Brush backs


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Since players have begun to step closer to the plate, opposite field homers have increased significantly. The pitchers can't throw inside much less brush a guy back without getting charged by the batter. If he throws tight again he is tossed. Years ago I watched all the big hitters eat dirt, no one was exempted.

Does Barry Bonds ever get knocked down? When Sosa caught one last year he was a pussy cat in the box for months. He'd bail at a fast ball barely out of the strike zone. Man, with steroids, closer fences, favorable umpiring, juiced balls and bats, I could probably at my advanced age hit 40 homers.
Good point, and a good one too, Bart!
If more pitchers would brush a batter back consistently we wouldnt see the batters acting like they own the plate.

If a batter jammed the plate back in the day, they got one in the ear.

We need more pitchers like Clemens.
Do they call the inside pitch a strike? Maybe you can argue the strike
zone is a lot in the favor of the batter these days. Home runs make
fans and pitching duels dont. I never see a pitcher brush a
batter back anymore. I'd love to see a Nolan Ryan vs Robin Ventura part
Bart, I like your comments. All too true. The strike zone for Bonds is
ridiculous. Intentionally. I remember being on a nationalist type site a
few years ago, and one of the members claimed to have worked in sports
television, for several pro sports teams and such. He said that he knew
for a fact that Bud Selig wanted Bonds to have the season HR record, and
that word was out to let his obvious drug use go, not to mention making
sure umps were very stingy toward pitchers facing Bonds, never mind
pitchers being told to give up the HR ball(!). He said Selig privately
claimed this would bring American blacks back to the game, but that he
felt this wasn't Selig's real reason for this. Bonds then went out and did
indeed get the record. While the stories this guy told could have been
crap, he also said that baseball would be slowly gearing up to put more
and more and more latins (from the US and Central America) into MLB,
along with more foreigners (as long as they weren't white). He stated that
MLB wanted whites down to 20% or less, and their records 'purged'. When
challenged, he would fire off snide remarks and state "just you wait". As I
said, the guy might have been full of crap, but the things he claimed/
predicted did happen, and his predictions about the '04 Olympics were
worthy of a psychic. And he was saying all this stuff before Bonds'
records, etc. I wish he would post here.

His comments on boxing were also insightful. He predicted E. Europeans
would take over the heavyweight division and that that might bring other
whites from the US and the rest of Europe in - but not without a huge
fight from the 'real folks in charge' using their media manipulation to
control the federations, judges, buy off fighters, etc. Who knows?

The more I think about it, the more I think I should go back to that site,
see if I can dig up his posts and e-mail and try and get him to post here.
Could be interesting and/or fun.
What were his predictions for the '04 Olympics?
Col. Callan, it would seem the person you speak of was absolutely correct in his assessments of sports, baseball and Bud Selig in particular. The commish has steadfastly promoted blacks and latins over white players. Teams are loaded with minority players. I guess the plan is to phase out nearly all the whites.

Could there be a bettermethod to promote minorities than by making them millionaire heroes while at the same time disempowering whites? Do you think it was just coincidence the media and NFL featured Terrel Owens as the object of desire for a fawning, naked, lusting white woman?! Part of thescript for the last several decades.
Col. Callan, if it's trueBud Selig (prefering blacks) wanted umpires to give favorable calls to Bonds in his quest for the home run title itcould also explain a couple weird things I noticed during the Sosa - McGwire race.Several years have passed so my recollection may be a little fuzzy.

1- During the media buzz, a television network was hyping the Saturday game of the week which featured Mac playing at home in St.Louis. Game was sold out, nobody really cared who won they just wanted to see Big Mac club one. My wife and I invited a couple friends over to watch the game and have dinner. It may have been his first at bat, the fans wore Cardinal red and there was excitement in the air similar to the world series or something.

People were standing and cheering whenthe big guy came to the plate.Mac complained about a strike call, made a comment to the ump and was tossed ! It was unbelievable!The entire stadium and most of the country must have been in a state of shock. Mac didn't do anything outlandish, just looked at the ump and jawed a bit, something you see all the time.You gotta be kidding me, how could the guy throw him out of the game?

2-Against the Brewers inMilwaukee( Bud's team) Mac hits a ball over the left center field wall the fans go nuts. But an umpire ruled the ball was interfered with by a fan reaching down over the railing, giving Mac a ground rule double. Everybody wanted him to get a second opinion from another ump but he refused and wouldn't confer with anyone. Fans were ticked because it was obviously a home run.The video's were replayed over and over again during the news and it sure looked like Mac was robbed. Does anyone remember this?
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