Breast Feeding.


Apr 6, 2007


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
well its better than 2 decades ago when bottle feeding was really extreme. Breast milk is much healthier. 3 to 4 years is extreme for a child to be attached to your tit, I think if you want to go that long then you should start pumping. Our kid self weened at around 15 months, she stopped nursing him in public much earlier. She tried to cut him off at 13 months but he got extremely upset, but he gradually gave it up.

So while I think this whole thing is extreme and weird, but it still promotes breastfeeding for healthier White babies since most people copy the fads in hollywierd and I don't think the average mother is going to keep doing it until 3 or 4, they will probably get tired after a year or so, if that.

These popular views tend to be on the extreme side, this whole breastfeeding thing is a counter to the older view where you left your kids alone all the time. I think there should be some sort of balance, don't know why it has to take it to the extreme. I am pretty sure thats how most people do it anyway.

One encouraging thing I saw when I glanced at my wife's tabloid, was that all of these celebrities are pregnant and many with multiple kids, so this should encourage more White people to have babies. The only mixed race was Khloe and Lamar but they haven't had a baby yet, and she doesn't look totally White.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Breast feeding is the best source of dietary intake for babies. However, it should cease by 12-14 months or so. This prolonged breast feeding is very weird, inappropriate and sends the wrong message to the child. :thumbdown:


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
Breastfeeding is another casualty of the upside down culture that is mainstream America. My wife breastfed our three children for longer than the posters here would probably want to hear. She was a Group Leader for 'The La Leche League' and helped many women have a successful experience with breastfeeding.

I believe the posters here know the benefits of breastfeeding an infant. The healthfulness, the immunities that get passed from mother to infant are invaluable in helping the baby fight disease. The bonding that takes place during this time helps raise strong independent children with a healthy self-esteem. The idea that kids should be put in a crib and made to get used to life by themselves is what makes kids grow up to be needy with low self-esteem.

Many moms who fully commit to breastfeeding also adhere to the principles of 'The Family Bed', where children share the bedroom with the parents. This makes breastfeeding very easy and helps both parents and children sleep better. The children will grow and want more independence and ask for their own room when they are ready. They may slide backwards now and then and want the security of mom and dad occasionally. But they all will leave their parents bed in their own time.

Time magazine proved once again that anyone who thinks outside the box and breaks away from mainstream thinking will face an uphill battle in doing so. We all know about that here at Castefootball.

Time magazine specifically attacked extension breastfeeding. Their cover clearly shows they disapprove. But extended breastfeeding is vital so kids can satisfy their sucking(or suckling) needs. Many children have the need to suckle up to four years old and sometimes longer. The tragedy of preventing infants and toddlers from meeting these suckling needs is an epidemic in this country of thumb sucking. A habit that is unhealthy and can require extensive dental care to correct its ramifications.

Both my brothers sucked their thumbs into their teens. My parents used pepper, gloves, bribes but nothing worked. They ended up needing speech therapy to compensate for their front teeth getting pushed forward abnormally. It amazes the breastfeeding community that thumb-sucking, blanket-holding and any other number of habits resulting from a bottle fed childhood are so widely accepted and tolerated as an unavoidable part of raising children.

My wife was not born and raised in this country so she was not indoctrinated into the mainstream way of doing things in this country. I am so glad that she is the mother of my children. My children have avoided many unnecessary hardships that America seems to want them to go through.

Homeschooler's, breast-feeders and believers in the family bed are all like Castefootball members. Insightful and wise people that see mainstream America for what it is and want something better.


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
Breastfeeding is another casualty of the upside down culture that is mainstream America. My wife breastfed our three children for longer than the posters here would probably want to hear. She was a Group Leader for 'The La Leche League' and helped many women have a successful experience with breastfeeding.

I believe the posters here know the benefits of breastfeeding an infant. The healthfulness, the immunities that get passed from mother to infant are invaluable in helping the baby fight disease. The bonding that takes place during this time helps raise strong independent children with a healthy self-esteem. The idea that kids should be put in a crib and made to get used to life by themselves is what makes kids grow up to be needy with low self-esteem.

Many moms who fully commit to breastfeeding also adhere to the principles of 'The Family Bed', where children share the bedroom with the parents. This makes breastfeeding very easy and helps both parents and children sleep better. The children will grow and want more independence and ask for their own room when they are ready. They may slide backwards now and then and want the security of mom and dad occasionally. But they all will leave their parents bed in their own time.

Time magazine proved once again that anyone who thinks outside the box and breaks away from mainstream thinking will face an uphill battle in doing so. We all know about that here at Castefootball.

Time magazine specifically attacked extension breastfeeding. Their cover clearly shows they disapprove. But extended breastfeeding is vital so kids can satisfy their sucking(or suckling) needs. Many children have the need to suckle up to four years old and sometimes longer. The tragedy of preventing infants and toddlers from meeting these suckling needs is an epidemic in this country of thumb sucking. A habit that is unhealthy and can require extensive dental care to correct its ramifications.

Both my brothers sucked their thumbs into their teens. My parents used pepper, gloves, bribes but nothing worked. They ended up needing speech therapy to compensate for their front teeth getting pushed forward abnormally. It amazes the breastfeeding community that thumb-sucking, blanket-holding and any other number of habits resulting from a bottle fed childhood are so widely accepted and tolerated as an unavoidable part of raising children.

My wife was not born and raised in this country so she was not indoctrinated into the mainstream way of doing things in this country. I am so glad that she is the mother of my children. My children have avoided many unnecessary hardships that America seems to want them to go through.

