Barack Obama`s Mentor Hates America


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
Obama denounces pastor's 9/11 comments

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Friday denounced inflammatory remarks from his pastor, who has railed against the United States and accused the country of bringing on the Sept. 11 attacks by spreading terrorism.

Obama called the statements appearing on television and the Internet "completely unacceptable and inexcusable" in a Fox News interview and said they didn't reflect the kinds of sermons he had heard from the Rev. Jeremiah Wright while attending services at Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ.

Obama, a member of the church since the early 1990s, said he would have quit Trinity had such statements been "the repeated tenor of the church. ... I wouldn't feel comfortable there."

Earlier Friday, Obama responded by posting a blog about his relationship with Wright and Trinity on the Huffington Post. Wright brought Obama to Christianity, officiated at his wedding, baptized his daughters and inspired the title of his book, "The Audacity of Hope."

And this is the bozo that millions of Americans-deluded ones at that-want to be the nation`s elected leader and our Commander-in-Chief? Man, I know that the other options out there might not be so appealing to a lot of us, but allowing Barack Hussein Obama to get into the White House would be just sickening.Edited by: Van_Slyke_CF


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
Incidentally, I guess in Obama`s way of thinking it is necessary for someone to repeatedly spread hate about whites,repeat hate-filled diatribes about the U.S., blamewhitesfor all the problemsof black Americans,it has to berepeatedfor BarackHussein Obama to get it through his head that his inspirational hero, the Rev.Jeremiah Wright, is a disgusting racist. And then, even then, he has to be called out on it in the media before he has the guts to comment, but, still now, he`s making excuses for his hatemongering ol` buddy, Jeremiah Wright.

Yes, Obama and his forked-tongue sure have fooled a lot of Americans thus far.

What a shame it is that so many people are so gullible.

Is there time to stop Obama?


Nov 25, 2004
Why title the thread Obama's mentor hates america? That's the spin the media is still putting on this purposely suppressed story. The title should say Obama's mentor hates white people! That's the real story. Heck, I hate America sometimes - more so in recent times. This should be about Obama, his wife, and the good pastor's obvious hatred for white America. How many anti-white statements does a guy have to put in writing and publish in a book before people realize just what he means? News flash: He hates white people!!!

Anyways, long story short; this is all about electing Israel's lap-dog, John McCain. Hidden news stories popping-up with perfect timing. First we had the resurfacing of the supposedly racist Ron Paul News Letter story at the start of the primaries - how convenient.

Then, we had another old and purposely suppressed story finally come out on the McCainiac and his lobbyist/hooker friend after McCain had pretty much wrapped-up the nomination - how conveeenient. The NY Times took the wrap for putting out a negative story but we all know they were doing him a huge favor. We don't hear much about that story anymore do we?

Finally, we have Fox News acting like the good racist pastor story is breaking news hot off the presses. Of course it's old news cold off the internet - the only place to find out real news if you know how to search for it. The MSM waited just long enough to almost assure Obama the nomination - how conveeeeeient .... as the Church-lady once said. It's almost as if they had this planned out all along. Edited by: Kaptain Poop


Oct 11, 2007
West Virginia
Kaptain Poop: Sorry for choosing such an inappropriate title for the thread.Do you think I should have typed, "How to elect Israel`s lap-dog, John McCain, by using suppressed stories on Barack Obama`s pastor`s hate of whites?" I don`t know about space constraints.

You might have a point about the timing of this story, Kaptain, but if it somehow damages Obama`s candidacy prior to the Democratic National Convention, so much the better.

My hopeis that somehow, someway,Americans come to their senses and keep Barack Obama out of theWhite House. Whetherpeopleon CFdislike, or maybe even despise, Clinton and/or McCain,I can`t believe that anyone on this site would support an Obama presidency. There might bea few who would say that letting a black occupy the WH for 4 years would be enough time for him to screw up so royally that another black would never get in.I don`t ever want to see a blackhold the job of President of the United States-period.


