Billy Roper


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Letters To Editor Indicate Public Support For Roper Campaign"

Responding to the response
Thank you for the continued press to all of the liberals and anti-white racists who continue to ingrain my name into the minds of white voters leading up to the November general election. When they go into the privacy of the voting booth, without the politically-correct thought police looking over their shoulders, white Arkansas voters can decide for themselves whether whites need a vocal advocate for our own interests, just as other groups have.
A previous writer stated, "I think it is fair to say that modern democracy has existed since 1776. Coincidentally, the United States, an obvious multiracial democracy, has existed for exactly as long."Â￾ The obvious intent is to imply that our Founding Fathers established a democracy, which they did not. The United States is a Constitutional Republic. Of course, based on their own stated intent, the Founding Fathers did not intend our nation to be multiracial either, as Thomas Jefferson clearly stated when he wrote: "Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them."Â￾ None of the Founding Fathers intended the United States to be a democracy, much less a multiracial one.
My enemies promote uncontrolled immigration and amnesty for the invaders already here. They support homosexual marriage and abortion. They are in favor of gun control and the brainwashing of our children against the values which made America strong.
As to the others who keep calling my home harassing and cursing, or try to use censorship as varied as social networking sites and the physical removal of my campaign signs to silence Arkansas voters, ya'll just continue to spell my name right, and the good voters of Arkansas can and will speak Nov. 2.
Billy Roper


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "More Endorsements and Invitations"

Independent Presidential Candidate and long time Majority Rights Activist Brian Holland announced in Knoxville, TN, on August 14th that he was personally endorsing the efforts of Arkansas write in Gubernatorial Candidate Billy Roper. Brian's public statement at a downtown Knoxville rally is available below:

"Billy Roper is a man of integrity, a man with daring ideas, and a man who knows this nation is headed in the wrong direction. I have known Billy for some ten years now, and I have faith in him and his abilities. Billy Roper is what's best for Arkansas, and I encourage the great people of Arkansas to take a long look at the available candidates. If you can find one better than Billy Roper, by all means, cast your vote for them. But, in my opinion, you will find no better candidate than Billy."Â￾

Candidate Roper has been invited to meet with representatives of the Arkansas Police Benevolent Association at the Wyndham Riverfront Hotel in Little Rock on September 23rd. APBA Arkansas Division President Scott Hicks gave a candidate questionnaire to Roper, measuring the candidate's support for law enforcement officers. Remarking on the invitation, Candidate Roper stated "I believe that my anti-drug, anti-gang, pro-law and order platform, as well as the expressed support my campaign has already received from Arkansas law enforcement personnel at the local and County level, prove that our friends in blue know who the true enemies of liberty are, and I welcome their support and endorsements of my candidacy."Â￾


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "A,B, or C?"

Comparing the candidates for Arkansas Governor: Which of the following; A,B, or C, best matches your personal values:

Candidate A:

Millionaire Investor.

Recently moved to Arkansas.

Alleged tax cheat.

Member of the Advisory

Board of the United Negro

College Fund.

Says he is a friend of Candidate B.


Candidate B:

Career Politician




Says he is a friend of Candidate A.


Candidate C:

Educated but working class family man.

For: God, Guns, and the Constitution.

Against: Illegal Immigration, Abortion,

and Gay Marriage.

Political outsider and maverick.

Says he is a friend of the majority, common man and woman.

If you chose "C"Â￾, write in Billy Roper for Governor of Arkansas on November 2nd!

If anyone is interested here are some posts about Mr. Roper at the ANU forum.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Campaign Trail Update"

On Thursday night, September 16th, the Roper for Governor Campaign hit the Pope County Fair, where the most positive reactions to the campaign business cards passed out and the campaign T-shirts on display were from the River Valley Gun Club table and the Crisis Pregnancy Care Center, due to Billy Roper's well known anti-abortion and pro-gun platform positions. Several fair-goers recognized candidate Roper and openly expressed support for his campaign. Next week: the Van Buren County Fair!

