Black Plague


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
The neighborhoodof this story was at one timevery clean, safe, and pleasant, but thatwas before the Black Plague was introduced. Robberies and murders are now common. When I was a kid it was a mostly German neighborhood. Since then, huge swathes of Milwaukee and surrounding areas have become terror zones. The media and community leaders are perplexed. What to do about the children, teens, youth, and disadvantaged residents who are wreaking havoc? Once beautiful, thriving, shoppingcentersand businesseshave been trashed. It is always the same story. Like deadly diseases or locusts, Negroes destroy and decimate everything in sight. The problem cannot be fixed. There is no cure for the Black Plague.We either separate ourselves from them or become destroyed.
<H1>Raw Video: Teens Terrorize Gas Station</H1>
<H3 =author>Jay Olstad
<DIV =story>MILWAUKEE - A handful of teenage boys have terrorized the workers at the Clark gas station on 60th and West Fond du Lac for the past two weeks.

Click on the link under related content to see surveillance video of the robberies.

"We've went through hell. It's just ridiculous," said owner Mandi Brar.

She says since December 11th, seven or eight teens have come in almost every day. With guns drawn, they demand food, gas, drinks, whatever they can get their hands on.

"December 11th, 12th, 14th, and 15th they came four times in a day," said Brar...


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I took my kids to my old neighborhood in Detroit the other day, one of them (10 yrs old) said "Gee dad this place looks horrible." It did. The houses are run down, thugs hanging around, selling crack on the corner. I told him it wasn't always that way, but when I was a kid it was clean, quiet, better then where we now live in some ways.

What happened he asked? So I told him that the people that lived there when I was young were chased out by the people that live there now because these people are violent and ruin things. He asked how they could run us out and I told him that kind of thing happens all the time in human history, look at the Indians, I said, they were here and the Europeans came and chased them out. He thought about it for a minute and asked "Are we gonna end up like the Indians?"

I told him "Yes if we don't start to fight back and stop running from these people." And I went on to tell him to never back down, never give up what's yours without a fight. It might seem hard at the time but in the end it will be worth it.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
jaxvid said:
I took my kids to my old neighborhood in Detroit the other day, one of them (10 yrs old) said "Gee dad this place looks horrible." It did. The houses are run down, thugs hanging around, selling crack on the corner. I told him it wasn't always that way, but when I was a kid it was clean, quiet, better then where we now live in some ways.

What happened he asked? So I told him that the people that lived there when I was young were chased out by the people that live there now because these people are violent and ruin things. He asked how they could run us out and I told him that kind of thing happens all the time in human history, look at the Indians, I said, they were here and the Europeans came and chased them out. He thought about it for a minute and asked "Are we gonna end up like the Indians?"

I told him "Yes if we don't start to fight back and stop running from these people." And I went on to tell him to never back down, never give up what's yours without a fight. It might seem hard at the time but in the end it will be worth it.
Post of the year.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

You took a chance with your kids. You, and they seem to have come through it fine. You report no mishaps. Hopefully, your point is well taken. You can't do more than that. Now, only time will tell how well the lesson was learned.

Tom Iron...


Aug 9, 2005
The blacks are really a special case. They're so consistent!! Wherever they're concentrated (I mean anywhere in the world), everything is going down. I'm from Milwaukee, now living in San Diego. The bad neighborhoods in San Diego just don't have that same feel as the bad ones in Milwaukee, in SD they're like this mix of black, Hispanic and Asian. I mean they're bad, no doubt about it, but nothing compares to being in an all black area. It's like you're in the Valley of the Shadow of Death. If you don't have some familiarity with the area, or some minimum level of street smarts, YOU WILL get killed.


Aug 6, 2006
Pittsburgh,Pa,is is losing it's suburbs also,section 8 housing is doing what it is set up to do,destroy White neighborhoods!
Jan 5, 2005
United States
I took my Wife and Kids to her old hometown, Fontana California, and it was horrible. Almost everything there is now setup to cater to the non-English speaking Mestizo invaders. Its terrible the way we are letting this occur in town after town, be it the Black, Brown or Yellow invaders. If you want to see the future of the United States, just drive down the Interstate 10 from Los Angeles to San Bernardino... You will go through balkanized city after city, in some all of the signage will be in Spanish, in others it will all be in Asian Characters, The Black areas will be demarcated by the blight. You won't hit many cities still held by Whites (Offhand I'd say maybe Upland, West Covina and Rancho Cucamonga), and we are talking about a60 plus mile stretch of megalopolis where you will never actually leave an Urban area.