Feb 15, 2008
Thispastor is what you call my kind of ******. He doesn't like my kind and Icertainly don't likehis kind. I would prefer dealing with a guy like him than let's say oj simpson who would go around screwing white women asif he scored a touchdown because it's blacks likeOJ that are the most dangerous.My wholeagenda is absolute geographical separation of the races.I will support anybodywho agrees with me on principle on that issue be it whatever they are.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Kaptain Poop said:
Why title the thread Obama's mentor hates america? That's the spin the media is still putting on this purposely suppressed story. The title should say Obama's mentor hates white people! That's the real story. Heck, I hate America sometimes - more so in recent times. This should be about Obama, his wife, and the good pastor's obvious hatred for white America. How many anti-white statements does a guy have to put in writing and publish in a book before people realize just what he means? News flash: He hates white people!!!

Anyways, long story short; this is all about electing Israel's lap-dog, John McCain. Hidden news stories popping-up with perfect timing. First we had the resurfacing of the supposedly racist Ron Paul News Letter story at the start of the primaries - how convenient.

Then, we had another old and purposely suppressed story finally come out on the McCainiac and his lobbyist/hooker friend after McCain had pretty much wrapped-up the nomination - how conveeenient. The NY Times took the wrap for putting out a negative story but we all know they were doing him a huge favor. We don't here much about that story anymore do we?

Finally, we have Fox News acting like the good racist pastor story is breaking news hot off the presses. Of course it's old news cold off the internet - the only place to find out real news if you know how to search for it. The MSM waited just long enough to almost assure Obama the nomination - how conveeeeeient .... as the Church-lady once said. It's almost as if they had this planned out all along.

Right on analysis of the whole issue. It's not America that he hates, it's white America, plain and simple. And I hate black America and the whites that enable it, if only the media could present the issue that way.

BTW blacks and the whites who support Obama would be in agreement with the good preacher, they hate America for the same reasons he does, they have been taught that the negro is bad off because of white racism which they believe to be a result of the "old America" which must be torn down and rebuilt into the new Amerika.

This story won't hurt Obama one bit, anyone who supports him sees the situation the same way and agrees, those that don't agree (like people here) aren't voting for him anyway. The only reason he is even apologising is to molify the media so that they don't turn on him and dig into the other skeletons in his closet.
Oct 24, 2005
I am still shocked that an ex-marine would say "God damn america."
If Mr. Wright believes that america is a racist nation, well he is free to leave. Good-by.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
I'm not sure if this news will hurt Obama's chances. He may gain even more White votes.

[url] 01/NATION/766118950/1001[/url]

The church where Sen. Barack Obama has worshipped for two decades publicly declares that its ministry is founded on a 1960s book that espouses "the destruction of the white enemy."

Trinity United Church of Christ's Web site says its teachings are based on the black liberation theology of James H. Cone and his 1969 book "Black Theology and Black Power."

"What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love," Mr. Cone wrote in the book.

Mr. Cone, a professor at the Union Theological Seminary in New York, added that "black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy."



Mar 8, 2005
United States
He's just another privileged, light skinned black guy trying to prove he's more black than he actually is.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
Obama should go to downtown Detroit and tell "his people" about all his "black experiences" of being raised by a white family and going to nice schools and buying nice clothes and going to a good college that his white family paid for and about how much racism he suffered in his life.

Geez. What a T-W-A-T.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
They robbed and beat up Rosa Parks in Detroit, it's no doubt what they'd do to Obama. But so what? people don't vote on what the candidates stand for or even what they say, they vote on some image they have in their head about the person.

I know a few guys that are voting for McCain, they hate everything McCain has supported as a Senator but the image in thier head is that McCain is an American patriot and will represent the things that they believe in: "conservatism" anti-immigration, anti-affirmative action, religious virtues. Facts be damned, you can't tell the idiots anything, no amount of evidence, of McCains voting record or personal life will change their mind. Same with Obama.

People have internalized that their leaders no longer represent them in any sort of manner so they just pick a guy and paste what image they want on him. It doesn't make a difference because they will never have a chance to elect someone who does agree with them so they go into complete denial about the guy and move on with their lives.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Fyi, more intel on Globalist shill "Bacrock Obuma"...

