Black educator throws in the towel


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Black prof. says he wasted his time trying to educate black students. Excerpts below.

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Instead of taking pride in being exemplary students, many were devotees of hip-hop culture. They were anti-intellectual, rude and profane.

I always was amazed that so many of the women tolerated the crude way the men spoke to them. One afternoon in my English class, a male student called a young woman "a big-assed ugly bitch." I expected her to slap him, and I would not have intervened. Instead, she dismissed the whole thing with a wave of her hand and turned to chat with her roommate. After class, I asked her about the insult.

"That fool don't mean nothing to me, " she said. "He ain't nothing but a stupid brother from Anniston or somewhere."

The lesson was clear and disheartening: Personal insult, crude language and threatening behavior were a way of life for many students. I saw this kind of exchange repeated dozens of times in the classroom and on The Yard. I had no doubt that the influences of hip-hop contributed greatly to this ugly reality and other deleterious trends.

"Have you noticed that our students never have a sense of urgency?" a colleague asked one afternoon as we walked to a faculty meeting. "They don't seem to be going anywhere in particular. They just stand around or mosey along. Frivolity."

He was right. Greek organization activities such as step shows - the rhythmical, patterned dance movements favored by fraternities and sororities - and any excuse to party and play music were the most important events on campus.

When a professor brought a special lecturer to campus, the rest of us would require our students to attend the event. But more often than not only a handful would show up, a great source of embarrassment for the professors. I never invited any of my fellow journalists to campus. Besides the stinging embarrassment of low attendance, I resented the hassle of rounding up students for their own enlightenment.

.... A week before I left Stillman as a professor, I drove through the main gate en route to a final exam. As always, I saw a group of male students hanging out in front of King Hall.

The same four I had seen when I drove onto campus nearly two years earlier were milling about on the lawn. I parked my car and walked over to the group.

"Why don't you all hang out somewhere else?" I asked.

"Who you talking to, old ******?" one said.

"You give the school a bad image out here, " I said.

They laughed.

"Hang out somewhere else or at least go to the library and read a book, " I said.

They laughed and dismissed me with stylized waves of the arm.

I walked back to my old Chevy Blazer, sad but relieved that I would be leaving.

In my office, I sat at my desk staring at a stack of papers to be graded. I'm wasting my time, I thought. I've wasted two years of my professional life. I don't belong here.

I put the papers in a drawer. I did not read them. Why read them?


Dec 15, 2005
Howard Phillips gave an explanation of how corporate precursors of hip hop culture actually helped weaken African Americans in education. Many provisions of LBJ's "great society" made it tougher in reality for poorer families to move up and succeed in America, as shown by the decline in social mobility since LBJ and JFK took office and launched their welfare programs.
Oct 24, 2005
Someone on the American Ren website that that many white students in college are unqualified, lazy, unmotivated, and only live to party.
...But burning trash cans is a Black thing.


May 20, 2005
One thing to keep in mind is that a cross-section of Black college students, even at a "historically Black college", is nessecarily an ABOVE AVERAGE sample.

I must hone up to being a college dropout, but I never failed a class(!!!), set any buildings on fire, or commited an act of violence that wasn't at least MORALLY if not legally justifiable, falling under the heading of "mutual combat".Edited by: White_Savage
Sep 24, 2006
Eh. I work near GWU with a professor who works in my store part time. He says he just doesn't get how lazy his kids. He teaches two Chem classes a week, and gives a recitation and is available to answer questions, etc 2 additional days a week. If they don't know the math, he'll set them up with math tutors. Yet they simply won't do the work.

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
Across racial lines, the quality of college students has declined. One reason for this decline is the sheer numbers of students. Once upon a time, bright students went to university, and the rest went to work. Not that there were not bright kids who did not pursue higher education; but other than the occassional dullard from a privilged family, it was basically understood that college was for a higher cognitive class of people.

Then came the notion that what stood between the lower-middle class and the upper-middle class was a college degree. This is like saying the difference between Superman and Don Knotts is a red cape.

Somewhere along the way, egalitarianism took root and the assumption is today that "anyone" can be educated at a high level. To make this experiment appear to work, standards were lowered; even so, people of lesser cognitive ability struggle with the college experience.

A personal observation: a less prevalent stereotype these days is that of the "dumb jock." I wonder if that is because someone who only got into college due to his athletic skill stood out more decades ago, whereas jocks of lesser intellectual acumen nowadays blend more easily into the overall college student body?


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Deus Vult said:
Across racial lines, the quality of college students has declined. One reason for this decline is the sheer numbers of students. Once upon a time, bright students went to university, and the rest went to work. Not that there were not bright kids who did not pursue higher education; but other than the occassional dullard from a privilged family, it was basically understood that college was for a higher cognitive class of people.

Then came the notion that what stood between the lower-middle class and the upper-middle class was a college degree. This is like saying the difference between Superman and Don Knotts is a red cape.

Somewhere along the way, egalitarianism took root and the assumption is today that "anyone" can be educated at a high level. To make this experiment appear to work, standards were lowered; even so, people of lesser cognitive ability struggle with the college experience.

A personal observation: a less prevalent stereotype these days is that of the "dumb jock." I wonder if that is because someone who only got into college due to his athletic skill stood out more decades ago, whereas jocks of lesser intellectual acumen nowadays blend more easily into the overall college student body?

Great post! Really sums up the mindset of the modern social planner, send everyone to college so everybody can be a high paid Masters Degreed professional. Import the mexicans to do the work that used to be done by the uneducated.

Unfortunately not everyone is suited for higher learning so we have a country filled with college drop-outs and people with useless degrees. The other work has been taken over by illegal aliens and the lesser intellegent people (frequently blacks) collect welfare or go to jail. Egalitanarianism sucks.
Sep 24, 2006
Colleges have become true businesses, like everything else. They're the ones that fuel the 'need' for degrees. PLus, they're a great way to force beliefs on others, removed as they usually are from family and friends' influence.


Jul 27, 2005
United States
Thank the '60s for all this; all the campus takeovers of the various colleges(Especially the Ivy League Ones), and the deliberate throwing out of the entire teaching systems,and what was taught before(Like The Truth),to instead preach leftist Newspeak/propaganda, especially that to deliberately please all the non-Whites,and endlessly attack Whites,among other things.

Thank you:

Mark Rudd
Afro(Phallo)centric racists/the black panthers
Jane Fonda
The Chicago Seven
Tim Leary
Allen Ginsburg
William Sloane Coffin
The Berrigans
The Weather Underground

and so on and so on....

And it's not good enough, that any who are dead are burning in hell because of it - It's Not Good Enough.