Friday night was the much anticipated Candidates Forum sponsored by the local American Legion post of Leslie at the Ozark Heritage Arts Center. Pictured is Billy Roper explaining to the crowd of roughly eighty present why they should write in his name for governor on November 2nd. All of the comments and reaction from the attendees afterwards were very positive, including those from local political leaders and law enforcement officers. Many took home "Roper for Governor"Â￾ fliers to share with those who could not attend. The strongest applause during candidate Roper's speech came when he spoke candidly about his opposition to the legalization of homosexual marriage, and his strong record of opposing illegal immigration, which stood in stark contrast to the Green Party gubernatorial candidate, who stated during his speech that America was founded on the ideas of equality and diversity. When asked by one of the audience members at the question and answer session following the Forum if he agreed, Roper stated "When I look at a picture of the Founding Fathers who were signers of the Declaration of Independence, no, they don't look like a very diverse group; and when I read who they gave citizenship to when they drafted the Constitution, I don't believe that attempting to enforce some mythical idea of artificial equality was very high on their agenda. Of course, our Founding Fathers probably weren't smoking what the Green Party guys want to legalize, so that might explain the discrepancy."Â￾

On Saturday, candidate Roper attended an Arkansas Razorback football game watch party with about sixty supporters in Mountain View, then continued his intensive campaigning in north-central Arkansas, where he and his team placed campaign signs throughout Pope, Conway, Van Buren, Searcy, Marion, and Stone counties, and concentrated voter outreach in Marshall, Yellville, and Clinton.

Congratulations to Mr. Ryan Murdough, an openly White Nationalist candidate for Congress who won 11% of the vote as a first time candidate in the Republican primary in New Hampshire last week.

Let us leave you with this thought about the cost of moderation: In 1964, Barry Goldwater was considered far too extremist a right winger to be elected. Moderate Republican Nelson Rockefeller refused to wear a "Goldwater"Â￾ campaign pin, while Richard M. Nixon campaigned tirelessly for Goldwater in 40 states, despite the fear of the smear by association. Even though Goldwater only carried two states, his native Arizona, and Louisiana, because courageous men like Billy Roper Sr. worked their tails off campaigning for him there and warning folks of the dangers of LB.J.'s "Great Society"Â￾, four years later voter reaction to Johnson's liberal policies led Nixon to the White House"¦and Rockefeller into relative obscurity. Something to ponder for those who know the truth but are afraid to stand too close to those who are not afraid to speak it loudly.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Campaign Trail Report: Five weeks to go!"

Roper for Governor campaign signs have been put up in eastern Yell County in the Casa, Adona, and Petit Jean Mountain areas, and over the weekend a different group of campaign supporters carried the message of our candidate to a city festival in Plainview, in western Yell County, where the local political candidates present were given the opportunity to answer whether they support White rights, and how they feel about the Roper for Governor candidacy, neither of which they were at all comfortable in answering.

While candidate Roper himself campaigned Saturday at the Van Buren County Fair in Clinton after putting in an appearance at the Fall Fest held at the Hector school gymnasium Friday night, volunteers passed out hundreds of educational campaign fliers at the annual Duck Festival in eastern Arkansas' Poinsett County. Campaigning at this particular county fair, Billy Roper networked with a local group called "Mothers Against Methamphetamines"Â￾ with whom he discussed drug interdiction and rehabilitation policy, as well as his positions that those who are using illegal drugs should be denied state social services benefits, those who manufacture and distribute illegal drugs should face the death penalty or deportation, and that securing our borders would aid not only in the illegal immigration invasion problem, but in the importation of illegal drugs, as well. Roper then met with a representative from the Democratic Party who was the former prosecuting attorney for the 20th judicial district, and continued his discussion of the blight of illegal drugs in the area, and whether ballot initiatives or legislative bills were best suited to force the establishment of drug courts in the rural counties of north-central Arkansas in which they are so badly needed.

This coming Tuesday evening: After he begins intensive telephone polling of voters in the central Arkansas region, write-in candidate for governor Billy Roper has agreed to join popular Arkansas radio personality Sharp Dunaway live on the air in Little Rock in order to help fight Autism and raise awareness and funding for research and treatment of the disease.

