Atlanta Food Stamp Snafu


Jul 29, 2008
I truly feel bad for anyone living down South, because when the SHTF, I can't imagine how bad things might get. Of course, this is true of any metropolitan area with a large negro population.

Watching this makes me sick, literally. Listen to the entitlement mentality, like they are all owed something. :icon_mad:


white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I truly feel bad for anyone living down South, because when the SHTF, I can't imagine how bad things might get. Of course, this is true of any metropolitan area with a large negro population.

Watching this makes me sick, literally. Listen to the entitlement mentality, like they are all owed something. :icon_mad:

From the looks of some of the recipients they could live off of their fat stores for weeks. By the way I didn't see one White face, less a few possible Mestizos in the office.
Oct 24, 2005
As our president Barack Obama keeps saying, we must live within our means.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Any able bodied White person should be ashamed to be in that office standing there and looking for hand outs with these negros, negreses and lil negrolets. The attitude of these blacks is beyond the pale. To make matters worse, they continue to have multiple babies "wiff" numerous deadbeat / drug traffickers black males. To put the cherry on the top, these negreses spend Government (our) top dollar conking their nappy hair and attaching weaves to it. Disgusting.

Guys, just wait till the unemployment runs out supposely in October. Once BO, dems and repubs see footage like this, the answer.....Wait for it..................................Print more money, "them peoples gots to eat."


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
foobar, where do you live? Unless it is in the mountains of Idaho or the Dakotas, when TSHTF you'll likely know about it too. That is why I live in a rural area and have guns and plenty of ammo for protection. What about all the Hispanics living in the cities who are on welfare? They will riot as well.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
This is scary stuff. I'm wondering what whites will do if riots break out. Sit back and watch like usual?

What's even scarier is the fact that this country is done. The reason the economy will never recover is the fact that we have too many third world immigrants and their numbers are increasing by the day. You can't have a first world country with third world people.


Nov 23, 2006
Irony is that in all probability, nonwhite affirmative action hiring is likely the reason for the "snafu" but I'm sure they are looking desperately for a White bureaucrat to blame.

When the rioting (overt Race War begins), cities across the USA north, South, east and west will burn as nonwhites attack. The South has been dealing with blacks for centuries and the Yankees gave up trying to control their black slaves and sold most of them to the South. Also, White still are the majority in every Southern state with the possible except of Texas and that depends on how many Hispanics in Texas are White and how many are nonwhites. The only reason that the nonwhites are out of control in the South is that the Federal government is protecting nonwhite criminals. When the welfare checks stop and the Race War goes overt. It will be a bloodbath all over the USA.

One thing I have noticed is that people seem to overestimate nonwhites numbers and fighting ability especially blacks. The numbers are overestimate likely due to propaganda of the government, mainstream media and entertainment industries. Though, blacks fail almost totally when it comes to elite combat units, there is a belief by many that blacks are super soldiers almost undefeatable. This maybe from the same type of thinking that products the Caste system in sports. Blacks history in battle is, generally, a series of humiliating defeats.