Bill Glass On Race In Pro Football

Dec 18, 2004
In another thread, I referred to a book by former DE Bill Glass in which he tells how coaches handled race relations during the 1960's. I went to a local college library and checked out the book, "Don't Blame The Game." It was published in 1972.

The book's structure has the co-author asking Glass questions. Glass said in part:

"The coaches knew race was a potential trouble spot and worked to keep peace. When a Negro was cut, traded, or affected by club policy, the coaches carefully explained the situation to the leaders of the black players. Whites didn't get this kind of treatment."

Glass' co-author then asked if whites were treated unfairly and Glass answered:

"No, I simply felt the coaches were wise enough to understand the black players. Many of the Negro athletes had suffered from prejudice snd were sensitive. If I'd seen other whites treated badly all my life by a majority race, I'm sure I'd be defensive."

This was part of one chapter of the book. The main Bad Guy, as I wrote in my previous post, is Joe Namath, whom Glass felt set a bad example. Bill Glass played for Detroit from 1958-61 and for the Cleveland Browns from 1962-68.Edited by: sport historian


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
It sounds like a fascinating look back in time to the seeds of the Caste System. So back in the '60s, they had to justify to the rest of the bruvas any transactions or moves that involved one of their ilk, because "Negro athletes had suffered from prejudice and were sensitive". That looks as though it empowered the "negro athlete" from the beginning, and it has never really ceased.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Thanks for posting that info, sport historian. The double standard has definitely been around for a long time.


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
"No, I simply felt the coaches were wise enough to understand the black players. Many of the Negro athletes had suffered from prejudice snd were sensitive. If I'd seen other whites treated badly all my life by a majority race, I'm sure I'd be defensive."

Well, I have seen whites treated badly all my life by blacks. And I am surely defensive. So I'm sure this guy would understand my racial defensiveness and not call it racism.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
It seems that "suck it up and be a MAN for God's sake..." is reserved only for White males.

When it comes to hurting the precious feelings and sanctimonious ideas of self-importance held by Blacks, the world treats them like preschool girls.

Sad is that people are so unBELIEVABLY stupid that they don't realize how condescending and racist they're being by pandering to and patronizing Blacks in this way.

Treating them with kid gloves is doing Blacks no favors. It's the pandering that keeps them on welfare.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
As Blacks became the majority in the speed positions. If a bunch of malcontents caused locker room troubles your team could have no pass defense or the wide outs might loaf for the ball(sounds familiar). I recall that Jimmy the Greek used to set lines by having a racial harmony factor in how he handicapped the game. If the Black minority didn't get along with the White majority he subtracted value from the team and gave the opposing team points.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
As I was looking at the Week 14 thread I saw a perfect example of the double standard with the handling of Sage Rosenfels by the Vikings. Here was a QB who clearly outperformed the "great black nope" Tavaris Jackson in preseason, and he was dealt away to preserve the locker room "harmony" with the black players on the roster. Do you think that the white players were gathered up so that the trade could be explained to them? "Sorry guys, we're going to have to trade away our solid backup/possible starter who played flawlessly this preseason and in camp, so that the negro players aren't upset by the demotion of Jackson, who is clearly terrible." I don't think so.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Good point, FootballDad.

Good point also about the welfare, Giovani.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
GiovaniMarcon said:
It seems that "suck it up and be a MAN for God's sake..." is reserved only for White males.

When it comes to hurting the precious feelings and sanctimonious ideas of self-importance held by Blacks, the world treats them like preschool girls.

Sad is that people are so unBELIEVABLY stupid that they don't realize how condescending and racist they're being by pandering to and patronizing Blacks in this way.

Treating them with kid gloves is doing Blacks no favors. It's the pandering that keeps them on welfare.

Spot on GM!


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
FootballDad said:
As I was looking at the Week 14 thread I saw a perfect example of the double standard with the handling of Sage Rosenfels by the Vikings.  Here was a QB who clearly outperformed the "great black nope" Tavaris Jackson in preseason, and he was dealt away to preserve the locker room "harmony" with the black players on the roster.  Do you think that the white players were gathered up so that the trade could be explained to them?  "Sorry guys, we're going to have to trade away our solid backup/possible starter who played flawlessly this preseason and in camp, so that the negro players aren't upset by the demotion of Jackson, who is clearly terrible."  I don't think so.

