Bobby Cutts Jr

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
Jessie Davis: Bobby Cutts Jr. Charged With Jessie Marie Davis Murder
By Mitch Marconi
Jun 23, 2007
Bobby Cutts Jr. Charged, Jessie Davis body found - Jessie Marie Davis has been murdered and Bobby Cutts Jr. is now in custody, charged with two counts of murder.

Jessie Davis, 26, was due to deliver a baby girl on July 3. Her mother found Davis' 2-year-old son alone in her home, where bedroom furniture was toppled and bleach spilled on the floor on June 15.

Volunteers had searched for Davis over several days, while investigators continued to question Bobby Cutts Jr., 30, a Canton police officer, who is the father of Davis' son. He is also believed to be the father of the unborn child.

Bobby Cutts Jr. had been adamant that he was not involved with Jessie's disappearance. Jessie's mother called him a suspect on Friday on the NBC Today show but said she was praying that it wouldn't turn out to be him.

Investigators had been quiet on much of the details of their work concerning the case until they announced a press conference at 6:00 p.m. EDT.

Speculation was rampant that Cutts had confessed and led police to the body.

"Our hearts go out to the family of Jessie Marie Davis," Chief Deputy Rick Perez said at the news conference announcing the developments.

Stark County Sheriff Tim Swanson confirmed the finding of the body and that Bobby Cutts Jr. was in custody. They did not discuss the location or whether or not Cutts had indeed confessed.

The Canton Repository had reported that investigators found the body in Meyers Lake earlier in the day. However, the body of Jessie Davis was found at Cuyahoga National Park in Summit county. Surveilance video from the recovery scene showed an area where a lake could not be observed. What could be seen, however, is what appeared to be a shallow gravesite.

Cutts will be formally charged Monday with Jessie Davis murder and that of her unborn child. He had been a Canton police officer since 2001.



Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
This story is so sad and depressing. Like so many victims of the modern white genocide this woman and her family are partly to blame. But it is not just her it is the many white officials that allowed this scum to become a policeman and have the opportunity to do what he did.

Cutts had preyed on white women all his life. He figured he could get away with just about anything and he did. If this is not a cautionary warning to every white girl and their parents then what would be? Answer. Nothing.

The mother was apparently OK with her daughter getting pregnant twice with a black man that was already married (probably to another white woman). She can take the blame herself. She was party to it. It's pathetic how many white people are quick to say this wasn't about race. Think people would say that if the races were reversed?

Did anyone following this case not think this guy was guilty with his background of restraining orders? And the fact he was black. Early in the case I saw part of a Larry King show and everyone that was interviewed knew he was going to be guilty but were afraid to say it because of the racial angle. Pathetic!

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
If I learned anything from the Duke hoax, it is that the media and law enforcement has no problem proceeding on a guilty path before disclosing vital evidence to the public. The truth is there are very few people who know all of the facts at this point in time. IMO, the worst case scenario is that the police in Canton made a false arrest. This would add enormous amounts of fuel to the political fire of the minority victimization pimps. Interestingly enough, there has been little noise from Al, Jesse and Louis.

I am pleased that this case is getting the same overexposure that the Duke hoax and the Laci Peterson case received. I think the MSM is starting to understand the power of the blogger. Minority predator cases can no longer be swept under the rug. The backlash from the Knoxville murders demonstrated the double standard the media has in reporting crime with a frequency that coincides with statistics on crime. I find it interesting that after every report of the Canton murder, there seems to be a short clip on the Murders in Joliet IL. I wonder why the reporting is arranged in this order?


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I don't think this is a false arrest. I believe he has confessed. They were way too cautious early on with him for them not to have a solid case.

I agree that suddenly the Joliet case has risen in prominence to the news media. They must be exuberant to have a white family murderer to balace the scales for them.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
CANTON, Ohio (CNN) -- A woman has been charged with obstruction of justice in the case of the pregnant Ohio woman whose body was found over the weekend, the FBI said.

Myisha Ferrell is in the custody of the Stark County Sheriff's Department and will be arraigned on Monday, the FBI said.

The arrest comes on the same day officials confirmed the body they found Saturday is the body of pregnant Lake Township, Ohio, resident Jessie Marie Davis. The 26-year-old was reported missing more than a week ago.

In a phone recording, the examiner's office announced it had "positively identified the remains found," adding "fetal remains were also recovered."

The cause of death was pending, the office said. (Watch police announce discovery of body Video)

Davis had been due to give birth in early July when she disappeared. She was last heard from June 13.

The examiners began the autopsy Sunday after the body was recovered in an area of Cuyahoga Valley National Park in Summit County.

Officials have been tight-lipped about exactly where the body was found and how it was discovered.

On Sunday, a source close to the investigation told CNN that Canton police patrolman Bobby Cutts Jr., 30, led police to the body. (Listen to Cutts discuss the investigation June 19 Video)

Authorities declined to confirm that.

Officers on Saturday arrested Cutts and charged him with two counts of murder -- one for allegedly killing Davis and the other for allegedly killing her near-term fetus.