This week the write-in candidate received an invitation to attend the NAACP's 19th annual "Dove Freedom Fund Banquet"Â￾ in Pine Bluff on October 29th. He RSVP'd by sending an e-mail saying "Thank you for your invitation to the 19th annual NAACP Dove Freedom Fund Banquet October 29th in Pine Bluff. As a write-in candidate for governor, I will have to carefully compare the date of the event listed in this invitation with my scheduled speaking engagements, and get back to you on whether I can attend."Â￾ Lula Dickson, the local NAACP, personally responded by requesting that Roper attend the NAACP banquet. If he does attend, Roper plans on speaking on how liberal Democrats have used blacks as their patsies in order to be able to push through their own socialist agendas by attempting to smear anyone who opposes Obama's socialist actions as being a "racist"Â￾.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "We're going the distance!"

An Arkansas Times staffer supportive of the "Roper For Governor"Â￾ campaign has leaked the information that a major media story is forthcoming within the next 48 hours covering Billy Roper's write in campaign for governor. This is apparently separate from the Associated Press article for which candidate Roper gave a lengthy interview to AP writer Heather Hollingsworth Wednesday evening.

Current statewide polls continue to indicate a double-digit lead for Democratic (Tweedledum) candidate Beebe over Republican (Tweedledee) candidate Keet. Fifteen percent of Arkansans who indicated that they are going to vote in the Nov. 2nd election are still undecided about for which candidate for governor they will ultimately side. With such a large gap between the two establishment candidates, write in candidate Roper cannot be painted as a spoiler whose supporters might cost moderate Keet the election to the more liberal Beebe. This means, as previously stated, that more conservative voters will be free to vote their conscience, rather than for the ‘lesser of two evils'. In fact, with a Beebe re-election inevitable, the only meaningful vote which conservative Arkansans can cast this November 2nd will be a protest vote for write in candidate Billy Roper.

In the 2008 elections, a little over one million Arkansans voted. With 2010 being a mid-term election, but a fervently contested and polarized one, if voter turnout is similar, then Roper gaining just one percent of the current undecided vote would equal fifteen thousand write-in votes, a number unprecedented in Arkansas electoral history. Independent and third party telephone surveys of potential Arkansas voters indicate a higher level of candidate name recognition for write in candidate Billy Roper than for any of the other write in candidates for governor, or in fact for the Green Party candidate for the state's highest executive office.

In response to recent campaign speech shifts to the right by Keet, candidate Roper stated "For the whole campaign addressing the illegal immigration invasion has not been a priority for United Negro College Fund advisory board member Jim Keet. If the notoriety gained by my campaign's conservative platform has influenced his campaign promises, that's a good thing, but I don't think that Arkansans can trust him to promote conservative social and cultural values if he was elected. His airplane ended up landing far to the left of Arkansas for tax purposes, and I believe that his worldview lands far to the left of most Arkansans, as well."Â￾


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Roll out the barrels, Roll out the vote!"

by Billy Roper
Write in candidate for governor of Arkansas

The 47th annual Weiderkerhr WeinFest near Altus, Arkansas, was a great day of family fun, live German polka music, sing-alongs, and folk dancing. We enjoyed delicious authentic German food and entertainment along with several hundred other folks who meandered among vendors from around the state, toured the vinyards and the winery, and did more campaigning than expected when a large group of boisterous revelers recognized me and wanted to pose for pictures and shake my hand or high-five me. Their enthusiasm extended not simply in opposition to Obama, but a downright militant view of how illegal immigrants should be welcomed when they cross the border. Several votes were pledged, and a few of them took extra "Roper for Governor"Â￾ campaign cards to pass out to friends. The senior citizens I spoke with among the vendors were more calm, but just as interested in what I had to say about illegal immigration. It's funny, but with all of the economic problems we have in this country, with the jobless rate nearing 10%, and no relief in sight, when people talk to me on the campaign trail as they did today and tell me what they are concerned about, immigration ranks a lot higher than jobs or the economy. Maybe that's because most people are intelligent enough to realize that the economy would improve if the government would just leave it alone and stop taxing people into poverty before they even get their paychecks cashed, but they do expect that the government has the responsibility to control our borders. That isn't asking much from our elected officials, but so far they have been disappointed. When that disappointment turns to frustration and frustration turns from resignation to resentment and anger, their pensions will do them little good.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Attention Razorback State Voters!"

