Boxing photos 1939-1953




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Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Thanks Werewolf. There's some good photos of Jack Dempsey there that I hadn't seen before.


One of the Negro boxers has a good nickname, "Gorilla".



May 20, 2005
I've pointed out before, and will point out again, why it is in poor taste to compare Blacks and Gorillas.

The gorilla is a peaceful animal, an emotional stoic, a benevolent and watchful tyrant over a family he watchfully protects for all of his days. No person should feel unduly endangered walking unarmed in the territory of Gorillas. One can't say as much for the Black sections of major cities.


White_Savage said:
I've pointed out before, and will point out again, why it is in poor taste to compare Blacks and Gorillas.

The gorilla is a peaceful animal, an emotional stoic, a benevolent and watchful tyrant over a family he watchfully protects for all of his days. No person should feel unduly endangered walking unarmed in the territory of Gorillas. One can't say as much for the Black sections of major cities.

You are right and I apologize to gorillas for any misunderstanding. There is a strong facial resemblence, though, and the Negro boxer known as "Gorilla" was simply naming himself after a superior race, which is understandable.

Right now the Negroes in central Africa are exterminating the last of the gorillas. The Negroes have also been eating Pygmies like potato chips - but where are the voices of protest from those who are ever so concerned about the delicate sensibilities of regular-sized Negroes? No place. They ain't even interested. Pygmies aren't as sexy as a big bull Negro. Likewise for the plight of the Bushman race, the original inhabitants of southern Africa. This nonviolent race (a totally different race than Negroes) got it in the neck from both the **** and the whites, but they ain't sexy either so who cares?

White people in southern Africa are also getting sytematically tortured and raped and murdered by the canibals. Where are the crocodile tears from Bush and Clinton and all the other stinking politicians and the US z o gmedia? They could care less.


Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
werewolf said:
The Negroes have also been eating Pygmies like potato chips - but where are the voices of protest from those who are ever so concerned about the delicate sensibilities of regular-sized Negroes?  No place.  They ain't even interested.  Pygmies aren't as sexy as a big bull Negro.  Likewise for the plight of the Bushman race, the original inhabitants of southern Africa.  This nonviolent race (a totally different race than Negroes) got it in the neck from both the **** and the whites, but they ain't sexy either so who cares?  White people in southern Africa are also getting sytematically tortured and raped and murdered by the canibals.  Where are the crocodile tears from Bush and Clinton and all the other stinking politicians and the US  z o gmedia?  They could care less.ww

You know, 1000 years ago the Bantu-speaking people, aka the negro race, occupied only sub-Saharan West Africa from Senegal to Cameroon. But they expanded first into Central Africa, reaching places like Rwanda about 500 years ago, and then south into Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. They actually arrived in South Africa AFTER the first Europeans settled there, some 200 years ago. There was a huge, impenetrable swamp along the Atlantic coast from Cameroon to Zaire, so for thousands of years they were unable to expand south. They weren't smart enough to build boats to explore the coast down to present-day Angola and beyond - but they gradually expanded over land into central Africa, and then south from there. The Portugeuse helped their expansion, bringing them as slaves to their colonies in Angola and Mozambique, as well as to the New World.

Everywhere they went, the negroes wiped out the local inhabitants: the Pygmies of Rwanda and Angola, the native people of Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and the Bushmen and Hottentots of South Africa.

Two methods were used in their genocides: one, direct genocide. Shaka Zulu and his Bantus directly killed over 1,000,000 of the native people of South Africa. Recently the negro Hutus killed almost a milion Hametic Tutsis in Rwanda. Their second method is to out-breed the local inhabitants.

To compensate for their lower intelligence, they have a stronger sex drive. In nature, less intelligent creatures with a lower survival rate have high reproduction rates: for example quails, chickens, voles etc. produce many young each year. More intelligent creatures, like whales, have slower rates of reproduction. A hundred thousand or so slaves from Portuguese Guinea were brought to Brazil, and now there are at least 50,000,000 black people in Brazil. There, as well as in Madagascar and the Carribean, negroes simply have sex more frequently and create more babies, and so are gradually displace the native inhabitants.

But despite their violent nature and their focus on reproduction, without white "political correctness" and reverse racism, negroes would be no threat to white people - because they're so much less intelligent! But the media and entertainment industry has been promoting a stupid anti-white agenda for over 50 years, and the negro's image and social status has been elevated to something far better than he really is.

And yes, Werewolf, I've read that white women in South Africa are the frequent victims of rape, and many of them have been raped repeatedly. I know people who've come to Canada from South Africa, and suffer from post tramatic stress because of the horrors they went through.Edited by: JD1986


Very good analysis, JD. The Negro race, confined to west central sub-saharan Africa until relatively recent historic times, has expanded its territory more than any other race. Its infestation of the new world is entirely due to its being brought over as slaves in the slave trade. And even within the new world the negro was introduced to places where it would not otherwise be because of low wage sem-islavery, like Las Vegas, for instance, way out in the desert, now infested with them, where the gangster-owned casinos imported them to do low wage jobs. Most recently they were introduced into previously all-white regions of the west by the purging of desirable parts of New Orleans that the gangsters wanted to develop - so now you get see the ugliest nastiest New Orleans coons cakewalking down the streets in cities and small towns the southwest.

Fortunately your last paragraph is (still) an exaggeration. What I read is that one third of the women of "New" South Africa can expect to get raped at least once in her lifetime. And many of those raped are raped by canibals with AIDS. No crocodile tears for the women of southern Africa from Bush and dragon lady Hillary and Giuliani and all the rest and the media and the womens libbers. All their heartache and angst is carefully reserved for the enemies of Greater Israel.


Edited by: werewolf