Homeschooler's, breast-feeders and believers in the family bed are all like Castefootball members. Insightful and wise people that see mainstream America for what it is and want something better.

this is similar to how my wife feels, she is familiar with La Leche League , the more attached your kid as a toddler the more independent he will be later on in life. I don't know about EVERY kid needing to go to 4. The kid should ween when he was ready. Like i mentioned our son stopped at 15 months by himself. She tried pumping but it was too much of a hassle as we don't have the money for one of those fancy pumps right now. I think up to 2 years is okay. It is all about the society we live in, its obsessed with breasts so a son that starts forming memories of being on his mothers tit can be weird which is why I think if you want to go to 4 years you should pump, but however I don't look down upon people who keep doing it longer AS LONG as the child is asking for it insistently. I don't think the mom should be trying to keep the breastfeeing going (which is what I think some of these hollywood women are doing). Going 15 months has been great, our son hasn't really gotten sick like his cousin who was bottle feld and seemed to have a cold or some sort of sickness every weekend he came over. Our son seems advanced in his reading/size coordination and play, at least this what other parents ask at playgrounds and other mothers during play dates, they ask if he is 3, but he is only 2 years old and 3 months. He knows his abc's, can count to ten etc and has an impressive vocabulary compared to other kids in our family. I'm not sure how that ranks with the average milestones though. I know his other cousin who is the same age was bottle fed and the mother felt like she was a bad mother because he was so much smalelr than our child, now he is much beefier (still shorter) and she brags about that, but he drinks nothing but strawberry milk and eats fast food. When they play wrestling my son easily took him down, its all pudge, which leads to another point, breastfeeding leads to a lesser chance of becoming obese later on in life. But to sum up, stop when your kid wants to. Our son slept in our bed for a while, now at 2 he sleeps in his own bed, by choice, he wants to be independant and do his own thing. Yes occasionally he might come in here but he wants to be alone. Very independant and active child.

He doesn't suck his thumb but is obssessed with his nu nu or whatever you call it, at night time when he sleeps. We made sure to get the bpa free kind, which many people need to watch out. BPA mimicks estrogen and is getting into our foods which gets into our bloodstream making us more feminine. The worst is anything acidic like tomatoe paste in a can. Its in the lining of metal cans, all plastics etc. A lot of toys as well. Europe doesn't allow for certain toys to come in, they have more restrictions. China actually has TWO seperate production lines, one for America and one for Europe.

So we try to get everything bpa free and avoid it as much as possible. I also don't believe in microwaving food, it may seem extreme but I think food loses much of its nutrients when micowaved. We are deficient in many essential vitamins and other stuff becasue we aren't getting it from our food, there is less in all of it. Its really hard to do in America as well as the South if you don't have your own farm because even stuff labeled organic can be a scam, like "free range" eggs, they can be called free range if they are let out of a cage for like an hour a day or something like that. Who regulates that?

Health has gotten so terrible in America. It was funny I was watching this show called Supernatural and they were these evil guys who were producing stuff in junk food, mixing it with the high fructose corn syrup to make easily sedated prey who just sat there, and I was telling my dad this and as I was telling him, he looked exactly like the zombies on tv who were just eating junk and watching tv. They are trying to keep us sedated and content with a crappy society. They spray chemicals in the sky that also causes this but that is for a differnent topic that I should make about Chemtrails. I don't think that this is the entire reason for couch potatoes but it doesn't help. People are just glued to their computers and television and rarely exercise. Unfortuantely I have been one of those because of school/work and dealing with back injuries and unable to exercise to my fullest ability and spending too much time on the compauter, but no more excuses from now on. Now that my son is old enough I try to put in 2 or 3 hours of active play with him, usually 30 minutes to an hour of organized stuff. He gets more time with his mom who usually does the reading stuff/putting him down for a nap etc. Only allowed 30 minutes of tv time a day, which he usually uses on Calliou. They found that show to be one of the best for kids, they found spongebob actually makes kids dumber. My cousin's son watches about 3 or 4 ours of tv, mostly spongebob, it seems a lot of parents are using television/electronics as babysitters because of laziness. I've had to change my lifestyle habits that I have developed over the past few years because kids emulate everything their parents do. It was really hard giving up soda and hard to gulf down that many vegetables during meals but oh well.

If a mother wants to feed her child breast-milk past age 2 then she should be pumping it and giving it to him/her in a cup. I'm sure that breast milk at any age is better than drinking a cows milk.
Yes, this is basically what I was trying to say. I think its a positive that those hollyweird mothers are doing this because it promotes breastfeeding among all the White females that pay attention to that stuff (which is a large percentage), except the average person isn't going to keep breast feeding until 3 or 4, my guess is they will stop around 1 or 2 like you are supposed to because it is a pain to keep doing, espescially in public, if they did have the time after 2 it would be weird because of the society we live in. Pumping can be a pain as well. You would be surprised how many mothers are using formula after the baby is born, even a few weeks of breastfeeding is much better than none at all.

Now does anyone know if this is true, the height your child is at 2, if you multiply that by 2 that is what height he will be when he groes up? is it exactly at 2 years or a little after 2 years?


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I don't care what anyone says that Time magazine cover is weird, that kid is too old to be still breast feeding. Heck I doubt the mother is even producing much milk 6 years after the kid has been born.

It seems unnatural, in primative societies the kids don't breast feed until they're six, Is there any other animal that breast feeds that long? I doubt it. Strange.
Oct 24, 2005
I thought I was looking at the latest issue of Hustler magazine. Then again, the editors of that magazine have better taste and more respect for women than the Time magazine editors.