According to current polls, Democratic incumbent Mike Beebe is ahead of United Negro College Fund advisory board member Jim Keet by over 25 points, and is going to win the Arkansas governor election by a landslide.

Conservative voters in Arkansas are deciding to vote their conscience, instead of wasting their ballot on a lost cause with Keet. They are refusing to vote for the lesser of two evils this election, when doing so will make no difference, any way. They are choosing instead to cast a true protest vote for the only conservative candidate in the election. They are writing in Billy Roper for Governor of Arkansas.

Join them in sending a message to the establishment that this is not an auction, it is an election! Write in Billy Roper for governor!


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Finding the Finish Line"

Operation TenFold: This final weekend before the election, all Arkansas supporters of the only conservative candidate representing the interests of White Arkansas voters are urged to remind ten registered Arkansas voters to write in Billy Roper for governor this coming Tuesday, and to encourage each of them to likewise ask ten different Arkansas voters to do the same, and so on"¦!

By any realistic measure, with a write in candidacy our success at getting the controlled media to carry our message of White racial survival and true patriotism has already been greater than I ever would have imagined possible. Thousands of people throughout our state who otherwise would never have heard our message have done so. Dozens of them are now racially conscious, and many are actively working with other patriots whom they had not even known a few weeks ago.
That was our goal when we began this adventure in March, and so we have already won!

Still, like you, I am curious to see how many people will be bothered to actually go to the polls Tuesday and vote their conscience free of the politically correct thought control of the establishment. How many of them will go to the effort to write in Billy Roper for governor? I guess we'll see. However many it is, this is NOT a concession speech, on the contrary, it is a victory speech, and so, I have many people to thank"¦ first of all my family, who stood by me through the long and grinding months as we received social pressure, endured economic hardship, and even encountered open hostility and threats against our lives and livelihood, due to my campaign. My parents, my wife, our daughter, and all of my friends and relatives have stood by me through it all.

Secondly, I want to think the members of various patriotic organizations such as White Revolution, the Blood and Honour American Division, and activists in different Tea Party and conservative movements, some of whom I had never had the fortune of partnering with before. They proudly made and wore "Roper for Governor"Â￾ campaign t-shirts, hosted and attended rallies for me, put up campaign signs, then put them up again when our enemies took them down, time after time; they passed out campaign fliers and business cards and used social media such as Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, and e-mail to send out press releases and actively campaign for us, day in and day out. Some of them called through long lists of phone numbers reaching out to Arkansas voters over the phone, and spreading the word that way-thank you all! And lastly, I want to thank our enemies, the liberal controlled media, who despite themselves just couldn't resist carrying the story, and spelling my name right, which in the end is all that we could have asked them to do.

This is far from the end for us; it is the beginning, I hope, of an effort by concerned patriots of all walks of life and all economic levels to fight to take our country back through the ballot box, before we are forced to admit that we can only due so through the cartridge box. Our ancestors built this country, and it will be ours again, one way or another. Those who stand in our way can let us do it the easy way, or the hard way, but the harder they make it on us now, the more vengeance we will exact later, as the justifiable price of our frustrations. Thank you, God bless each and every one of you who still have the fire inside of you, and God bless America, again!


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Genesis 18:26"

And it's one, two, three"¦

The ADL crowed triumphantly, if prematurely, that I had only received two votes for governor. I understand that they wished to target me specifically because I had stated early on in my published campaign interviews that I would forbid them from being able to conduct indoctrination seminars of Arkansas law enforcement officers if elected. What I do not understand, however, is Jewish arithmetic. Of course, this is the same race who first claimed in a sign up at Auschwitz's reeducation and labor camp that four million Jews had died there, as a part of the fabled "six million" total"¦then they were forced to abridge their earlier hyperbole, and replaced the sign with one which stated that 1.5 million Jews died there"¦but they failed of course to ever revise their total "six million" official catechism. Let's see:

6,000,000 â€" 2,500,000 = "¦..? Not six million, definitely, but there are several countries where finishing that math problem gets you fined or thrown in jail at the behest of Jews such as the ADL. They'd like to bring that kind of arithmetic to America, too. Sorry, Jews: use your fingers, use your toes, even use your big hooked nose, you have no idea and no way to count how many Arkansans support our patriotic, White Christian mission"¦but you will!

