California is going to hell!


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Why whites are fleeing California. Portion from Amren's readers comments section:

I live in one of the most diverse communities in the metropolis. I often say that my neighborhood is a mix of Saigon, Mogadishu and Mexico City, with a good portion of Detroit thrown in for flavor.

Last year, the mestizo invaders came to my street. It's not like we needed any more diversity. On one side of me lives an interracial family-white wife and black husband and their two messed up kids. There are at least five households with gay couples, including a lesbian pair who parade around with their new baby. An assortment of older white residents are holding on and trying to keep up appearances, aided by an influx of yuppie newcomers. Then the Mexicans came and moved in on the other side of me.

Within 72 hours of their arrival, I had to call the police. Their housewarming party was like an assault. Expensive trucks were parked in the middle of the street, blaring musica Mexicana into the night. People yelling and shouting at 2:30 A.M. A nice yuppie couple who lived across from me, my anchor of normality on the street, put their house up for sale within days. For me, the nightmare was just beginning.

The Mexicans have no sense of respect for the neighbors. Their parties last all night, always on worknights too. I went a week once without getting a full night of sleep. Finally, I complained. I told them their behavior was unacceptable. Their teenage children looked at me with staring eyes, as if I were talking to cattle. Soon I found used condoms in my vegetable beds. Paper towels full of excrement were left under my fruit trees. They think nothing of assembling furniture and hammering away, always with their doors and windows wide open, as you struggle to sleep for a few hours before rising for work. I once went outside and watched the husband shape blocks and slather concrete as he built a cinder-block wallâ€â€￾fifteen minutes before midnight. Their beer cans and snack food packages litter the yard and street wherever they impulsively drop them. They're loud, so loud, always loud, their voices grating on the nerves at all hours of the day and night. Of course, the Mexican flag now flies proudly from the porch.

This is happening on every street in all but the most exclusive neighborhoods. It is remarkable how many fellow American citizens can readily share similar ancedotes. Call the police, you suggest? I did. Six times last year. It does no good. Every day is a new day for the mestizo occupiers. The admonishments of law enforcement are forgotten within hours. It all begins anew with the sunrise.

Slowly, perceptibly, you realize that you are always tense. You always feel anxious. You arm yourself. You spend more money on security doors and fencing. It does no good; you've lost your peace of mind and it's destroying your health. If you have children, you decide to move to try and protect them.

This is why millions are leaving California. I wish them well. I'm staying to fight.
Nov 8, 2006
I guess all I can do is wish you well in your struggle with the wonders of diversity. The worst part is the typical white response has been cowardice: cut and run.

We're running out of places to run.

Again, good luck. Until something is done to stop this plague all we can do is tough it out.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
For those of you who feel that whites should remain in these neighborhoods and fight, do you have any suggestions about what one can do in these situations? How does one fight things like this? Do you mean literal armed combat? Continuing to call the police? Enhanced security features? Guard dogs? Writing letters to the editor? Contacting city hall about noise, litter, and code violations?

Is there anyone on the board who has stayed behind in such a neighborhood, and saw things return to normal after a time? If so, what actions were taken to bring it about?


Oct 20, 2006

Californians are also fleeing the high taxes, high real estate prices, and
high regulation, especially small businesses.

You stay and fight by leaving the integrated neighborhood and moving
into white ones in the same city/area, getting on the zoning boards and
running for local offices, etc. Look at what Lou Barletta is doing in
Hazelton PA. Running for offices in an integrated area is a losing
proposition. The nice thing about the housing bust is that lenders are
tightening their standards, so many of undesirable minorities won't be so

I don't know what you do about LA, as it is a "sanctuary city". Also,
expect ACLU, MALDEF, etc. lawsuits. But at least you can defend some
outposts until the tide turns, assuming it does.

I live in an upscale, mostly white area, and grew up in the sticks, so I
don't know. Most people leave. I don't think we have much of an option
anymore. I want to move back to the sticks just because I like the
lifestyle, and probably will in a few years. Major cities are bad and
becoming worse. But hey, at least when the poop hits the fan, we'll have
minorities in the cities surrounded!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
PitBull said:
But hey, at least when the poop hits the fan, we'll have minorities in the cities surrounded!

If New Orleans is any example of what happens when it hits the fan, we won't need to worry about what happens in the big cities. It'll take care of itself.

Just make sure you're not there when it happens.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
PitBull said:
But hey, at least when the poop hits the fan, we'll have
minorities in the cities surrounded!

Well, the way things are shaping up, the minorities will eventually have our enclaves surrounded.


May 3, 2006
Fruit trees, vegetable beds. Sounds like you have a nice place that you've invested a lot of work in. Watching it go down the drain must be a nightmare. I keep reading the same observations about Mexican neighbors. Dirty. Noisy. Clueless (or at least act like it).

I remember reading many years ago about a then looming population boom in Mexico. I can't recall the exact numbers, something like 60 million with half in prime child bearing years, which with their high birthrate meant a doubling to 120 million in 25 or thirty years.
In a country struggling to deal with what population they already had. And now 25 or thirty years later it is showing up in your neighborhood.

My dad and brother lived in a forty unit apartment complex in Salt Lake that went from slightly diverse but majority white to to all but four units Mexican in less than a year. They finally gave up and found a basement apartment in a white enclave in the same general area, that was steadily being encroached upon. I was visiting with my brother a few years ago, and somebody to the west popped off a few rounds. I looked at my brother and he just shrugged. He and Dad are gone from there now, too.

The neighborhood that I've lived in for six years is 99 percent white. The old neighborhood I lived in for eight years was about the same at the time I moved to this one. Nowadays, though, whenever I'm over there it seems every third person walking down the street is a Mexican.

I just wish this migration/invasion would at least abate so we could catch our breaths. California is such a beautiful state, and we whites cut our birth rate to keep it so. This relentless displacement, aided and abetted by a certain class of our fellow whites, on the grounds that we need more people, is our reward.

    Edited by: Hockaday


Dec 30, 2006
What a bunch of savages. I've heard mexican music before too, it makes me sick to my stomach. Y'know Bart, there sometimes comes a time in life when you have to take matters into your own hands. If the state you pay taxes to doesn't stick up for you're going to have to think of a way to f**k them up. Watch a few "Sopranos" episodes to get in the mood.

Everybody is right about one thing here. This is a war. We've already pissed on the trees in this territory, and we can't just let them come along and take our neighborhoods, and flee with our c*cks tucked between our legs.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
It's a shame California has went from the "Land of Fruits & Nuts" to Aztlan/gangland (ie - from bad to worse)! I thank God I'm in the Deep South where we don't take kindly to riff-raff like those Mestizos. However, we've do indeed have a growing amount of illegals down here & it's getting out of control. Fortunately, the invaders down here aren't as aggressive as the "La Raza" types in California. They mostly keep to themselves & their trailor parks, BUT they're taking jobs that should still belong to white Americans (& don't gimme this BS about "they're doing jobs Americans won't do"...that's bogus Globalist rhetoric). They're also a growing burden on taxpayers but leeching public "benefits", etc.I write 5-15 e-mails a week to my state & federal officials on the illegal invasion & the burden it has on U.S. & GA taxpayers. by: DixieDestroyer