Best Dunk Ever

Awesome! Chambers was a star when the NBA was at its darkest demographically, before the European influx began.
Cool stuff!
I always loved that dunk, but this is the first time I ever saw it in slow motion, and it's even better than I thought! There's no question that he could've jumped over him, he jumped from at least 10 feet out, if not more, and he was eye level with the rim! Awesome! Oh, and his arms were bent when he dunked. That's how high he got.
I remember a quote from Chambers, that went something like, "I'm six foot ten. I'm white. I can run, and I can jump. There aren't many of us."
What do you guys think about stereotype breaking white athletes that disparage their own achievements? Do you think they really feel that way because of their environment or do you think they say these things to feel good because they are unique, rare, etc?

Personally, I'll still root for them, but they will not be on the top of my list. We need more Matt Jones and Don Beebe types that break stereotypes and proclaim that whites can compete at all levels.
Edited by: Alpha Male
The reason great white athletes claim to be an exception to the rule or really black on the inside is to stand out and be viewed as special. If a noted white athlete who is regarded as athletic freak were to say "well many other white guys can jump just as high as me ect. ect." they would no longer be the one exception to the rule and loose their special status.

So basically their selling out their race to make themselves appear special.
when tom chambers made that statement he was one of the very very few white guys doing dunks like that. There probably were others who could, but none were at the time. Tom played during the very dark days of the NBA.He was probably the only bright light in the dunking department at that time. I sure miss players like him.
white tornado said:
The reason great white athletes claim to be an exception to the rule or really black on the inside is to stand out and be viewed as special. If a noted white athlete who is regarded as athletic freak were to say "well many other white guys can jump just as high as me ect. ect." they would no longer be the one exception to the rule and loose their special status.

So basically their selling out their race to make themselves appear special.

I think that's a plausible explanation especially in Chambers case and the whole context and sound of his quote.
That was indeed the most badass dunk of all time! Furthermore, the greatest basketball player to every step on the hardwood was Larry "Legend" Bird (not over-rated, over-hyped Jordan). To further clarify...Ty Cobb was the greatest baseball player of all time, Bobby Jones was the greatest golfer & you can toss up Johnny Unitas, Joe Montana & Dick Butkus as the greatest football players of all time. Get'cha pull!
I agree that larry bird was the greatest ever, but as bad as I hate to admit it, michael jordan was definitely the real deal, and not over hyped. I'd pick larry over any player who has ever played, but michael was definitely one of the greatest.
Tom Chambers was incredible. I loved watching him play. I remember one year he was the MVP of the NBA All-Star games. Chambers had range and would go to the hoop with great power and skill. He dunked every which way and he did it in game situations too. He seemed to be somewhat overlooked back then (imagine that
). I can tell you that the black guys I played with back in the 80's definitely knew about Chambers though. And that dunk was the best. It was featured in one of those NBA videos years ago. I think it was "The NBA's Greatest Dunks" or something like that.
does anyone else recall a commercial that featured Chambers' dunk in it? i seem to recall them showing the dunk in slow motion, along with several other sports moments... i can't remember what it was promoting, though.

why i mention it is this... when Chambers' dunk appeared in the commercial, the voice-over said something to the effect of "on that one special moment where you jumped higher than you ever thought possible" or something like that.

it made me think until recently that Chambers wasn't a leaper. i didn't know he was a nasty dunker at all, and the ad gave the impression that his dunk was some sort of fluke. weird how that works, huh?
Chambers was like a slightly less powerful amara Stoudomire with better hadles and a jump shot. He was in the dunk contest but did not fare well just like most big men do in the contest. During the contest the anouncer said Chambers was one of the best in game dunkers in the leage and something like he may not do good in the contset but in a game he will dunk on you.
Chambers dunked on everyone.I had several posters and game pictures of him dunking.He had some of the nastiest dunks against the Lakers and Magic that I have ever seen.He did 180 degree reverse dunks over people.He had one in the playoffs over 3 Lakers defenders that left the crowd in awe.He also did tomahawk dunks.He was an incredible scorer.He averaged over 27 points per game one year.Tom also has the two highest Suns Scoring Games ever with 60 and 56 points!!
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