border-security fence


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Why can't we build a security fence to protect our borders? Israel built one with the benefeit of our tax dollars. Aren't our people worthy of the same protection? If we tabulated every murder, rape, assault, armed robbery, burglary and theft committed against us by these interlopers, we would be horrified to realize the extent of the brutality inflicted upon us. I was in a Wal-Mart yesterday, seems like every Mexican girl has a flock of kids and one in the oven. I agree with a comment I read at a different site, ' Mexican females are born pregnant.'
I thought you were talking about this article:

PHOENIX - A state lawmaker believes Arizonans are so frustrated with illegal immigration that they're willing to raise fees - and possibly tax themselves - to build a fence along the state's southern border.
Wait a minute, there isn't a fence up already?
Bear-Arms, thanks for the link. I hadn't seen the article previously. It seems the local residents are in favor of building a fence. I was not surprised to read that a county supervisor named -Paul Newman- is is trying to block the proposal. No, he is not the actor, but is what I would call a carpet bagger from New Jersey.I'm sure he has no problems with Israel's security fence. With politicianslike him in government, who needs enemies.

From his bio. : · 1997- 1999 Board of Directors, Arizona Chapter of American Jewish Committee<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

Quote from article: The idea got a chilly reception from Cochise County Supervisor Paul Newman, whose district includes a large stretch of border land, including Ladd's property. He said it would be a waste of state money, as federal officials have plans to build their own fence. Anyway, Newman said a fence will "resolve nothing,'' saying the real solution is a good guest-worker program.
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I think the reason there is no fence is because the people in power don't want one---DUH! They want to play up to the mex vote because they will be the majority soon and white people don't vote their interests anyway so why bother with them.
With two states in a "state of emergency," the border problems are getting a lot of attention lately. Lou Dobbs has a segment called "Broken Borders" on every one of his shows that I've seen over the last few weeks, Sean Hannity is actually doing his show from the border this week, and I even saw a segment on O'Reilly's show last night.

Of course that douche Alan Colmes insinuates racism every time he talks about it. There is no good argument for not securing our borders and everyone knows it. They had the president of the Minuteman Project on the show and he seems like a very smart guy.

Maybe something will finally happen for the better in this country....
The idea that a country would not protect its border is unheard of in the history of mankind. It is one thing if you have a friendly border without much immigration, like with Canada, or a huge border like China and Russia where the cost and difficulty would be impractical.

But the border between the US and Mexico? Millions of people cross every year it is absurd that there is no border, no one in thier right mind would object. It is one thing to say we need more people here so loosen up legal immigration, but quite another to just let anybody cross into your country and take advantage of all of the things everyone else is taxed to support.

Incredible that we have elected so many Presidents and Congress that will not act to secure our borders. It is treason not to do so. History will remember them unkindly (at least white history). And it will not change until something drastic happens, our leaders are treasonous to our country and there is no authority to hold them responsible except the people. And the people are too comfortable to do anything. So we wait.
jaxvid said:
Incredible that we have elected so many Presidents and Congress that will not act to secure our borders. It is treason not to do so. .

Absolutely 100% true. Most of our leaders and legislators know the score but are too busy padding their own nests.Senator Frtitz Hollins decided toreveal some dirty secrets publicly but waited till he retired from office. Would have been great if he fought the good fight thirty years ago. But then again, if he did, his career would have been toast.

Someone reminded us of the courageous men who signed the Declaration of Independence. Most of them suffered great loss for standing up openly and defying the government. Men have written that we could rise up and do the same today. I don't think it's possible. Many of the original patriots were influential men of means in high positions relatively speaking. Our present lleaders are in bed with King George, currying his favor. The only group willing to make some noiseis for the most part, the disenfranchised, angry, put upon white man, who has little or no power in the broader scheme.Pat Buchanan's pitch fork rebellion didn't get too far. Unfortunately, a crisis of great proportion would be needed to reverse this ship of state's direction.
The Roman empire lasted over a thousand years. The main reason was that the Romans were meticulous about being in contol of the immigration and emigration of their borders. Their borders were guarded, records kept, and all groups of people needed permission to enter. The fall of the Roman Empire mostly had to do with the loosening of their border's immigration and of course government corruption (sound familar?). Goths and other groups of people were allowed inside the empire seeking refuge and protection from violent people from the East. They soon turned on the Romans and began the fall of the empire. If only the average American would study a little history.
Kaptain Poop - Good post. The decline and fall of the Roman
Empire was the direct result of racial intermixing and the changing
demographics of blacks and North Africans coming into the realm.
The ancient Romans, in effect, ceased to exist, having been replaced by
a mulatto hybrid population. In fact, the glory of the
Rennaisance and the rise of Venice, Rome, and Milan were driven NOT by
the "Romans," but rather by the Lombards, a Germanic race that came
from the North into what is present-day Italy. The
"White"-looking Italians of Northern Italy are descendants of the
Lombards, and they are responsible for virtually everything good that
ever came out of post-Empire Italy.
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