Bud Selig


Dec 29, 2012
Miami FL
When is this old codger finally going to step down from his position of power? A few years ago he said 2012 would be his last season yet here we are in 2013 and the senile old coot is still here. He has ruined the game of baseball. From his "blacks are fading from baseball" BS to his lack of a spine to clean up the sport from PED's to him preventing crooked owners from pocketing revenue sharing money to finally his constant ethnic pandering and Jackie Robinson worship, Selig has been nothing short of an unmitigated disaster. He reminds me of one of those "dictators for life" you see in 3rd world countries. At least guys like Paul Tagliabue and David Stern knew when it was time to step down. I just hope when he finally does step down, the new commissioner actually starts getting tough and cracks down on all the BS. I'm not too optimistic of it happening but I think at this point anyone would be better than Selig.
Aug 26, 2011
Land of the Savages
When is this old codger finally going to step down from his position of power? A few years ago he said 2012 would be his last season yet here we are in 2013 and the senile old coot is still here. He has ruined the game of baseball. From his "blacks are fading from baseball" BS to his lack of a spine to clean up the sport from PED's to him preventing crooked owners from pocketing revenue sharing money to finally his constant ethnic pandering and Jackie Robinson worship, Selig has been nothing short of an unmitigated disaster. He reminds me of one of those "dictators for life" you see in 3rd world countries. At least guys like Paul Tagliabue and David Stern knew when it was time to step down. I just hope when he finally does step down, the new commissioner actually starts getting tough and cracks down on all the BS. I'm not too optimistic of it happening but I think at this point anyone would be better than Selig.

Couldn't agree more on Selig! But be careful what you wish for - G. W. Bush's dream is to be the baseball commissioner someday! He probably wants it a lot more badly than he wanted to be Pres. And i'm sure he'll diversify MLB as much as he can with third worlders that are 'playing the baseball games Americans refuse to play'.


Dec 29, 2012
Miami FL
I also hate the fact that he does nothing about the corruption in the sport. Case in point, Jeffery Loria. Loria cons the city of Miami into building him a new ballpark with the promises of putting a competitive team on the field and what does Loria do at the first sign the team isn't winning, he slashes payroll and guts the entire roster. Unlike what happened to Frank McCourt, since Loria is one of Seligs buddies, he gets off scot free by doing this. Selig and MLB feel that this type of business model is perfectly fine. As we all know, its not the economic disparity thats killing baseball, its that there aren't enough blacks in it (sarcasm)