Genesis 18:26

"And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes."Â

With 99% of the votes counted, the Arkansas Secretary of State's office has certified 49 write in votes for Billy Roper for Governor. Not a tidal wave, but considering that every one of those votes was a conscious choice to vote for an openly and notoriously White Nationalist candidate, I'm not embarrassed. Especially since many of my supporters have either given up on the political process entirely, or have been denied the franchise due to past legal indiscretions. Imagine if we had fifty courageous patriots in every state to be activists for our cause? No current WN organization has that many members or supporters in any one state. That would be 2,500 activists, more than any organization has as a whole nationwide, either.

OOPS. Looks like we missed that ‘fifty righteous' mark.

So, if 135 write in votes have been attributed, out of the 700 certified, when will the other 565 be attributed? The 17th was the deadline for votes to legally be certified in Arkansas, and yet they don't seem to have followed the law. I am shocked. Well, no. According to Justin Clay, the Voter Registration Administrator in the Arkansas Secretary of State's Office, the other 565 write in votes were disqualified because, for example, the voters mistakenly entered my name as Billy JOE Roper or Billy Roper JR. or as WILLIAM Roper, et cetera, rather than simply as Billy Roper. They did, however, count every vote for "Elvis Presley"Â without the "D."Â, even though quite a few people ALWAYS write in that name as a candidate for any given office, simply as a protest vote, regardless of whether anyone with that given name is actually a candidate for that office. I must be special, to get such unusual scrutiny. Not that it matters, we've already declared victory.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
He needs to get on the ballot, which is easy to do in Arkansas, to havea chance of making evena very slight impact on that state's politics. Write-in candidacies for statewide offices are not to be taken seriously.


Nov 23, 2006
Don Wassall said:
He needs to get on the ballot, which is easy to do in Arkansas, to have a chance of making even a very slight impact on that state's politics.  Write-in candidacies for statewide offices are not to be taken seriously.

Mr. Roper's running for Governor of Arkansas, as a write in, appears to have been about gaining publicity and contacts for his Presidential run on the Nationalist party in 2012. Getting on the Ballot is easier for President than for state wide offices in Arkansas and even getting on the Presidential ballot is harder then it was in the Populist Party days.

Mr. Roper has, likely, made it easier to get on the Presidential ballot in 2012 in Arkansas and picked up extra votes than he would have without his run for Governor as a write-in.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Ballot Petition Process"

The easiest states to obtain ballot access in are:

IA- 1500 signatures for an independent candidate with a party label
AR- 1000 as an independent with a party label
MS- 1000 as an independent
UT- 1000 as an independent with a party label
VT- 1000 as an independent with a party label
RI- 1000 as an independent with a party label
WA- 1000 as an independent with a party label
NJ- 800 as an independent with a party label
TN- 275 as an independent
LA- $500 filing fee with 9 designated Electors
CO- $500 filing fee with 9 designated Electors


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "NPA VP Candidate Chosen!"

Several White Nationalist activists and patriots have been considered, and even consulted with, about the possibility of running as former Arkansas candidate for Governor and White civil rights leader Billy Roper's Vice-Presidential running mate next year. For the major parties in every election cycle, a cutthroat fight through the primary season leaves all of the candidates bleeding and winded, and the two left standing take first and second place in a power-sharing negotiation where the runner-up agrees to throw his supporters towards the winner in exchange for the second seat. Not so, in pre-revolutionary politics. Rather than wasting our time and energies in a grueling and unproductive primary campaign, the Nationalist Party of America candidates (who may run as Independents in your state, depending on ballot access requirements) have agreed to stand united as a team, throughout the campaign, and not waste their time and energy fighting one another. After all, they are in agreement that the basic campaign promise to be kept is "We must secure the existence of our people, and a future for White children"Â￾.