Barack Hussein Obama

By David J. Smith (Newswatch magazine)

In the 1980s radical Muslims laid down a plan to elect an Islamic president of the United States. They planned for six million Muslims to vote for their candidate. Enough of the normal population could be counted upon to send their candidate into the White House.

A bill has been placed before both chambers of Congress that would declare anyone who said homosexuality was a sin to be committing a hate crime. It also would declare anyone guilty of a hate crime if you said a church was "false." Fox News on Sunday, March 9, 2008, ran the story. They stated that the next president would sign the bill into law. Why is this so important for Christians?

A Christian could never defend his or her faith by saying, after much research, that Muslims worship the "Moon" god. If you did, you would be charged with a "hate crime." Certainly Hillary Clinton, a communist, would have no problem with signing the bill. Senator John McLain, a puppet for the New World Order crowd, would have no problem with signing the bill.

Barack Obama, who claims to be a member of the United Church of Christ, would have no problem with signing the bill into law. Why? He is a closet Muslim. Note what positions he would hold if he became the next president: Commander-in-Chief of all of our armed forces, and would appoint the next three Supreme Court Justices. If you want shira law, appoint Supreme Court Justices that will declare it constitutional.

Claiming to be a member of the United Church of Christ in Chicago is a convenient front to hide behind. Obama has been endorsed for the presidency by socialist Senator Ted Kennedy and the whole Kennedy family.

Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black Muslim from Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya, and Ann Dunham, a white atheist from Wichita, Kansas. His parents divorced when Barack, Jr. was two years old. His mother married again to Lolo Soetoro, who was a radical Muslim from Indonesia.

Barack Obama, Jr. moved to Indonesia at age six with his mother and step-father. He was enrolled into a Muslim school, except for the two years he spent in a Catholic school. Obama tries to hide his Muslim roots by emphasizing his attendance at a Catholic school. Obama's step-father is the one who introduced him to Islam, as in radical. His step-father enrolled Barack Obama, Jr. in a Wahabi school in Jakarta. Wahabi schools are financed by the Saudi Arabian royal family. They are very oppressive toward women and believe that "Allah" is the only God. They say God has NO Son, thus denying Jesus Christ as the One and only Savior of the world.

Wahabism is the radical teaching that all Muslim terrorists accept to wage their jihad, holy war, against the United States and Western Europe. It is interesting that "radical" Muslims have long stated that they would destroy the United States from within.

Remember Obama's friend that he sat with as a fellow board member of the nonprofit Woods Fund? The friend was the questionable co-founder of the radical Arab American Action Network, Columbia University Professor Rashid Khalidi. It was Khalidi that made supportive statements of Palestinian terror and reportedly has worked on behalf of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, when Yasser Arafat led the Russian communist trained terrorists attacks against Israel.
Remember, also, that the Arab American Action Network co-founder Rashid Khalidi was reportedly a director of the official PLO press agency, WAFA, in Beirut, Lebanon from 1976 to 1982. This was the time frame when the PLO committed multiple anti-Western attacks and was labeled by the U.S. government as a terror group. Khalidi's wife, AAAN President Mona Khalidi, was WAFA's English translator during that period.

Rashid Khalidi has denied working directly for the PLO terrorists, but Palestinian diplomatic sources in Ramallah told WorldNetDaily that he directed WAFA. Khalidi also advised the Palestinian "peace" delegation to the Madrid Conference in 1991.

Remember, too, Obama served on the Wood's Fund board alongside William C. Ayers, a member of the Weathermen terrorist group, which sought to overthrow the U.S. government. The Weathermen also took responsibility for bombing the U.S. Capitol in 1971. Ayers has written about his involvement with the group's bombings of the New York City Police headquarters in 1970, the Capitol in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972.

America, you are in deep trouble!!! You only think you have a choice for president - you don't! Your New World Order president has already been determined for you. It's simply a game!!!



Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
If he's really a Muslim 'you-know-who' will take care of him in short order. And anyway he's a lousy Muslim, he smokes, has a big mouthed, non-obediant wife, preaches black supremecy (which arab Muslims HATE). I can just see the response from the MSM if he tries to declare shira law, Oy vey! Shalom time for the schvartze.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Whether we want to vote for him or not, there is no law that says a Muslim cannot be president anyway. The people who are going to vote for him won't be persuaded by these articles, and his hard core fan base would vote for him even if he was a cannibal, let alone a Muslim.

I'm not sure why we continue to carry on about Obama, because in my opinion he is no worse than Hillary or McCain.

The most significant liberal pieces of legislation to come out of the Senate in the past few years were co-sponsored by the Republican nominee.


May 20, 2005
Shogun, I gotta call you on this one.

Obama could quite possibly be Amerika's answer to Robert Mugabe. Hillary is das uberbitch, but she MIGHT not back an actuall matter of fact "Lets rob/kill all Whites policy." (Reperations, "hate-speech" laws, giving Black criminals virtual immunity) which you have to KNOW will happen with Obama.

And the fact that Hillary is a blond, Anglo-Saxon White means that she will be a fair target for any kind of attack, which is a good thing, while even the most hard-core Republicans will handle Obama with kid gloves because of his protective coloration.

White Shogun said:
Whether we want to vote for him or not, there is no law that says a Muslim cannot be president anyway. The people who are going to vote for him won't be persuaded by these articles, and his hard core fan base would vote for him even if he was a cannibal, let alone a Muslim.

I'm not sure why we continue to carry on about Obama, because in my opinion he is no worse than Hillary or McCain.

The most significant liberal pieces of legislation to come out of the Senate in the past few years were co-sponsored by the Republican nominee.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Hmm... you raise some good points, Savage (as usual.)

You don't think Hillary would sign a reparations or hate-speech bill if it came across her desk? I think she might.... or at least she would publicly support it while working behind the scenes to keep it from coming to her for signature. Although given the way blacks have dumped her and her husband, 'the first black President,' for Obama, she might spurn them at the first opportunity out of revenge, if she thinks she can win an election without them.

You are right though, there is no doubt Obama will enact the most heinous versions of the aforementioned laws possible.

You are also spot-on about the way Obama would be treated compared to Hillary in the general election. We've already seen evidence of this just in the primaries.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The fact is that all three (McAmnesty, Obuma & Hildabeast) are Globalist puppets & from "2 sides of the same coin" & there's no way (in good conscience) I can vote for any of them. It may be considered a "wasted vote" by the Neocon crowd or deceived Dumbocrats, but I'll either be voting for Bob Barr, the CP candidate (unless it's Neocon Alan Keyes), or write in Dr.Ron Paul.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

Agreed. I don't think obama has a chance if he wins the democratic candidacy. However, he get's the overwhelming share of the 18-25 demographic and that's a problem. Hopefully, as people become older and wiser, their views on a black presidency will mature.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Obama is damaged goods now and I think the intelligentsia in the Democratic party will be very scared to take the nomination away from him(barring another scandal of course). So I think for now, they will not give it to Hillary and resign themselves to four years of McCain while the liberals keep the Senate and the House for four years and run again for the presidency. They can't risk a riot at the convention and black people leaving the party en masse for the next twenty five or so years by screwing Obama out of the nomination. Another big time shoe probably has to drop for Obama to lose this to Hillary. It may happen.Edited by: guest301
Oct 24, 2005
This is a major crisis! Barry O has denounced his mentor for upstaging him.
The question is who is going to run the reeducation camps for white people. Wright has the skills and experience to do the right. Does Barry O know anyone who can do this job? I don't know, but until then keep practicing your lockpicking skills.


Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
man that Pastor is mostly white.What is he talking about, doesn't he know how a real west african looks like.Is this selfhate?or to play the underdog black who is treated bad and to blame whitie so all people who are a little bit black claims they are black.And Obama looks like an Arab.maybe his kenyan father was a bit arab raped forefathers.Was or is he not muslim hahaha.They were the biggest slave masters and started with it because it was forbidden to enslave other arabs in koran 600 years after Christus..but the africans were already slaves they buyed them from african kings.