Black QB's vs. White RB's


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Just to think in the early 70's there was no such thing as a black QB in the NFL. Blacks were not considered talented enough to be at the helm behind center. My how quickly that changed when Warren Moon proved to be an amazing QB in the CFL in the late seventies and early 80's and then jumped ships to the NFL in 1984 and performed quite well there.

Just to think just one year before Warren Moon lead off the black QB "invasion" into the NFL John Riggins, a white RB, had been the Super Bowl MVP of 1983 having an unbelievable clutch performance for the victorious Skins. In the seventies there had been many capable white RB's including Larry Czgonka. In the 60's Jim Taylor had outrushed Jim Brown "the best ever" one year for the league rushing title. Whites had always been "steadily" performing it seemed at RB. This was even so with the minor discrimination they faced IMO in that era, but it was nothing compared to the exemption from the QB position blacks faced.

Then when Doug Williams helped lead the same team, "the Redskins" to victory in the 1988 superbowl, the barrier to blacks at QB would completly break down. This was the same team that Riggins had lead to victory in the 1983 superbowl. But my how quickly the league would forget about the white RB. Doug Williams will always be remembered as the 1988 Super Bowl MVP, but the media and fans quickly have forgotten about the 1983 Super Bowl MVP John Riggins and any other white HB. Other than Craig James in 1986 no other white RB would top 1000 yards to this day.

This day it is 2007, and a sad day it is for the white man in professional football. Blacks have flooded into the league as QB's and are now "over" represented. Blacks are roughly 13% of the population yet have clearly been more than 13% of the starting QB's in recent years. I don't need to name names. If you have any interest just look it up at Sad to say, but your average ignorant fan is still asking the question Why aren't there more black QB's. Maybe if they did their research they would be asking, why isn't there a single white RB?

I will tell you why in a very simple cross examination of the media in the past few years.

1) Michael Irvin: His statement it is paraphrased but it was something like this
"Tony Romo, now that white boy can move" then Irvin would go on to imply that his great grandmother must have "gone behind the barn, you know back in the day" "for some brown suger." Another words the white man is incapable according to the media, especially the "black elites" in the media of doing anything as far as "running" even as a QB.

2) Ray Lewis: His statement was something like this again it is paraphrased, it's upsetting "the way Tennesse treated Steve McNair" "Do you think Green Bay would have treated a white veteran, like Farve that way?"

Why a stupid remark like this would be given any validity by the media is mind boggling. First, Steve McNair was old and had been constantly injured the last few seasons before this. He wouldn't restructure his contract so the team had every right to get rid of him. And I don't even think they cut him they traded him. That's just the way it is in the NFL these days. There is a salary cap! So what exactly was Ray Lewis complaining about? Maybe he thought prematurely, that the team was going to bring in possibly the best backup in the league "white" Billy Volek to replace him. Well as we all know they did not. Tennessee drafted "black" Rose Bowl MVP Vince Young, to be their future man at the helm.

So where am I going with this you may ask, as this has already been discussed on this site by posters and in great articles by JB Cash. I am going to ask the question about the treatment one white man got for asking a question about black QB's. Then I am going to compare this question to one about white RB's. The man to be discussed is Rush Limbaugh.

He stated that Donovan McNabb is overrated because "the media wants to see a black QB succeed." I believe that there is no doubting the validity to this statement. It's just that McNabb isn't anywhere near as overrated by the media compared to Michael Vick. If Limbaugh had picked Vick and got canned he should have had a much bigger gripe with being fired.

Every year you see Michael Vick on the cover of some sports magazine. He has one playoff appearance and playoff victory in his career in Atlanta. He has been the starter on the team since 2001 when he was drafted as the first pick. Looking at his stats in his career as a passer he almost always finishes in the bottom third of the league in passer rating. Still the media heralds him as this "God" of the new breed of running QB. He gets an 100 million dollar contract in the same ballpark as Peyton Manning who clearly has a much better resume. He gets more endorsement deals than Brian Urlacher. Yet, he has been called a coach killer by his own coach, but the media makes excuses for him in losses like "his wide receivers can't catch."

Then you have the case of Eli Manning the brother of the best QB in the league. As a Giants fan who has cousins in Jersey I will tell you that most Giants fans are calling him a bust already! And when exactly did Eli come into the league. Yeah that's right the 2004 season. I think there was even a newspaper article my cousin mentioned from a NJ paper that said "Eli on Coughlin's hot seat." In my opinion Eli is already playing better than Vick, with the exception of the end of last year with lots of injuries to the offense. Yet, Has there ever been an article titled "Vick on coaches hot seat." If there has I haven't heard of it!