With that having been said, the Nationalist Party of America is pleased to introduce to those of you who do not know him, Mr. Russell Howard.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "ConFounding Fathers"

by Billy Roper, (White Civil Rights leader, Chairman of White Revolution, former candidate for Arkansas Governor, Nationalist Party of America candidate for President of the United States in 2012, (this is fun, I can go on for days)"¦and, by the grace of God, a Dad.

At some point, perhaps ten or fifteen or twenty years into one's involvement in the White Nationalist movement, one looks around oneself and realizes that almost all who started down this road with them are long gone. Many last a few months or a year, then burn out because their activism is unfocused and poorly directed. Others excitedly anticipate that, since they're involved, the revolution should now be won overnight. When the revolution hasn't happened in a month, or in five years, and we're not in the White House or RAHOWA hasn't begun, they become disenchanted and frustrated. Usually they get bored and move on to another hobby with less personal risk and more immediate gratification. When they leave, in order to justify their leaving, (in their own minds or to their imagined audience) they often rail against some real or imagined slight against them, or some failure in judgement or character of some leader of the movement. Just the negativity between organizations and leaders, creeds and religious preferences, and between individuals in terms of tactics and strategies is enough to disgust and turn off many who might otherwise get involved. The divisions and schisms do cause our enemies to mock us. The resources and personnel lost, and the time we lose in squabbling amongst ourselves which we don't have to lose, has ground down many good men and women into inactivity and dropping out. It seems that this lack of solidarity might be our fatal flaw as a movement, and even indeed as a race, especially as compared to other races, who are much more unified, seemingly. Just ask George Lincoln Rockwell.

rockwell-murder-scene-croppedBut, is this anything new? Is it really the case that our cause is doomed, because we are at each other's throats more than we are at the enemies', at the moment? As a student of history, I am reminded of the struggles between the Freikorps and the S.A. and the Wehrmacht and the S.S. in one movement, of the fight between the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks in another, and so on, throughout history. It seems that natural selection and competition between parallel or even complimentary revolutionary forces is necessary for the ‘most fit' to survive and to win against the establishment, to be frank. Hitler said that "the strong man is strongest when he stands alone, and tieing himself to weaklings does not make him stronger"Â￾. Dr. Pierce disagreed with me vehemently about working too closely with other organizations when I was coordinating the membership of the National Alliance for him, and doing joint rallies and protests with other groups. He always said "Billy, I'm glad that those other groups exist, only because they serve to attract the less serious, dedicated revolutionaries who you otherwise would have to spend all of your time rooting out of the Alliance"Â￾.

No, my point is not to attack the notion of unity. The older I get, the less anxious I am to attack very many tactics or strategies which other sincere White Nationalists are trying. Instead, I try to the best I can, pragmatically, myself, and hope that those who agree with me, might follow. My point is that DESPITE their disunity, DESPITE their mutual hatred of one another, DESPITE the petty rivalries, jealousies, bad blood, and competition between the Founding Fathers of the First American Revolution"¦.THEY WON.

They won. And so can we. Believe it, and make it happen.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Press Release: For Immediate Release

Nationalist Party of America Campaign Suspended; A3P Ticket Endorsed"

Billy Roper, the Nationalist Party of America Presidential nominee for 2012, and Russell Howard, the NPA’s Vice Presidential candidate, have announced that after careful consideration and consultation with one another as well as with their campaign staff and advisors, they have decided to suspend their campaign and jointly endorse, along with the NPA officially, the campaign of Merlin Miller for President and Dr. Virginia Abernethey for Vice President under the American Third Position (A3P) Party ticket. Roper stated:

“I felt that our continued campaigning might dilute to some extent the support base for the A3P, or cause some confusion about whether we supported their efforts. So, in order to make sure that we are not in any way hindering their campaign efforts, we felt that we should step aside and offer our endorsement to Miller/Abernethey 2012, as well as our best wishes for their campaign. In addition, we urge those who have been supportive of our campaign, to now support theirs. The American Third Position ticket has the best potential of delivering the message of White racial survival to our people as a political party at this time, and we sincerely hope that they get that opportunity during this election cycle.â€￾