Cutts was the father of Davis' 2-year-old son, Blake. He also fathered two other children with two separate women.

Asked by a newspaper reporter prior to the discovery of Davis' body whether he was expecting a second child with Davis, he said, "Possibly, yes."

He is set to appear Monday for arraignment in Canton Municipal Court.

The identification of Davis' body ended a search by thousands of volunteers.

The search was launched after family members and police could not contact Davis. Upon entering her home, Davis' mom found her son wandering alone in a dirty diaper and the house in disarray. Furniture was broken, a lamp was toppled over and bleach had been spilled on the floor, police said. (Map)

There were no signs of forced entry, and Davis' car keys and purse were in the home. But her cell phone and a comforter were missing, police said.
Another woman's home searched

Also on Sunday, FBI agents searched a woman's home in Canton and confiscated multiple bags of items Saturday evening, the woman's upstairs neighbor said Sunday. It's unclear at this time if that woman is Myisha Ferrell.

Hours after police recovered Davis' body and arrested Cutts, FBI agents used a battering ram to break down the door, said Justin Lindstrom, who lives in an adjacent duplex.

The owner was not present during the search, said Lindstrom, who added that agents asked him to call them if he heard from or saw his neighbor.

Lindstrom added that, during the week prior to Saturday, investigators had visited the home multiple times.

He said that, at one point during their searches, they asked him about a bed comforter they found in the building's laundry room.

Lindstrom said he told them it was his. Investigators have been on the lookout for a comforter belonging to Davis since discovering it was missing during a search of her home.

An FBI official told CNN Sunday that agents were continuing to search "multiple locations in the disappearance of Jessie Davis" and that they "continue to talk to people involved in the case that may have information that can help the investigation."


Oct 20, 2006
Living near Chicago, the white family that was murdered by the dad has
received non-stop, headline coverage here. You're right about the
internet influencing news coverage of this crime. After the Knoxville
backlash, there were editorials in the Sun Times and a front page story in
the Chicago Tribune on it, but only weeks after it happened and it got so
much traction on the internet. It seems the ground is shifting away from
traditional media to the internet, that the internet is starting to set the
agenda in some areas. This is a good thing, since the net is so much
more democratic and non-PC than the MSM.

The new rule is, if the MSM can bury the story of a minority misdeed, they
will, but if the story has legs on the internet, they have to give it the nod
an acknowledge and cover it, or else they continue to lose credibility and
viewership/readership. So it really is up to the blogosphere and sites like
this to keep up the good work and let people know what is actually going
on. Times are getting quite interesting.Edited by: PitBull


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
We reap what we sow. More affirmative action stupidity.

[url] amp;subCategoryID=0[/url]

CANTON The police officer accused of killing his girlfriend and her unborn child was given consideration to be hired on the city force because he was black, according to the civil service director, police chief and city records.

Bobby L. Cutts Jr. scored 70th out of 98 applicants who passed the civil service exam for police officer in March 2000. Cutts, however, was interviewed and ultimately hired over about 40 other candidates, the vast majority of whom were white men. The reason is a city law that required black candidates be considered if less than roughly 18 percent of the police force was black, said Samuel Sliman, civil service director

"It gets you skipped up (the eligibility list) in consideration," said Police Chief Dean McKimm. "It brings you to the forefront of other candidates who actually scored higher than you; whether you think it's fair or not, that's the net effect of the (city) ordinance."

Cutts, 30, of Plain Township, is accused of killing Jessie M. Davis, 26, in her Lake Township duplex June 14, according to court papers. Cutts is charged with two counts of murder, including the death of Davis' unborn baby girl, which Davis' family members contend Cutts fathered. Davis was 9 months pregnant and due July 3.
Oct 24, 2005
another example of the joys of diversity.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Jessie Davis was a prime example of the disasterous effects that certain practices of Christianity can have on a person.

From an article on her funeral:

Her mother, Patricia Porter, said that even at a young age, her daughter wanted to help the needy through Christian missionary work.

"She always had a heart for God and a heart for people," Porter said.

Porter said her daughter had been a committed God-fearing person after doing overseas missionary work but at some point "she took a wrong turn somewhere."

Davis realized in church a few weeks ago that she needed to reform her life, her mother said. At the time Davis was unmarried and pregnant for a second time, apparently by the same married man now charged in her slaying.

Porter said her daughter told her, "Mom, I feel like God has really spoken to me today because I need to get my life in order."

I would only add to this, what kind of Christianity preaches getting pregnant repeatedly by a married man of another race? What are they teaching in the church today? That behaviour should be considered a serious mortal sin and punishable by eternal damnation. Isn't that simple message imparted to the flock?


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jaxvid said:
Jessie Davis was a prime example of the disasterous effects that certain practices of Christianity can have on a person.

These effects seem only to be found among white people. We are like the drunk who squanders all his money ina bar, buying round after round for strangers and derelicts,only to return home with empty pockets and scorn for his own needy family.