Bill 'n Hillary Clinton's Murder Inc.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The Clintonistas are meglomaniacal, power obsessed (top) lapdogs of the Globalist Elite/PTB...and employ the same evil tactics (to advance themselves).


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
These presidents they trot out for us are the very scum of the earth, and each one is worse than the one before, with a rare exception like JFK, but they "corrected" that anomaly in short order. They started off with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and so far they've worked their way down through Slick Willy 'n Hillary and Papa Doc and Baby Doc Bush, and now this mulatto from parts unknown that calls itself "Barak Hussein Obama", formerly known as Barry Dunham, Barry Soetoro, etc.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I know he's a neocon RINO but I don't see Romney having that kind of nefarious past. Like JFK he has just had the advantage of being rich and relatively good looking. I doubt there are any "hits" or suspicious disappearing of political enemies. For that reason alone he is more deserving of support then any Presidential candidate in a while.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Good lord, Thrashen and Jaxvid have apparently been watching too many re-runs of Ozzie and Harriett and Andy of Mayberry lately as nothing else can explain their posts in this thread.

Romney's Zionist connections run long, hard and deep. His foreign policy team is filled with the same ultra-crazed blood-lusting chickenhawk neo-cons that ran W. Bush's foreign policy. Romney has all but publicly promised to pulverize Iran the day after he takes the oath of office. He is an extremist neo-con radical on behalf of Israel. (A quick search of "Romney's Zionist connections" reveals over 4,100,000 results.) Romney has also called Russia "America's number one enemy."

He's also been Wall Street and the banksters' boy for at least 35 years, hardly a 21st century version of Jack Armstrong.

A Romney administration will do exactly what Wall Street and Israel want, in other words a continuation of the status quo. The final stages of the totalitarian surveillance/police state will be completed and the last remnants of our rights and liberties will be taken away, and absolutely nothing will be done to defend Whites or their jobs and way of life as what's left of the middle class will continue to be systematically plundered to sate the insatiable greed of the unaccountable, out of control elites of the perpetual two party system and their financial backers. And four years from now we will be exhorted to re-elect Romney because the alternative is to elect a Democrat who will destroy what's left (if anything) more quickly than Romney. It's the same third-grade level script that's been used since at least 1964 and really much, much longer than that. The only good thing about Romney is that he doesn't even pretend to be a "conservative," not that that matters a bit in DWF America.

Romney is a long-time proven puppet who has the proper psychopathy for the job of President. I can only hope the CF board is not going to be filled with "vote for Romney because he's the lesser of two evils" nonsense for the next five months. If so, maybe I'll take a leave of absence and post on some DWF boards until the election's over.
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Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Thanks for injecting some good sense into this thread, Don. I was thinking Thrashen should be a PR man based off his glowing post. Romney in some ways *appears* better than previous GOP candidates, but in reality he's no different. I swore off the lesser of two evils thinking back in '04 and I'm not going back now. Romney won't get my vote. He will get the votes of a bunch of neo-conned GOP hacks who always come back to their nominee (no matter what they stand for) and always insist that "this is the most important election ever" in an effort to scare more sheeple into voting for their candidate.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
OK I'll take the bait. I said Romney doesn't have a background that would lead one to believe that he had any nefarious hits ( for example mysterious deaths of people that would have incriminating evidence on him). Does he? No? Then my point is valid. Is he a neocon RINO, Yes. I said that.

I did not say anyone should vote for him. I won't. I don't vote for the one party system. However either him or Obama is going to be elected. End of story. There is no other option. Will this be good for amerika, White people, the World? No not really. I do think that there is a good chance he will nominate better Supreme Court justices and the Supreme Court has become the legislative body of last choice in this country. Is that enough to vote for him, perhaps not, but it isn't nothing. He would be slightly marginally better.

The assertion that he will declare war on Iran and go to war with Russia is paranoid speculation. Yes it's possible, but it is just as likely saber rattling bull sh!t to win over neocons and DWF's.

Okay he is a puppet, but is he a more moral person then what we have had lately? I think so. Maybe not by much but a little bit. Let the flaming begin!!!


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"The assertion that he will declare war on Iran and go to war with Russia is paranoid speculation."

Here's what Romney said, Jax:

"I can assure you if I'm president, the Iranians will have no question but that I will be willing to take military action if necessary to prevent them from becoming a nuclear threat to the world. I don't believe at this stage, therefore, if I'm president that we need to have a war powers approval or special authorization for military force. The president has that capacity now..."

Here he is violating the constitution of the USA even before the mock election! The constitution specifies that only congress can declare war, not the president. The USA is not a monarchy.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Mutt's about one half-iota "better" than Soetoro...yes. However, I refuse to support the "lesser of two evils" since I voted for Dubya Boosh in '04 (right before my awakening to Globalism & the PTB). As stated, I'll vote for CP candidate Virgil Goode or A3P nominee Merlin Miller.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
"The assertion that he will declare war on Iran and go to war with Russia is paranoid speculation."

Here's what Romney said, Jax:

"I can assure you if I'm president, the Iranians will have no question but that I will be willing to take military action if necessary to prevent them from becoming a nuclear threat to the world. I don't believe at this stage, therefore, if I'm president that we need to have a war powers approval or special authorization for military force. The president has that capacity now..."

Here he is violating the constitution of the USA even before the mock election! The constitution specifies that only congress can declare war, not the president. This USA is not a monarchy.

Hey you finally found something a politician says that you believe!! Amazing. All these years you don't believe a freakin' thing they say and now you believe one of them has told the absolute truth about what they will do. I guess that means you believe everything Romney says is truthful, if that is correct then you must agree he is a more moral candidate then any other because at least this puppet is honest??


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Hey you finally found something a politician says that you believe!! Amazing. All these years you don't believe a freakin' thing they say and now you believe one of them has told the absolute truth about what they will do. I guess that means you believe everything Romney says is truthful, if that is correct then you must agree he is a more moral candidate then any other because at least this puppet is honest??

A good rule of thumb with (spit) politicians is to assume that when their lips are moving they are lying, however when it comes to the interests of their paymaster, Israel, they don't joke around.

Speaking of Israel, giant anti-government demonstrations - by Jews - have been going on over there. Completely ignored by the zio-media in the north American colonies.

[h=1]Israeli protests: 430,000 take to streets to demand social justice[/h]