny what massive change in culture will do for a particular group.

That change was the opening, en mass, of the colleges and universities that universally excluded Jews. Culture is formed by the opportunities and obstructions around us. Are blacks excluded from going to college and pursuing education as an option? No. But black boys are. How? YOU PICK EM. Whites, blacks; broken families, law breaking; nature, nurture; sex, early sex; policy, habit........The Dominican Republic's love of baseball isn't just because of an aesthetic attachment, but also the socioeconomic realities of a poor country, chosen by Major League as it's backwater, unregistered and unregulated minors system. They play because they can; and quite beautifully I might add.

The same holds true for black boys versus that of white boys. White children's access to any and all options afforded in this country removes any cultural imperative to escape their station through sports. Black boys are inundated with a continuous and never stream of non-substantive bull crap. They're protected neither by the state nor the community, and through this nebulous, instead of handing him a book, someone tosses them a ball.

Six million black boys competing for 390 NBA slots / 1590 NFL roster spots. Depending on who you ask, there are anywhere from 600,000 to 814,000 doctors in the United States and, you guessed it, most of them are not black. Now whose odds are the better of the two?

The clowns on that website aren't complaining about race really. They are complaining about their own failed lives and pantywaist existence. They can't become MDs or DBs, but there is no audience for bashing doctors who are not blocking white boys from medical. Being angry at the NBA for having so many blacks (the only venue where merit really exist), that's the ticket. It must be hard going home every night and having to look at that Chad Ochocinco poster; he's so black, strong. But I'm more than willing to change roles.

Do whites really want to live under this paradigm? Be my F-ing guess! We could use to break.
Edited by: j41181


Dec 1, 2006
The replies are always the same :
"But... but... the coaches are white!"
"But...but.. white people are all rich anyway"

I never knew that through my white skin my bank account gets filled automatically. I should contact my bank, because it hasnt happened in the first 25 years of my life.
At what point will the "white privilege" kick in? Will I get a cheque from the government on my 30th birthday? Until now, theres been an odd correlation between increases in my balance and working. Perhaps thats where the supposed "privilege" comes from.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
j41181 said:
Quite an interesting (and provoking) comment from The Root...

There was a time in Mid-Twentieth Century America when Jewish, Northeastern men were considered the best athletes. A few decades before that, they were the most efficient organized crime group. Well what do you know, they start going to Harvard, Yale and Cornell, they flooded the City University of New York system in droves, and subsequently the graduate schools up and down the East Coast, and now are not only the intellectual heavyweights of the United States, but either own, manage or run the sports venues for which they no longer compete in as athletes. Funny what massive change in culture will do for a particular group.

That change was the opening, en mass, of the colleges and universities that universally excluded Jews. Culture is formed by the opportunities and obstructions around us. Are blacks excluded from going to college and pursuing education as an option? No. But black boys are. How? YOU PICK EM. Whites, blacks; broken families, law breaking; nature, nurture; sex, early sex; policy, habit........The Dominican Republic's love of baseball isn't just because of an aesthetic attachment, but also the socioeconomic realities of a poor country, chosen by Major League as it's backwater, unregistered and unregulated minors system. They play because they can; and quite beautifully I might add.

The same holds true for black boys versus that of white boys. White children's access to any and all options afforded in this country removes any cultural imperative to escape their station through sports. Black boys are inundated with a continuous and never stream of non-substantive bull crap. They're protected neither by the state nor the community, and through this nebulous, instead of handing him a book, someone tosses them a ball.

Six million black boys competing for 390 NBA slots / 1590 NFL roster spots. Depending on who you ask, there are anywhere from 600,000 to 814,000 doctors in the United States and, you guessed it, most of them are not black. Now whose odds are the better of the two?

The clowns on that website aren't complaining about race really. They are complaining about their own failed lives and pantywaist existence. They can't become MDs or DBs, but there is no audience for bashing doctors who are not blocking white boys from medical. Being angry at the NBA for having so many blacks (the only venue where merit really exist), that's the ticket. It must be hard going home every night and having to look at that Chad Ochocinco poster; he's so black, strong. But I'm more than willing to change roles.

Do whites really want to live under this paradigm? Be my F-ing guess! We could use to break.

So, every brotha in the NBA is "legit"..? Is that what he's saying, because they beez "bustin' their tails?"

Let's look at the Cavaliers' for a second.. Who the heck is "Gee"?.. who the heck is "Eyenga?".. And don't forget the "great" Sessions and Gibson.. NO WONDER the "ebony titan" Cavs SUCK!!

Then there's the 29-52 Detroit Pistons, who are carrying a bunch of WORTHLESS Forwards on their roster. How can Whites ever compete with the NEVER-BEENS Chris Wilcox and Jason Maxiell.. How can Whites ever compete with "athletic-freak" Villanueva..??
And, because they drafted Greg Monroe, it's like they are "admitting" some of their previous mistakez.. he's another guy that was treated as "Top Bell Curve" coming out of high school, but he sure has never shown it...

I could blather on and on about the NBAs very visible Caste System, but I'll finish with this gruesome thought.. Where would the NBA be, not to mention us crackas, without "superhumans" like OJ Mayo and Michael Beasley? I cringe at the thought!
And, FREE Corey Brewer and FREE Rashad McCants!! Who cares that they put up enough bricks to rebuild Camden and Newark?? Dey are oppressed b-ball Gods, sho' 'nuff!


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Example A of the Caste Media/System:

Cam Newton
Kyrie Irving

Nuff said!


May 10, 2008
Except for the writer's naive assumption that the sports world would somehow have evaded the political pressures in employment that have permeated the rest of society, I do think he makes several good points about opportunity and a boy's perception about what is a career option.


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
j41181 said:
Quite an interesting (and provoking) comment from The Root...

Black boys are inundated with a continuous and never stream of non-substantive bull crap. They're protected neither by the state nor the community, and through this nebulous, instead of handing him a book, someone tosses them a ball.

Blacks are handed books, and there are even public employees with the job of trying to teach them to read those books. So what exactly is the problem?

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
Paleocon said:
j41181 said:
Quite an interesting (and provoking) comment from The Root...

Black boys are inundated with a continuous and never stream of non-substantive bull crap. They're protected neither by the state nor the community, and through this nebulous, instead of handing him a book, someone tosses them a ball.

Blacks are handed books, and there are even public employees with the job of trying to teach them to read those books. So what exactly is the problem?

i am one of those public employees who is stuck trying to teach them to read those books ... but comedianChris Rock said it best: "Books are like kryptonite to a n*****."

neither the (all black) students, nor the (all black) administration wants a book to be opened in a classroom. but, hey. to make up for it, they also suck on the basketball court and football field. what terrific affletes they all are.