Great point FD. Jackson is a terrible black quarterback, but I do think that Joe Webb has talent and may end up being the black Tim Tebow in the NFL. I don't think either of those two guys will quite reach the level of throwing and running combo that Vick has reached this year though. We'll see if Vick can keep it up. On that topic, Big Ben and Aaron Rodgers are very mobile and dominant throwing QBs as well. And in Rodgers case, he is actually running a lot this season and doesn't have the running game to work with that Vick does. And Big Ben's offensive line is terrible making his performance this year much more impressive.


Oct 31, 2009
Great points! I have always said T Jackson was one of the worst QB's in the NFL..he transfered from Arkansas for a way Rosenfels should have been cut...deep down the Vikes are sorry...

Aaron Rodgers has 53 yards rushing a few weeks ago...impressive! Matt Flynn is mobile too...

Drew Stanton runs well at 6'-3" 230...his passing still needs some work.

The dwf's are still trying to figure out how 38 year young Jon Kitna ran a 29 yd TD vs the Lions affletic secondary...

Feel bad for Roethlisberger...the Steelers O-Line is the teams achilles heel...Edited by: TwentyTwo

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
As for talking to blacks anymore and explaining a situation to them like years ago, it won't work. Things have gone way too far now. People like Donovan McNabb who just got benched are only a strawhorse issue. The issue is power. Power to tell an organization how they're to run the business, whether or not it's good for the business. It's always about race now. Blacks aren't smart, but they do know their ascendency is fragile. That's why they'll do anything they can to sabotage anything they think is a threat to their supremacy in a sport or anything else for that matter.

We're talking about sports here, but at the same time, we're talking about more important things. Things that will effect you and you children. Things as important as whether or not your son will be slave or a freeman. Your daughter, a proud married White woman or some blacks concubine.

Be aware that the lines are drawn and when the breaking point comes in this country, we all must be ready.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Just thought I'd add a thought (well actually an essay lol) I was having on this topic:

I prefer to watch offensive players and I'm better at scouting and arguing for them. We need to work toward getting 1/4 or more of the NFL RBs white and 1/3 of the WRs white by 2020 (which is of course still less than it should be). Unfortunately if offense becomes significantly whiter it is almost inevitable that the brothas keep similar numbers on defense (they want to keep it as "THEIR" domain or the more racially conscious ones will start to constantly play the race card) to keep racial peace. Expect QB to blacken a bit more to balance things out as well. One thing that can make me make peace with this is that at least the media and DWFs won't be able to say that the white skill players success is from "new era" defenses being "less explosive". Also any of the Tarvaris Jackson AA project black quarterbacks may start getting exposed- which will be beneficial to exposing the truths we talk about on this site. With whiter offensive models in the NFL the white players will have other whites that got their back.

The Patriots could become the dominant team that other teams try at "copy catting" their success formula. The vast majority of the Patriots black players are high character guys and locker room peace makers which is rare to find both those qualities at the same level in almost every other locker room with the possible exception of the Colts and Packers. It is my hope that by 2020 that 2/3s of teams have at least one white RB or at least a white guy who is used in the versatile H-back type role like Jacob Hester and Heath Evans. Heck maybe we'll even see some teams with two white men who can't be caste aside as FBs and considered pure tailbacks by fans. At WR we will have to look toward a Patriot or Packers model as being the typical model. The league average being like the Colts is probably going to be a little higher than we can hope for. Remember if you set your goals too high you will always be disappointed, life will never be 100% fair this side of paradise.

With this country's white demographic unfortunately declining my question to fellow posters is will you be able to make peace with my likely "best case scenario" we will fight toward by 2020?
Jul 14, 2007
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Just thought I'd add a thought (well actually an essay lol) I was having on this topic:

I prefer to watch offensive players and I'm better at scouting and arguing for them. We need to work toward getting 1/4 or more of the NFL RBs white and 1/3 of the WRs white by 2020 (which is of course still less than it should be). Unfortunately if offense becomes significantly whiter it is almost inevitable that the brothas keep similar numbers on defense (they want to keep it as "THEIR" domain or the more racially conscious ones will start to constantly play the race card) to keep racial peace. Expect QB to blacken a bit more to balance things out as well. One thing that can make me make peace with this is that at least the media and DWFs won't be able to say that the white skill players success is from "new era" defenses being "less explosive". Also any of the Tarvaris Jackson AA project black quarterbacks may start getting exposed- which will be beneficial to exposing the truths we talk about on this site. With whiter offensive models in the NFL the white players will have other whites that got their back.