It is my opinion that what you have with Michael Vick, with what he brings to the table as a QB and his history of "success", is an average QB. Yet, he is one of the highest payed players in the entire league with only one playoff victory. So, I want an answer to this question. If the media is clearly rooting for another black QB to win the Superbowl, and they must be with how Doug Williams is remembered by the sports media constantly and Vick is treated. Then why isn't anyone rooting for "the underdog" white RB.

It seems every time a white runner is given a chance, Brock Forsey, Alstott, Heath Evans, and Kuhn (very limited last year) they perform well. Many of the times they aren't even put in a good position. The white runner usually is run as a FB, in short yardage, or at the end of a game to hold a lead. It is much harder to post a good YPC in those circumstances. Yet Alstott in his prime had a decent yards per carry as a "FB" around 3.9 for most of his prime. Forsey can post an 100 yard game in his only chance to start as HB and quickly be forgotten and cut from the league even after being one of the best college RBs ever. Heath Evans can run for 4.5 per carry in a game, when he gets a chance as HB because of injury. Mind you Heath Evans probably hadn't run the ball from the HB position since H.S.

The white RB is forgotten because the media doesn't care. The media only cares about the black athlete. White fans aren't fighting for the white RB the way blacks are fighting for "their" black QBs. After researching discrimination on this site I now believe that the discrimination against the white RB is the exact same discrimination the black QB received before Warren Moon. "Maybe" there is a higher percentage of whites in their population who are good QB's. "Maybe" there is a higher percentage of blacks in their population that are good RBs. However, with 70% of the U.S population white and seeing outstanding athletes like Tre Smith, Jared Hawkins and Dan Burks get screwed last year in college despite being the best running backs on their team. I know that their are plenty of whites who could be elite NFL RBs. They could probably make up more than half of the RBs in the NFL.

So after seeing Jimmy the Geek, Fuzzy Zeller, Rush Limbaugh, Trent Lott and now Don Imus get canned for relatively minor things spoken or simply "questions asked" about blacks I understand the problem. Blacks in the media like Michael Irvin, Eric Dickerson, John Thompson etc. can make cynical remarks about white athletes "athleticism" yet a white who brings up any racial question, remark or even a harmless joke about blacks "Imus" and a very harmless joke "Zeller" in the media there is no forgiveness they are immediately canned. Maybe this is the problem; our society is so backwards that not only can't you even mention something stereotypically about blacks you can't even say something "Pro-white" or in support of the white man.

It's time white RBs start being so forgiving and start causing a stir for their maltreatment. It's time the white man stop taking crap form the Al Sharpton's of the world and stand up for ourselves. And what better place to start than the obvious black monopoly of NFL RB.
"GO Brian Leonard, GO Kyle Bell, GO Jared Hawkins, Go Kevin Harris, Go Dan Dierking, Go J.J Diluigi, Go Joe Martinek, Go Skylar Jessen and Go Ryan Van Rensberg!" And "Tre Smith and Dan Burks go star in the CFL cause that's all you'll get!"

P.S Sam McGuffie don't pick Florida State!
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Why is it that people have such a problem posting a hyperlink? It is so simple. I'm not just talking about you, remark 22. A lot of people do it on this board. Maybe I'm being too picky, but I think a hyperlink and a small blurb about what we will see when we click it makes people much more likely to take a look.

Moon arrested for investigation of drunken driving.


Aug 16, 2006
Just figured out how to do it, I never really noticed all those buttons above the message field.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
If you go into settings and setitto enable rich text editor, all you have to do is copy and paste and it hyperlinks it for you. I'm glad you figured out how to use the functions though Jared, as that is the way you have to do it if you don't have rich text.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
I personally think we should not only post a blurb and link, I think we should post the whole article. This is not only to get credit to the author, but because some articles I had found from newspapers on media sites were taken out of the archive directory for being too old.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Good point, Tough. I usually post excerpts or complete text of articles I really think are interesting or important. Usually, the lesser ones I just hyperlink them.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I'm not sure about this but isn't it a copyright violation to post an entire article, even with attribution? I thought you could post a link and a short excerpt from the article but that's it. Didn't Stormfront ran into some problems with Reuters over this issue?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I'm not sure Shogun. Maybe someone who has someknowledgeof the field can tell us.