Bang Bang Vang


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
The trial ofthe Hmong Chai Vang, accused of killing 6 whites and wounding 2 others is underway.The judge decided to have the jury chosen from the most liberal, white hating, Marxist, feminist ruled, diversity loving county in the state! Vang has wept openly in court, garnering sympathy from the 10 female jurors no doubt. The race card also has beenparlayed.

Journal-Sentinel Online: Sawyer County Circuit Judge Norman Yackel had set aside two days to pick a jury, but it took just more than two hours. Yackel decided earlier to draw the jury from Dane County to avoid the impact of intense publicity and strong feelings in the community where the killings occurred.Edited by: Bart
Sounds like the jury is made up of the same type of white people who couldnt care less that blacks were slaughtering whites in New Orleans.They think that if whites were to become extinct it would be a great thing.
If he is acquitted maybe whites will riot in the streets.
Maybe we should.
I saw a little of the defendant's testimony on Court TV this morning. His own testimony made him look as guilty as any defendant ever has. On cross-examination, he said that several unarmed victims "deserved to die" because they "disrespected him." Vang made the mistake of giving an interview to the Chicago Tribune. He seemed proud of what he had done in this interview, which the prosecution used against him.

He'll probably get life, even in a watered-down verdict as it's likely to be. Wisconsin doesn't have the death penalty. Vang claims to have been "afraid of being killed." My view is that if Vang had been truly frightened, he would have slunk off.
Wisconsin needs to join Canada, where they fit in much better with their socialism!
American Freedom News