The Patriots could become the dominant team that other teams try at "copy catting" their success formula. The vast majority of the Patriots black players are high character guys and locker room peace makers which is rare to find both those qualities at the same level in almost every other locker room with the possible exception of the Colts and Packers. It is my hope that by 2020 that 2/3s of teams have at least one white RB or at least a white guy who is used in the versatile H-back type role like Jacob Hester and Heath Evans. Heck maybe we'll even see some teams with two white men who can't be caste aside as FBs and considered pure tailbacks by fans. At WR we will have to look toward a Patriot or Packers model as being the typical model. The league average being like the Colts is probably going to be a little higher than we can hope for. Remember if you set your goals too high you will always be disappointed, life will never be 100% fair this side of paradise.

With this country's white demographic unfortunately declining my question to fellow posters is will you be able to make peace with my likely "best case scenario" we will fight toward by 2020?

Tough J you make some good points, I think I'm a little more optimistic in that it would be possible for a few teams at least to have an all white offense. I don't believe what the Pats and Colts have is the permanent "limit," I think it's nearly the best possible given today's less than 30% white NFL.

As far as demographics are concerned, remember that blacks are only 13% of the population, so we have every reason that barring whites declining to less than 13% that there should be a lot more representation in the NFL. Also remember these important points. The black middle class is declining in its percentage of the black population. Usually the completely dirt poor black areas don't produce players, it's the middle to lower middle class blacks. The "native" black population is not growing, blacks are growing strictly due to immigration. Black participation in high school sports has been in a huge decline since the 1970s. That used to mean weak secondary sports but still strong basketball, baseball, football, etc. Now in many black areas that means NO secondary sports, and basketball and football teams teetering on the brink of collapse.

As more and more blacks become administrators and school board officials, they are reducing the importance of sports because they are not "graded" on this, only on academic performance. Plus blacks in the academic field tend to have somewhat of a disdain for sports and blacks only being known as athletes.

None of this is factoring in high school and college eligibility requirements that are only going up, not down.

All of this combined with the success of Hillis, Gerhart, Welker, Collie, etc. encouraging white kids to play RB and WR, as well as coaches having no other choice but to recruit white kids to stay competitive, could lead to a majority of white players in RB and WR positions.

Also, if areas traditionally weak in football but vast majority white like rural Wisconsin, West Virginia, Kentucky Kansas, Minnesota Iowa, the Dakotas, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon, Northern California, and Washington as well as New England were developed with strong football camps and speed workshops like Jim Leonhard is doing in his hometown in Wisconsin, then you will have a whole new resource of potential white players. This combined with great white players already coming out of strong football states like New Jersey, Illinois, Ohio, Texas, Florida, California, etc. will make a huge impact.

I honestly think in the next ten years you can see 2 or 3 NFL teams with 12 white starters, 4 to 6 additional like the Pats or Colts now, and 5 to 8 additional like the Packers. This type of thing can have a snowball effect to the point where the Caste system is having a crisis of "not enough blacks" in the NFL in 20 years.


College football is the bottleneck, and let us face it, it is run by whites with money. As for blacks being stupid, I would say we are stupid for basically letting the emotions of some overwrought women dictate our race's decline.


Jun 28, 2010
Electric Slide said:
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Just thought I'd add a thought (well actually an essay lol) I was having on this topic:

I prefer to watch offensive players and I'm better at scouting and arguing for them. We need to work toward getting 1/4 or more of the NFL RBs white and 1/3 of the WRs white by 2020 (which is of course still less than it should be). Unfortunately if offense becomes significantly whiter it is almost inevitable that the brothas keep similar numbers on defense (they want to keep it as "THEIR" domain or the more racially conscious ones will start to constantly play the race card) to keep racial peace. Expect QB to blacken a bit more to balance things out as well. One thing that can make me make peace with this is that at least the media and DWFs won't be able to say that the white skill players success is from "new era" defenses being "less explosive". Also any of the Tarvaris Jackson AA project black quarterbacks may start getting exposed- which will be beneficial to exposing the truths we talk about on this site. With whiter offensive models in the NFL the white players will have other whites that got their back.

The Patriots could become the dominant team that other teams try at "copy catting" their success formula. The vast majority of the Patriots black players are high character guys and locker room peace makers which is rare to find both those qualities at the same level in almost every other locker room with the possible exception of the Colts and Packers. It is my hope that by 2020 that 2/3s of teams have at least one white RB or at least a white guy who is used in the versatile H-back type role like Jacob Hester and Heath Evans. Heck maybe we'll even see some teams with two white men who can't be caste aside as FBs and considered pure tailbacks by fans. At WR we will have to look toward a Patriot or Packers model as being the typical model. The league average being like the Colts is probably going to be a little higher than we can hope for. Remember if you set your goals too high you will always be disappointed, life will never be 100% fair this side of paradise.

With this country's white demographic unfortunately declining my question to fellow posters is will you be able to make peace with my likely "best case scenario" we will fight toward by 2020?

Tough J you make some good points, I think I'm a little more optimistic in that it would be possible for a few teams at least to have an all white offense. I don't believe what the Pats and Colts have is the permanent "limit," I think it's nearly the best possible given today's less than 30% white NFL.

As far as demographics are concerned, remember that blacks are only 13% of the population, so we have every reason that barring whites declining to less than 13% that there should be a lot more representation in the NFL. Also remember these important points. The black middle class is declining in its percentage of the black population. Usually the completely dirt poor black areas don't produce players, it's the middle to lower middle class blacks. The "native" black population is not growing, blacks are growing strictly due to immigration. Black participation in high school sports has been in a huge decline since the 1970s. That used to mean weak secondary sports but still strong basketball, baseball, football, etc. Now in many black areas that means NO secondary sports, and basketball and football teams teetering on the brink of collapse.

As more and more blacks become administrators and school board officials, they are reducing the importance of sports because they are not "graded" on this, only on academic performance. Plus blacks in the academic field tend to have somewhat of a disdain for sports and blacks only being known as athletes.

None of this is factoring in high school and college eligibility requirements that are only going up, not down.

All of this combined with the success of Hillis, Gerhart, Welker, Collie, etc. encouraging white kids to play RB and WR, as well as coaches having no other choice but to recruit white kids to stay competitive, could lead to a majority of white players in RB and WR positions.

Also, if areas traditionally weak in football but vast majority white like rural Wisconsin, West Virginia, Kentucky Kansas, Minnesota Iowa, the Dakotas, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Oregon, Northern California, and Washington as well as New England were developed with strong football camps and speed workshops like Jim Leonhard is doing in his hometown in Wisconsin, then you will have a whole new resource of potential white players. This combined with great white players already coming out of strong football states like New Jersey, Illinois, Ohio, Texas, Florida, California, etc. will make a huge impact.

I honestly think in the next ten years you can see 2 or 3 NFL teams with 12 white starters, 4 to 6 additional like the Pats or Colts now, and 5 to 8 additional like the Packers. This type of thing can have a snowball effect to the point where the Caste system is having a crisis of "not enough blacks" in the NFL in 20 years.
Great Post


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I won't make any numbered predictions, but I do believe things slowly but surely get better.


Apr 14, 2005
Tough J you want to see progress at certain positions in the NFL but the that is that will not happen unless it changes at the college D1 level. D1 football is the unofficial Triple A Farm League for the NFL. They get 95% of their players form those 120 teams. So unless D1 college football continues to get whiter at those WR, RB, ect., positions the percentages will remain the same in pro football. You must get the supplier (college ftball) to change demographically if you want the buyer (NFL) to change.

I don't see that happening until coaches start to fundamentally change their mode of thinking. Of course players' success such as Hillis, Woodhead, help but coaching staffs must put whiter skill position players on the same pedestal as their black counterparts. It does happen at a few select schools (Northwestern, Wyoming, AF, ect.) but its going to be hard to change it in whole conferences. I cannot even imagine SEC and ACC, even Big12 schools going even 60-40 black/white ratio on both side of the ball.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
It's going to take continuing pressure from White athletes, their families and friends, and fans in general for things to change when it comes to recruiting and opportunities to play "black" positions. The more we continue to educate and enlighten here, the more likely the Caste System can be widely exposed and broken down over time.